• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

    最終的に、私に一番近いものを取ることになった。     「もっと近い」なら比較級の closer が使われると思います。


  • 和訳をお願いします。お手数をおかけします。

    I will keep the one I have ordered. I will order another one later!! That's why I ended up getting the a54....I like that you thought about me being a first time user and I wish to use the blade . I may get the A09 also but I will wait a little. I may also get the nicest one you have. But thanks for helping. I'm sure that the a54 is a good start!!

  • 英文法の問題です。

    英文法の問題です。 I am used to getting up early in the morning. この文のused toのあとに現在分詞がきていいんでしょうか。 ルールがあれば教えてください。よろしくおねがいします。

  • 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    海外オークションでのメールのやり取りです。 相手がポケモンカードが欲しいといってきたので、その後私が3種類の画像を送った後に来た文章です。 Unless you can get them in close to mint condition, I am all set. Just after the base set ones. よろしくお願いします。

  • 会話文ですが和訳をお願いします!

    会話文ですが和訳をお願いします! I don't necessarily have a type yet. I've dated all sorts of ethnic backgrounds, everyone from West Indian to Polish. It's not really like, to me, it's more a personality thing that gets me. I'm good talking, but I want someone else to shut me up and give me some proper feedback. I had one friend set me up before and it was a complete disaster, so the worse thing that could possibly happen with this date today would probably be if I ended up being related to her something, otherwise I'm pretty much open to anything at this point. ある男性の自己紹介です。 この後、ブラインドデートが行われるんですが、内容が把握できません… 長文ですが宜しくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    I like Tim Ferris’ ideology and “go get it” type of attitude, I found that book easy to relate to because I am close in age in to him. The chapter on mobility really hit home with me as that is the single most appealing aspect to working from home – the ability to work anywhere.

  • 英語の和訳お願いします

    下記の文の和訳を、分かる方よろしくお願いします。 I had at least 5 guys in suits with earphones come up to me yesterday in Taito city and try to get me to go into "massage parlors" .... I didn't understand the Japanese word for it so then they made some really weird hand gestures and I understood what they meant.... prettyyyy weird and unexpected lol.... you never told me about them hahaa >.<

  • 歌詞の和訳がしりたいです。

    竹内まりやの『本気でオンリーユー』の訳がどうしても知りたいので、凄く長くてお手数おかけしてしまいますが、どなたかご協力、お願いします。教えてください! Now let's get married No need to wait and waste our time Why do we have to carry on this way? No one can keep us apart So,let's get married right away I'll wake you up in the morning,my baby Sweeten your coffee with my kiss And in the night I will hold you so tightly Whisperin' the words you long to hear So, let's get married Why don't you ask me and stop hesitating? Just think how happy we can be You & me in a small house with a dog So, let's get married right away When you are blue and so down, my baby I'll give a smile to cheer you up But if I get sad and lonely Please hug me close and wipe my tears So, let's get married I just don't know how to live without you Maybe it's nice to have our kids some day And this is all I can say Now let's get married right away So, let's get married right away

  • 和訳をお願いします

    どうしても上手く訳せません。どなたかきれいに訳していただけませんか? Please let me look this up, because I did send you a relpy. I have lost about a weeks worth of emails & am trying to catch everyone on this. I will get back to you later today. I am sorry for all the trouble.

  • 和訳でわからないことがあります。

    who's your biggest threat do you think from getting ripped off and bet up and stuff like that. という会話文があるのですが、 who's your biggest threat は、なんでwhoなんんですか。  誰が脅威になるという質問なら、 正しくは、 who do you think is your biggest threat from getting ripped off and bet up and stuff like that. となると思うのですが、わかる方がおりましたら説明お願いいたします。 また、beat up、stuff like that は、文法的におかしくないですか、 どれも、who beat up, who stuff like となるのでしょうか。 訳文と文法的に説明をよろしくお願いいたします。 また、 i have slept on this bench over here on the other side. の訳がおかしな感じになるのですが、 訳文を教えてください。

  • 和訳お願いいたします

    i dont know what you want, you break up with me one day and then you ask me if we`re broken up and want to get back together? look i need you to understand is going to to be difficult, and i may not respond back right away all of the time. i am going to be here for quite a while still , i have no job, and i barely have enough money left for a plane ticket to to japan please i need your patience if this is going to work but i`ll give another chance