• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:ブルームバーグの記事で教えてください)



  • gaucho7
  • ベストアンサー率56% (73/129)

http://www.dallasnews.com/business/columnists/will-deener/20100711-High-quality-tax-free-municipal-bonds-2167.ece 上記サイトに下記の説明があります。 The operative phrase here is "high-quality." You can buy risky junk munis just as you can buy junk corporate bonds, but that means risk of default. Not good. これによると地方債でも企業債とどうようにQuality が色々あって、それが安全なものもあれば、返済不履行になるようなジャンク的なものもあると言うことです。 従ってブルームバーグの記事は高品質で安全な地方債を選ぶことを意味しています。



 ご回答ありがとうございます。 私は、よくこんな難しい内容を、ご回答出来るものだと、感心しています。 あなたは、経済に対して、すごい知識をお持ちの方です。 ありがとうございました。


  • The Economist経済記事中の語句2

    英 The Economist の経済記事からの質問です。 下記の文章中の use its balance sheet とはどういう意味でしょうか。 After the crisis first broke in August last year, the Fed pursued a two-pronged strategy. The first element was to lower interest rates to cushion the economy. The second was to use its balance sheet to help commercial and investment banks finance their holdings of hard-to-value securities and avoid fire-sales of assets. また、後の文章 On September 22nd the euro made its largest-ever advance against the dollar on worries that America might one day inflate its way out of those debts. Such fears are compounded by the expansion of the Fed's balance sheet. この中にも the expansion of the Fed's balance sheet という表現が出ています。 あわせて説明していただければ幸甚です。 前後をざっと訳してみますと、 「昨年の8月に危機が表面化した際、米連邦準備制度理事会は両面作戦で迎え撃った。一つは、経済への打撃を和らげるべく金利引き下げを実施したこと。もう一つは、商業銀行と投資銀行の評価困難な証券類の保有を資金的に支え、資産の投げ売りを食い止めるために[自らのバランスシートを使用した]? ことである。」 後の文章の方の訳は 「ユーロは、9月22日、対ドルでかつてないほど大幅に上昇した。原因はアメリカが将来インフレをてこに自らの債務の負担から抜け出すのではないかとの懸念である。その懸念は[連邦準備制度理事会のバランスシートの拡大]? によって増幅している。 上記の訳の不備についてのご指摘も歓迎します。

  • 和訳お願いします

    The financal makers provide a marketplace through which funds are chan-neled from sectors with idle cash (lenders) to cash-short sectors(borrowers), and the types of financing arranged on these markets are divided in terms of intermediaries into indirect and direct financing. Indirect financing means a form of transaction in which a financial institution acquires a primary secure-ty (IOUs and notes,ect.) from a borrower with a fund raised by issuing an in-direct security(certificates of deposit and insurance policies,etc.). In direct financing, a borrower raises funds by issuing a primary security (equity and debt securities, etc) to lenders though a market intermediary. The market place on which direct financing is arranged is the securities market, which is divided into an issue market(where securities are issued and distributed) and a trading market (where securities are bought and sold). Generally, the term ”security” refers to instruments that give their legal holders the rights to money or other property. They are designed to facilitate the assignment of such rights and have the characteristic of combining rights and certificates. More specifically, they are issued in various form, such as stocks and bonds issued by business corporations; notes, checks, and bills of lading ;government securities issued by national governments; and municipal bonds issued by local public bodies. Of these, securities traded in the securities markets are balled “securities under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act(FIEA),” as defined in paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 2,of that law. Paragraph 1 defines securities whose interests are represented by securities or certificates that are physically issued as listed in the Securities and Exchange Law, new types of securities, such as mortgage securities and securities representing financial options contracts, have been included in the new definition. Item 21 of the paragraph provided that securities and certificates so designated by government ordinance, including bonds issued by educational institutions, shall be deemed to be securities under the law. Paragraph 2 of Article 2 sets forth the definition of deemed securities. First, interests represented by securities that are listed in the preceding paragraph are deemed to be securities by themselves in cases where no physical certificates are issued. For example, interests represented by bonds or stocks held under a book-entry transfer system are deemed equivalent of those securities listed in Paragraph 1. The latter part of the paragraph then goes on to define deemed securities as interests other than those represented by securities or certificates. The scope of the definition has been substantially widened compared with that of the former law, and specifically, there are comprehensive provisions in Item 5 of the paragraph for FIFA to be applicable to various types of collective investment vestment ordinance, including claims on loans o educational institutions, are provided for as deemed securities. In addition to securities, FIEA applies to derivative transactions in domestic financial instrument and over-the-counter markets and foreign markets.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    よろしくお願いします。 The term “business corporation” (excluding financial service institutions) means economic entities whose objective is to make a profit from such activities as the production and sale of goods or services . Business corporations invest funds in real assets (such as facilities and inventories) to carry out production and marketing activities on a continuing basis . Funds raised by business corporations are divided into internal funds (those generated in the ordinary course of the production and sale of goods or services) and external funds (those raised from external sources ) , according to the method employed to raise them . Technically , internal reserves and depreciation charges are included in internal funds. As the company is not required to repay the principal of , or pay interest or dividends on , such funds , they are considered the most stable means of corporate financing . In actuality , however , business corporations cannot meet their funding requirements with internal funds alone , and many of them have to rely on external funds . External funds are divided into the proceeds resulting from loans and the issuance of equity and debt securities , according to the method employed to raise them . Loans are obtained primarily from banking institutions . This method of raising funds with debt securities is termed “indirect financing” In addition to those issued at the time of their incorporation, business corporations issue additional equity shares(an increase of capital) to finance the expansion of their production capacity or for other purposes . As business corporations are not required to repay the principal thus raised, or pay interest thereon , the proceeds from the issuance of equity shares constitute the most stable form of funds among external funds . As is the case with equity shares , corporate debt securities are also an instrument for raising funds from the capital markets, and issuers have to redeem them on or by a predetermined date of redemption and pay a definite rate of interest on them . Corporate debt securities are largely divided into straight (SB), bonds with subscription rights, and structured bonds(see Chapter V). As the securities underlying equity shares or corporate debt are held directly by the providers of funds, this method of raising funds is called “direct financing”. A survey of changes that have occurred in the amount of funds raised from external sources as a percentage of the outstanding balance of financial debts shows that bank borrowings have tended to decrease since 1990. In the 2000s, funds raised through the issue of securities have outpaced those obtained through bank borrowings, suggesting that the weight of corporate financing structure has shifted from indirect to direct financing. This may be explained by the fact (1) that following the liberalization and internationalization of the financial markets, businesses have actively sought to raise funds be selling new shares and bonds on the market and (2) that particularly since 1980, in addition to reductions of inter-company credits that businesses had made under the pressure of recession, banks have curtailed their lending and businesses have repaid their debt banks in an effort to improve their financial positions. And these facts have combined to produce a synergistic effect. Most recently, the proportion of financing by loans has risen because of the decline in the functioning of the capital market caused by the financial crisis. However, with the establishment of emerging markets and the liberalization and abolition of regulations on the issue of debt securities, small-to-medium-sized firms can now obtain financing through the capital market. Consequently, if the capital market rebounds, the proportion of financing through the issue of securities will likely recover.

