• ベストアンサー


Whatever Mr Timberlake believed must be true,and as I listened to him at lunch,I thought there could be no finer life than his.

  • gdgdd
  • お礼率9% (7/76)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

ティンバーレイク氏の信条は全て正しいに違いない。 昼食を囲んで彼の話に耳を傾けるとそう思えた。 更に、彼ほどの素晴らしい人生が一体他にあるだろうかとも。


  • 至急訳して頂けますか?

    "I expect Mr Timberlake's tired after his address,"said my aunt. "Tired?"exclaimed my uncle,brilliant with indignation. "How can Mr Timberlake be tired? Don't let Error in!"

  • 至急訳して頂けますか?

    "Waal,what say?"said Mr Timberlake. I could only murmur.

  • 『短文』至急訳して頂けますか?

    He thinks he thinks,Mr Timberlake,but I tell him he only thinks he does.

  • 短文★ 至急訳して頂けますか?

    I tell him he's got water on the brain. I've been telling Mr Timberlake about you,my boy.

  • 過去形か過去完了形か?

    過去形か過去完了形か? He was better off than I thought him to be. 私が思ったよりも彼は暮らしが楽だった。 これは有名な英文法書(英文法解説)の例文なのですが、 私はこの文は正確には He was better off than I had thought him to be. と従節を過去完了にすべきだと思うのですが、どうでしょうか? 有名な本の時制の一致の項目の例文なので、安易に自分で勝手に間違いだと決め付けることに躊躇があります。 何でもよいので意見をよろしくお願い致します。

  • どんな内容か教えてください。

    We were gliding now quickly towards the arbh;in fact,I was already under it. 'I think I should duck,'I said. 'Just bend down for this one.' 'What makes the trees lean over the water like this?'asked Mr Timberlake. 'Weeping willows──I'll give you a thought there. How Error likes to make us dwell on sorrow. Why not call them laughing willows?' discoursed Mr Timberlake as the branch passed over my head. 'Duck,'I said. 'Where?'I don't see them,'said Mr Timberlake,turning round. 'No,your head,'I said. 'The branch,'I called. 'Oh,the branch.This one?'said Mr Timberlake ,finding a branch just against his chest,and he put out a hand to lift it. It is not easy to lift a willow branch and Mr Timberlake was surprised.

  • 関係代名詞について

    以下の2文についてお尋ねします。 (1)The girl ☆who I thought was his sister proved to be his cousin. (2)The girl ☆whom I thought to be his sister proved to be his cousin. <訳(共通)>私が彼の姉(妹)だと思っていた少女は彼のいとこだということがわかった。 ☆whoと☆whomの使い分けが曖昧な為、質問させていただきました。 (1)では ~I thought was...  (2)では ~I thought to be... という違いには気付いたのですが、 何故(1)で用いる関係代名詞はwhoで(2)ではwhomなのか理解出来ていません。 同じ分野で何度も躓いてしまい、何度も質問してしまって申し訳ないです(>_<) 何卒、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • どんな内容か教えてください。

    'No,don't do that.I can manage it,he said. I did not want to offend one of the leaders of our church,so I put the paddle down;but I felt I ought to have taken him farther along away from the irritation of the trees. 'Of course,'I said,'we could go under them.It might be nice.' 'I think,'said Mr Timberlake,'that would be a very good idea.' He lunged hard on the pole and took us towards the next archway of willow branches. 'Me may have to duck a bit,that's all,'I said. 'Oh,I can push the branches up,'said Mr Timberlake. 'It is better to duck,'I said.

  • 語法?文法?上間違ってますか?

    (1) She will be surprised to see him walking. (2) She will be suprised to see walking him. ⅲ I would thought it be. ⅳ I thought it would be. (1)と(2)、ⅲとⅳはそれぞれどちらが正しい文でしょうか? また、どちらも正しい場合、訳にどんな違いがありますか? それと、こういうのをは文法問題というのか語法問題というのかも教えてくださいm(_ _)m

  • 何が書かれているのか訳を教えてくれませんか?

    A stone bridge,whose two arches were like an owlish pair of eyes gazing up the reach,was close to the landing-satge. I thought what a pity it was the flannelled men and the sunburned girls there did not know I was getting a ticket for the Mr Timberlake who had been speaking in the town that very morning. I looked round for him and when I saw him I was startled.