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  • gogozenko
  • ベストアンサー率47% (45/94)

ORGANIC CUPUACU DAY MOISTURIZER  オーガニック・クプアス・デイ・モイスチャー Apply Organic Cupuacu Day Moisturizer to your face each morning following Cleanser and Toner. 毎朝の洗顔と、トナーの後、デイモイスチャーを顔になじませます。 ・ ORGANIC SUGAR EXFOLIATOR オーガニック・シュガー・エクスフォリエイター(スクラブ) Apply Citrus Exfoliator after Cleanser . Gently scrub using circular motion. You may leave exfoliator on for a longer time (three to five minutes) to remove additional dead skin cells and toxins from your skin. 洗顔後にシトラスエクスフォリエイターをつけ、円を描くようにやさしく洗います。 角質や毒素をより多く取り除くには、エクスフォリエイターを塗布したのち、3~5分ほど置きます。 ・ EYE&LINES TREATMENT 目と皺のトリートメント Pump a pea sized amount onto a clean finger and dab around your eye area, and any other facial area with visible signs of aging. Gently pat cream into your skin. 子豆サイズを清潔な指の上に押し出し、目の周りや、老化が見られる(皺のある)顔の部分にポンポンとたたくように塗ります。クリームをやさしく肌にたたきこみます。


  • 訳していただけませんか?

    For normal and oily skin Hydrating, Toning, Anti-wrinkle It is recommended for the protection of the very delicate area around the eyes that is firstly subjected to the occurrence of wrinkles. The Elastin, physiological constituent of the skin produces its suppleness and restores its natural elasticity. The Hydroviton natural hydration factor being rich in amino acids, urea and allantoin has hydrating and toning actions. The natural Extracts of Lime flower, Horsetail, Hollyhock, St. John’s Wort, rich in triterpenic saponin, flavone and mucilage activates the blood irrigation, ensuring a good nutrition and the regeneration of the skin. The complex association of these principles influences directly the physiological process of the skin, preventing wrinkles occurrence. USAGE: Apply a thin layer around the eyes. Massage gently with circular movements until complete absorption. 宜しくお願いします。

  • Use am & pm って?

    ある化粧品の使用説明に Directions: Use am & pm or as directed by a physician or skin care professional. Apply to dry skin and rub gently in a circular motion. Rinse with warm water. Lightly pat dry. とありました。このam & pmというのは正確にはどういう意味なのか教えてください。単にam(午前中)& pm(午後)で、一日中いつでも とでもいう意味なのでしょうか?もちろん時刻の表示方法ではないと思いますが。

  • National Trust Georgian Organic Split Pea Greenは商品名かなにかですか?

    お世話になります。 以下の文章 "You can use a National Trust Georgian Organic Split Pea Green in your 18 century parlor or your 1950s semi downstairs toilet." に出てくる  ”National Trust Georgian Organic Split Pea Green”なのですが、これは商品名かなにかなのでしょうか。 その場合、カタカナで「ナショナル・トラスト・ジョージアン・オーガニック・スプリット・ピー・グリーン」と訳せばいいのでしょうか。 ご教示いただければ助かります。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 化粧品の説明を翻訳して下さい。

    We are not in the sea. But the sea is in us. All living things share the same essential elements. NuKenKou contains the essential elements found in human beings,animals,simple and complex plnt life and in the sea. These are the indentical elements that provide unequaled nutritional value in all living organisms. Naturally occurring essential elements are responsible for the worlds ecology, the immediate environment and consequently, our personal fitness. What is NuKenKou? NuKenKou is a scientifically formulated skin rejuvenater that contains all the essential elements found in pure virgin natural sea water. But without chloride, sulfate,phosphate,sodium,ammonia and other heavy metals. No sugar, stimulants or articial chemicals are added. NuKenKou is a unique formulation made entirely from naturally occurring elements that have been purified via high technology. NuKenKou is a well researched, time tested and proven skin conditioner and multipurpose health serum. How can NuKenKou help me? NuKnKou is a simple, hassle-free solutiok that can have great benefits when used in a variety of ways. NuKenKou drink can replenish precious and essential trace minerals lost through daily stress and/or not available in modern processed foods. NuKenKou can assisp in adjusting or regulating and maintaining the proper pH for a healthy body. Maintaining the average healthy pH of 7.35 for the human body is the key to preventing disease. Low pH can be associated with a lack of energy,inability to think&work,and weakness in the body's natural immune system. This can result in many ailments and diseases, including cancer.NuKenKou, the Ionized spry. NuKenKou in diluted fora(ionized spray)replaces the use of moisturizers,and day&night skin creams. Simply spray NuKenKou on clean skin. Wait 30 secomds before gently rubbing the solution into your face with your fingers. Greater visible results are achieved when targeting problem areas,such as darkned skin spots,and fine lines under&around the eyes. NuKenKou can also be used as a remedy for treating a variety of other non-life threatening skin conditions,including mild sunburns and rashes. NuKenKou in the balanced ionizdd stable mist form is an excellent moisturizer and fantastic skin conditioner. This serum works to encourage the skin's pores to open naturally. This allows for the proper rejuvenation of skin cells. An added benefit of NuKenKou is its ability to function as fast acting exfoliant. NuKenKou spray can be used 2~3times or more per day. First thing each morning,wash and dry your skin. Generousy spray NuKenKou on all areas of concern. Gently rub or massage into the skin. In the aftenoon,spray NuKenKou onto any areas of concen. Make sure skin clean before applying. Before bed time,wash and dry the skin. Generously spray NuKenKou onto all skin areas of concen. Gently massage into skin. Allow the solution to stay on your skin overnight. See visible results in one week or less. See additional results within one month. Benefits continue in two months or more. NuKenKou can eliminate the need for painful injections,various medical procedures,costly skin creams,lotions and different ongoing cosmetic regimens. NuKenKou can be easily uses by anyone to improve their skin and overall health. The rate of improvement depends on the individual's initial health and skin condition. NuKenKou spray is available in 1ounce/30mL,which lasts about one month of normal use and 2onuce/60mL,which lasts aboup two months of normal use. NuKenKou concetrate,the health drink. 10drops of NuKenKou concentrate can be mixed with 240mL/8ounces of plain water(not tea,juice drinks or alcohol) and used as a general health drink ones each day. This can help the body's natural immune system safe guard against sickness. For sufferers of health ailments,use NuKenKou concentrate at the rate of 3times per day. NuKenKou concentrate is available in 1ounce/30mL size which lasts about one month of normal use. 後入力出来ない分は画像添付しました。よろしくお願いします。