  • 補充問題についてです!!

    Chaina loans pandas to zoos in the U.S. and other countries to raise awareness of their endangered situation and to help scientists study them. 上の英文の awareness のところですが、なぜfundsではいけないのですか?? また和訳も教えて頂けると有り難いです(>_<)

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Japan also has a low standard of living, because of cramped housing, long and crowded train commutes, a lack of open spaces and recreational facilities for adults and kids alike, and a lack of cultural activities such as world-class museums, world-class live performances, high-quality art, high-quality movies and high-quality music. “Cramped” means uncomfortably restricted in size, or financially. “Open spaces” refers to parks, community gardens, schoolyards, playgrounds, public plazas, and so on. “Alike” is an adverb used to emphasize that the writer is referring to both adults and kids. “World-class” means ranking among the world's best; outstanding.

  • アメリカにおける貿易赤字

    クラスでディベートをすることになりました。 トピックはこちらです↓↓ 「アメリカの貿易赤字が大きくなり、他国が所有するアメリカの資産を移動させると、アメリカドルの価値は急激に下がるとともに、アメリカの金利は上がり、アメリカでの投資も急激に下がることが予想される。その結果、アメリカは深刻な不景気に見舞われるであろう。」 この意見をサポートする考えをいくつか出したいのですが、 良い考えがありましたら、教えてください。 宜しくお願いします。 ※トピックは私が自分で和訳したものなので、少しおかしいかもしれません。。一応英文のほうも載せておきます。 "The idea, that has been suggested by some economists, is that the trade deficit is so large that if foreigners decide to remove their U.S. assets then the dollar will "crash" (fall in value fast), U.S. interest rates will increase fast and the U.S. will see investment falling so fast that the U.S. might see a severe recession or depression in the economy."

  • この英字新聞を訳してください><

    翻訳サイトの結果を そのまま張るのはおやめください。 (13)“The special bonds ` issuance amount was too large. We`ll continue to face a cash-strapped fiscal situation,”a city government official in charge of the financial administration said. (14)Even with the Heisei-era municipal mergers completed, the population of about 70 percent of the nation`s cities, towns and villages is less than 50,000 while the populations of areas administered by 457 small local governments are under 10.000.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    GAAPとIFRSについてです。簡単な解説もいただけると助かります。 Despite a belief by some of the inevitability of the global acceptance of IFRS, others believe that U.S. GAAP is the gold standard, and that a certain level of quality will be lost with full acceptance of IFRS. Further, certain U.S. issuers without significant customers or operations outside the United States may resist IFRS because they may not have a market incentive to prepare IFRS financial statements. They may believe that the significant costs associated with adopting IFRS outweigh the benefits.

  • 原油先物のブルームバーグの記事について

     原油先物についてのブルームバーグの記事でわからないところがあります。  株取引はしていますが、先物取引はしていないので、よくわかりません。  どなたか、分かる方がいたら、教えて下さい。  よろしくお願いします。  ブルームバーグの記事↓ ニューヨーク原油先物相場はロンドン時間23 日午前の時間外取引で上昇している。供給がアジアでの需要加速に追い付かないとの懸念が背景にある。 国際エネルギー機関(IEA)は22日、油田の枯渇が予想を上回るペースで進むなか、原油供給の長期的見通しを下方修正する可能性があることを明らかにした。 クレディ・スイス・グループの商品アナリスト 「市場は、長期的な供給見通しについてますます懸念を深めている」と指摘した上で、「それが期先物の価格を押し上げ、期近物の価格も支えている」との見方を示した。  単純に長期的な供給見通しが良くないので価格を上昇させ、支えているということでしょうか?

  • ブルームバーグの原油高の一因についての記事について

     ブルームバーグバーグの原油高の一因に関する記事にの言っている意味がいまいちよく分かりません。  どなたか分かる方がいたら教えて下さい。  ブルームバーグの記事↓  産油国が収入減を補うためにドル建て価格の上昇を求め、原油先物相場は最高値を更新したとバークレイズ・キャピタルは指摘した。