• 締切済み

英語 訳



う~ん、例題に載っている ‘YEAT‘ は もしかして easter の間違いではないですか? それなら、 ”毎年イースターになると、大勢の学生たちが一学期間か夏の間か一年間ほど海外で勉強することを決める”になります。


  • 訳をお願いいたします。

    少し長いですが確認したいので訳を お願いいたします!! Times staffer Chuin-Wei Yap, who grew up in Singapore, said his parents praised him only for results - not for innate intelligence. Monika Jarosi-Kwong, who spent her childhood in Hungary and South Africa, said, "My parents were nurturing and that gave you self-confidence. They weren't always saying, 'good job.' It was more about doing your best." This is bad news for the self-esteem crowd. Over a 30-year career, Stanford psychology professor Carol Dweck has shown that the wrong kind of praise can stop a hard-working child in her tracks. Dweck and her fellow researchers have conducted numerous studies in which students were praised for their intelligence or praised for effort. In a short time, those praised for effort outperformed those praised for their smarts - despite prior academic success or shortfalls. Students praised for intelligence became fearful of looking dumb, while some students in the "effort group" went so far as to request additional work to take home.

  • 関係代名詞を使って

    The colege Festival is held in autumn every year. It is an important occasion for students. The member of our club spend a long time preparing for it. の3文を関係代名詞などを使って1文にまとめたいのですが、 The colege Festival which is held in autumn every year is an important occasion for students. をまとめて、最後の一文はどうつなげばよいかわかりません。 in whichを使うのかなとかいろいろ考えましたが 関係代名詞がとても苦手なので私の能力の限界でした。 お願いします。

  • 英語の文法書の違いを教えてください。

    英語の文法書の購入したいのですが、下記2点の違いを教えてください。お手数ですがよろしくお願い致します Basic Grammar in Use Student's Book with Answers: Self-study reference and practice for students of North American English Basic Grammar in Use with Answers : Self-Study Reference andPractice for Students of English (Grammar in Use Series)

  • 英語の訳をお願いします・・。

    経済英語なのですが、この段落だけ和訳をお願いできないでしょうか? 少々長いので、簡単にでもいいのでお願いします。 急いでいるので冷やかし無しでお願いします・・。 The next few propositions deal with the content of administrative activities handled through the different types of posts or positions in the most complex administrative structures. The executives in a modern "decentralized" company carry out their administrative activities from four different types of positions (see Chart I). Each of these types within the enterprise has a different range of administrative activities. Normally, each is on a different level of authority. At the top is a general office. There, genelar executives and staff specialists coordinate, appraise, and plan goals and policies and allocate resources for a number of quasiautonomous, fairly self-contained divisions. in one large geographical area. Each division's central office, in turn, administers a number of departments. Each of these departments is responsible for the administration of a major function-manufacturing, selling, purchasing or producing of raw materials, engineering, research, finance, and the like. The departmental headquarters in its turn coordinates, appraises, and plans for a number of field units. At the lowest level, each field unit runs a plant or works, a branch or district sales office, a purchasing office, an engineering or research laboratory, an accounting or other financial office, and the like. The four types of administrative positions in a large multidivisional enterprise are thus: the field unit, the departmental headquarters, the division's central office, and the general office. These terms are used throughout this study to designate a specific set of administrative activities. They do not, it should be stressed, refer to an enterprise's office buildings or rooms. One office building could house executives responsible for any one of the positions or conceivably those responsible for all four. Conversely, the executives in any one of the posts could be housed in different rooms or buildings.

  • 訳をお願いします!

    Students have a large selection of school supplies to choose from, and children are never disappointed when it comes to toys or snacks.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Huge number of unknown plants and animalsare also in danger.The earth, according to various estimates, supports between 5 million and 80 million species. Of these, scientists have found and named only about 1.5 million. 'Species,' says Dr.Lovejoy, 'are disappearing before we have a chance to learn how they might benefit the rest of the planet.' Thousands of kind of tropical plants could help feed a growing world population. About four out of every ten prescription medicines come from ingredients found in plants. Some animals also provide medicines.

  • この文の訳と、細かな解説お願いします。

    Power of attorney, in law, gives one the legal authority to act for another, either for a specific transaction or for a specified periond of time. まず訳をお願いします。あとここのoneは「人」という意味で合っていますか。あとここでのfor anotherの使われ方を知りたいです。そして少し不定詞について質問があるのですが、ここでのto act~の部分で、to act~の意味上の主語はもちろんpower of attorneyじゃなくてoneですよね?It is~for O to V みたいに不定詞の意味上の主語を明確にしたいときには不定詞の前にforをつけますが、文脈において、文脈でわかる場合特に要がない場合はforをつけて不定詞の意味上を明確にさせなくてもいいですよね? 例で言いますと、Five years is too long to waitみたいな感じです。 (to wait の前にfor us をつけない) もう1文質問があるのですが、「A biennial plant completes its life cycle in two years, the first year growing root and stem structure, and the second year producing seeds.」で、後半の「the first yearや the second year」は直後の動名詞の意味上の主語ではなく、単に副詞ですよね? 回答お待ちしております!

  • 英語の和訳

    We can say for certain that there will be a minor earthquake in California this week possibily even today because the records show that there are hundreds of tremors every year thousands if we include minor ones. という文章を和訳したのですが、?の部分が分からなくて困ってます。どなたかわかる方教えて下さい。 『記録器が、?ということを示すので私たちは確かに今週、ひょっとしたら今日でさえカリフォルニアで小さい地震があることを言えます。』

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    Earlier this year , two of Japans top three publishers, Shogakukan Inc. and Shueisha Inc., moved to gain greater control over their manga and anime animation networks in Europe , buying out animation distributor KAZE as well as its VIZ Media subsidiary to tap into demand. 「It is 100 percent certain that manga is (going to be) established for a long long time」 said Cedric,president of Paris-based KAZE. The readership of manga in numbers of people is increaseing every single year in every single European country

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    I come from Buenos Aires, Argentina and attend Boston University.One-third of the students who attend this school are international students.They come from all over the world, many odaf them from Latin American.There is a large, comfortable cafeteria on campus.I go there every day during school with my friends.Many of them are from Latin American and Spain.For the most part, the American students eat lunch in the cafeteria between noon and two o'clock.I rarely see any of them stay for more than an hour.They get their food and eat as quickly as they can.When they leave, the cafeteria is still full of Latinos.The Latinos linger for several hours talking, laughing, telling stories, and drinking soda and coffee.