  • グーグルが翻訳してくれません。

    グーグルが翻訳してくれません。 Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours! で切れてしまいます。Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours! May all your dreams come true! Even though we are miles away, it is good to know that you are always there! I wish you a long and amazing life. I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day! Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year. You’re a miracle and a charm! (kiss) 何て書いてありますか?。

  • すいません、翻訳お願いします。

    すいません、翻訳お願いします。 Thanks for your email. Sorry for the inconvenience it caused to you. We have checked that we have received your package, it may on its way now. Please be patient and we will definitely help you out of this.You may wai for another a few days.Your understanding and patience will be highly appreciated! Please feel free to contact us whenever you have questions. Have a nice day!

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    英文を日本語になおしてください! 宜しくお願いします( ;∀;) His Neptune falls in your fourth house. This means that if the relationship were to continue or resume, it would mean a move of home for you. This would strike a deep inner chord. It will feel like you are moving a long way from anything familiar. But perhaps to a lovely area, a wealthy splendid area that has seen better days and has traces of glamour, and rural things, attractive buildings. Flowers fields, parks and horses. At first a tall apartment. That may be beside a river or stream and subject to fog and mists, or occasional flooding. Also close to a place of higher education. And a church or temple. In this place you will develop a love of outdoor life. In new place it will be difficult to find your sense of direction, and you may get lost. An uneasy move, that will feel like an uprooting. You may in some ways not take readily to this change of abode, it will be more daunting than you expect it to be. Yet in others it will be like an escape, like getting free of something., some old burden or restriction. Your chart shows mainly the psychological side of the move. You will feel idealistic and future orientate, prepare to leave the past behind, so will he. You will both feel that your life will improve by moving to such a place. This sign can bring skin troubles, rashes, or exema in the new home if you move there. A tendency to be increasingly careless and expensive in dress. It can give a chest infections or lung disease, or weakness due to poisoning and allergies and a mystical religious mind, that looks at life too hopefully and religiously. Yet, a philosophical visionary mind, inwardly the mystic. Under this transit you will also travel a lot together, and be happy. You'll develop a calm, reflective proud nature, slightly more outgoing and fond of good things.

  • どなたか翻訳願います。

    先日アメリカンイーグルというブランドの公式ホームページにて、商品を注文したのですが、翌日に下記のようなメールが送られてきました。 Dear AE Shopper, Thank you for contacting AE! To enhance security to our customers we have instituted several new checks on orders to ensure the order is not being placed fraudulently. Your order was pulled for this verification process. Therefore your order was not allowed to process further. If you would like for us to again attempt to receive the authorization necessary to process the order please send a fax of your most recent billing statement, showing the last four digits of your credit card number as well as your address, along with your drivers license/state id to 724-779-7891, please include your order number. If you do not have access to a fax machine, please email/scan the requested documents as an attachment and send to customerservice@ae.com. If you have any further questions please call 1-866-338-2389 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and we would be happy to assist you. Thanks for being a part of the American Eagle brand! さっぱりわからないのですが、要は受け付けられなかったということでしょうか?

  • 翻訳してください。

    大体は分かるのですが、どなたか正確に翻訳していただけないでしょうか。お願いいたします。 Thank you for contacting the Universal Online Ticket Store. I've added in your request for a refund. Please allow the refund of $479.98, 7 to 10 business days to post to your account. For additional assistance, please contact a Representative via phone at 407 224 7840. Representatives will be available Monday through Saturday 7:30 am to 10 pm EST and Sunday 9:00 am to 9 pm EST.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Sorry I have not gotten to your order yet and this message is to let you know I am leaving on vacation in two days and plan on being back on or about September 1st. Your up when I return though so that is good news Have a good summer