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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を1行教えてください。 >小笠原世界遺産)




as as possible をとってみると far off 「からずっと遠い」the beaten path 「多くの人が通って踏みならされた道/人々が通る道」→そうした道からずっと離れている is about as far off the beaten path as possible.... で「人々が通る道からは限りなく遠く、」とづなげればいいでしょう。



ご丁寧な解説をありがとうございます。 中学レベルで習う単語が並び、さまざまな意味を表すパターンの文章が、本当に苦手です。 今回も1回読んでげっそりしてしまいました。


  • 英文構造を教えて下さい。

    現在,大学受験をしている高校生です。過去問をやっていて,訳は載っているのですが,英語の構文,構造がとれないのがあったので,教えて下さい。 California is about as far from the original 13 colonies of America as one can get and still be on mainland America. という文で,訳出が「カリフォルニアは,アメリカ建国当時の13の植民地からかなり遠いのは事実であるが,アメリカ本土にあることには変わりない。」 となっているのですが,about as ~as one canのところの文のとり方やstillの意味がいまいちよく分かりません。 この文構造を教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Take a look at any crime statistics of countries around the world and Japan is usually near the bottom. For example, Japan has one of the lowest homicide rates with only about one person murdered per 200,000 people each year. This figure is about 10 times lower than that of the United States. As for Japan's two closest neighbors, it is four times lower than South Korea and 40 times lower than Russia Although there are occasionally sensational murders, clearly, Japan is a very safe country.

  • 今日の星占い英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    You would much rather get something done right than on time (though of course both would be better). Today is all about quality, as far as you're concerned. If someone else pushes you, push right back!

  • 翻訳してください

    According to an article in the New York Times, the US aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, which is sailing in the Pacific, passed through a radioactive cloud from Japan's stricken reactors on Sunday. Crew members received a month's worth of radiation in about an hour, government officials were quoted as saying.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップでレゴみたいなパーツを沢山購入予定です。相手に注文をしたのですがその事で返事が来ました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願い致します。 I have done the estimate for you and I was able to keep the 5% off retail, the AAA in the chart below are ready to ship, but the other AAA will take about 15 days (maybe sooner) as we need to order them from our factory. The shipping price is based off of one shipment in about 2 or less days from payment. If you want to break them up we can do that as well, just let me know, the shipping costs will be higher. Can you please confirm the 2 points below about the lift off AAA and the BBB. There is one AAA that we need to reorder but they no long do the CCC just the all black , here is the a photo below. The only AAA that we need to reorder that we can’t do your 3 pieces is the lift off DDD, the minimum order quantity is 10 pcs, but I can give you a good price of $8 which is 5% off retail plus shipping, if you are interested let me know and I can adjust the invoice.

  • 英文を見て下さい。

    こんにちわ。私は日本に来たばかりの外国の人とメールをしていて, 「 昨日はすごい大風だったのに、朝起きてみたら、快晴でびっくりした!」 というメールがきました。それで、「台風一過」について説明をしたいのですが、どなたか英文を見てください。 宜しくお願いいたします。  台風のあとの晴天の事を日本語で「台風一過」といった決まった言い方があるくらい台風のあとは晴天になる事が多いです。 The probability that it is fine on the following day after a typhoon passed is so high as Japanese has an expressin "fine day after typhoon" for that. 日本人が当たり前で何の不思議も感じないことが、外国人の方からすると、驚いたり不思議だったりするのですね。あなたがどんなことで意外に思うか、とても興味深いです。 Foreign visitors to Japan sometimes feel puzzled or strange about something native Japanese take a matter of common knowledge. I'm very much interested in what things make you feel surprising.

  • 英文で分からない部分があります

    15 Most Dangerous Cities in the World 12. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rio de Janeiro is Brazil’s primary tourist attraction and resort. It receives the most visitors per year of any city in South America with almost three million international tourists a year. The city offers world-class hotels, approximately 80 kilometers of beaches, and the famous Corcovado and Sugarloaf mountains. Rio is also known for its Carnival in February, which is an annual celebration in the Roman Catholic tradition that allows merry-making and red meat consumption before the more sober 40 days of Lent. At that time, millions of people pour in the city to have fun, get drunk and enjoy. This kind of tourist recklessness leads to high rate of the street crime, especially during the Carnival. Make no mistakes, this is not the kind of danger like in the other cities that we’ve discussed in this topic, this is more of a petty crime such as robbery and carjacking. Nonetheless, this kind of danger should be brought up for tourists who are going there for the first time. There are, of course, resorts you can reserve online before you go, because these resorts are made for tourists only where you can be as safe as it gets. This is not the best option for people who want to explore different cultures, because they will be isolated, but as far as safety is concerned, they’ll be like polar bears. 上記の英文の最後の方で、it gets のitは何を指しますか? onlineですか? This is not the best option for people who want to explore different cultures, because they will be isolated, but as far as safety is concerned, they’ll be like polar bears. この部分を解説的に訳していただけないでしょうか?isolatedとか polar bearsがどういう状態を言いたいのかが分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 小笠原が世界遺産になりましたが、ヤギは?

    小笠原が世界遺産になりましたが、ヤギが大量に増えて 島の植生を食い荒らして問題になってたのはどうなりましたか? 無事解決したんでしょうか?

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    (1)Why go on a trip up Mt.Snowdon - it is raining heavily, we won`t be able to hike up the mountain, so what about putting it off? (2)Mutual understanding is something that is particularly important for people of different cultures, enabling them to respect one another`s. (3)As a result, they behaved in a manner which we considered unpleasant or even impolite.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になりますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Life is a journey, a path through the stars, and through fate. There are times when that path is dark lonely and silent and other times when it is suffused with love, well being. Compared to this love, all other love will seem humdrum and mundane. Soul Mate love is a seductive world of heightened emotions, and all consuming desire. It is the most intense relationship that you will ever experience on earth. An attraction that will seem to touch other levels. When you meet he will seem familiar to you even though you will never have met before, you’ll feel that you ought to know him. As if he is someone from the recesses of your subconscious memory, just out of reach. A memory that won't surface. Intense, as the attraction is. There are two sides to these feelings, there is the surging hopes that stir you, and make life wonderful, when you get some encouragement from him and there is also the dark side the days of uncertainty that all love brings but which are felt more intently too with a Soul Bond.