• 締切済み



  • 21s-a
  • ベストアンサー率40% (160/398)

ざっくりとした訳をします。 細かいところはほかの回答者に任せます。 お問い合わせありがとうございます。 申し訳ありませんでした。 170ドル分のギフトカードをお送りしますので新たに購入してください。(送るので受け取っていただけますか? のニュアンス) 間違って届いたものは持っていてもらって結構です。(返品不要) もし不満であれば(ギフトカードが)、早急に正しいものを送ります。 早めに返信・対応していただけると幸いです。 Have a nice day.



この返事に対して、 ギフトカードでいいです。 賛成です的な英文は作れないでしょうか?


  • 英文の翻訳

    Greetings, Thank you for contacting (会社名) Unfortunately this is a temporary issue that our engineers are trying very hard to fix as soon as possible. In the mean time, we appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue for you. I understand that this will not be the answer you were looking for and I can only hope that your enjoyment of the game is not spoilt by this situation. Please accept our apologies for this highly unfortunate occurrence. 回答お願いします

  • すいませんが翻訳お願いします。

    すいませんが翻訳お願いします。 We are writing to inform you that our products department had comfirmed that this item A0878000BQ is above 300mw. It has a strict quality check before shipping. And it is possible that the 200mw is much powerful than the 300mw. Would you please keep the item and we are willing to apply you $40 cash coupon as a gift? Your understanding and cooperation will be highly appreciated! Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions!

  • 英語→日本語の翻訳をお願いします!

    マイケルジョーダンにファンレターと似顔絵を送り、今日、ラッキーなことに直筆サインと行政アシスタントの方から手紙をいただきました。 最後の文章の翻訳がいまいち分からず、解読できません。 【全文】 How are you? On behalf of Michael,we are acknowledging the gift of your original drawing. It is obvious that you are a very talented artist. Michael has personally signed the photo you sent with your artwork,and it is being returned to you with this letter. Thank you for your continued interest. We wish you and your wife well and offer our congratulation on the upcoming birth of your child. 【翻訳をお願いしたい文章】 We wish you and your wife well and offer our congratulation on the upcoming birth of your child. よろしくお願いします。

  • すいませんが、翻訳お願いします。

    すいませんが、翻訳お願いします。 thank you for your cooperation and we have submitted them to our Product Department. We will keep you informed as soon as we have any news, all right? Please allow us some time handling this for you, okay? Your understanding and cooperation will be highly appreciated. Any further questions or needs, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help you.

  • 英文の翻訳

    先ほど質問させていただきましたが、メール相手から回答が来たので、再度翻訳をお願いします Hi, Thank you for contacting (会社名) Please be informed that, I have made necessary changes in your account. All you need is to restart your game and you will be able to access it. I hope that resolves the situation. If you have any other questions, then by all means feel free to let us know. You can also refer to our extensive Self Help Knowledgebase at http://support.ea.com for common technical questions. Thank you, 回答お願いします

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    翻訳お願いします。 Sorry to disturb you. We are writing to inform you that we have received the item you returned. And we have also asked the professionals to recommend an item for you, to fix the problem, would you please just search on our website and choose any item that you like. Once you decided, please contact us about the SKU number of the item, we will arrange the shipment for you as soon as possible. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation in advance. If there is anything else we can do for you, just feel free to contact us. Have a nice day!

  • 至急!以下の英文を翻訳してください

    海外のホテルを9/4にしまして、本日予約確認のメールを送りましたら、 以下のようなメールが返ってきました。 Thank you for choosing our hotel!, However, we regret to inform you that we do not have any rooms available on your requested date. Hope to accommodate you next time! 翻訳サイトでは 当ホテルをお選びいただき、ありがとうございます、しかし、我々はあなたに知らせるために後悔している 私達はあなたの要求された日現在において入手可能な任意の部屋を持っていない。 次回あなたを収容するために願っています! となりますが、これって空いている部屋が無い。 って事ですよね? 現実逃避したいのですが、どなたか止めを刺してください。

  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    大変でも以下の英文の翻訳お願いします。 We value you as a customer very much – we’re trying our best to accommodate you. Please contact me if we can make our systems better to suite your needs. Thank you very much for your business.

  • すみませんが翻訳をお願いします。

    すみませんが翻訳をお願いします。 1.I am very sorry for the previous wrong email. We are very sorry for any inconveinence caused to you .We have contacted the product department of our company,and there is still no replay right now. We have hastened our collegues already.When we get an answer, We will reply to you as soon as possible.Sorry again for the trouble .Any further questions,please feel free to contact us. 2.As for your question that the item sells at the price of $500 on our website but you have only paid $300 for it, the reason is that different item has different price. And the price of the item has been adjusted later. Hope the information can help you. If there is anything else we can do for you, just feel free to contact us. Have a nice day! 1と2の英文を訳してください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語を日本語に翻訳してください

    「The problem that you are having is that you are reading and studying English more then you actually put it to use. A possible solution would be for you to start listening to more English shows and music while studying it until you feel like you are comfortable enough to start speaking it. Even if you only memorize a few words at first it is still process.」 長いですが日本語に翻訳していただけると嬉しいです。翻訳機は既に試しましたが恐らく違う意味の結果が出たので翻訳機の結果をそのまま載せるのは控えて欲しいです。