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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳お願いします)



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(ピサの斜塔らしきものをまえに) 過ぎ去った年月に想いをめぐらし、また来るべき将来を夢みつつ、参加者たちはカラダをわずかに後ろにそらせたり、前に倒したりしていた。いずれにせよシャフトの傾きが本来の状態から2-3ミリずれているというようなことは正確にはピサも斜塔の傾きではなかった。にもかかわらず、方向性だけは明らかであり確実なものであった。


  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 お願いしたいのは(4)の文です。 前後の文脈が合ったほうがいいかと思うので、 載せておきます。 (1)What are rights? (2)If you ask ordinary people what exactly a right is, they'll probably be at a loss, and won't be able to give a clear answer. (3)They may know what it is to violate someone's rights. (4)They may also know what it is to have their own right to this or that denied or ignored by others. (5)But what exactly is it that is being violated or wrongly denied? (6)Is it something you acquire or something you inherit at birth? よろしくお願いします。

  • 【至急】英文の和訳です。よろしくお願いします。

    In the third period, the child makes rapid progress in increasing his or her vocabulary and learning new skills in discovering the meaning of unfamiliar words by the way the words are used in the reading material. In addition, children during this period of reading development learn to read for different purposes and in different subjects, such as science and history. They learn that reading, besides being something that one dose at school, is also something that one can do alone,for fun, for factual information, or to learn more about the world in general. Finally, in the fourth period, the student improves the skills that have been leaned. He or she develops the ability to connect ideas from one piece of writing to another, and learns to compare the opinions of different writers on the same subject. Young persons should reach the fourth period of reading by the time they are 13 or 14 years old, and, if they try, they can continue to increase their reading ability for the rest of their lives. They can read by themselves and are prepared to learn more about reading.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    以下の文の和訳お願いします。 自分なりに訳はしてあるので、 疑問に思うところは 追記させていただくかもしれません。 ---- There are many ways shy adults can gradually gain control of their uncomfortable feeings. First, they can learn ways to introduce themselves and joing in a conversation with others. For example, they can learn how to find common ground for conversation by talking about shared experienced, or by asking wuestions to show the speaker they are interested. Second, they can have three or four topics of universal interest to pursue, such as the weater, work, school, or the daily , news. Third, they can learn some practical speaking techniques.

  • 英文和訳についての質問です。

    英文:Novelist ,whether they admit it or not, present judgments about life that they want their reders to accept.    (小説家は、それを自らと認めていようといまいと、自分の読者に受け入れてもらいたいと     思うような人生についての見識を提示するものである。)   では、judgment に、about life と                that they want their,,,がかかっています。  しかし私は life に that they want their,, がかかっているのかと思いました。 すぐ後ろにあったので自然とそう訳しましたが…、文法的になぜそうなるのか説明できr方 して頂けないでしょうか?  よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳

    和訳例をお願いします。  Imagine how people lived long before anyone knew of any sciences or of writing. Then, as now, they would try to answer fundamental questions about their existence. Where did the would comd from? How did people originate? Why is there evil in the world? What happens to people when they die? What forces control the weather, the seasons, the cycle of agriculture? Questions such as these have persisted throughout history in every culture. The stories made so long ago to try to offer answers to these questions, and to try to account for a society's customs and rituals, are called myths.  Traditionally, myths did not originate in written form. They developed slowly as an oral tradition that was handed down over generations. Early people looked around and tried to make sense of the confusing world around them. They tried to imagine how it cnuld have come into being.  The elders of society two were considered wise analyzed what they saw. They came up with their own conclusions about natural events and human behavior. They developed stories that explained how such things came to be. They had to account for everything that happenedーfrom the origin of the world up to and including the present. These accounts, passed down in story form, were eventually accepted as traditional truth. Much letter the stories were written down.  Although mythmaking is an ancient practice, it is not a practice limited to people who lived thousands of years ago. People continue to create myths to explain their world. The American West of the 19th century (a,been,favorite,has,on,subject,towhich) build modern myths.  Mythmaking has traditionally looked to the past to try to make sense out of the present. Some modern myths look instead to the future. Storytellers make use of the countless inventions of the last few centuries to give striking descriptions of what Earth may be like  hundreds of years from now. They imagine life on worlds billions of light-years away in space or far in the future. These stories also help cultures understand their world. 以上になります。

  • 和訳おねがいします。

    和訳をお願いします。 for whom the bell tolls Understanding the global marketplace is only one reason why people study economics. Somepeople study economics becauce they hope to make money. Others worry that they will be illiterate if they cannot understand the laws of suppy and demand. People are also concerned to learn about how we can improve our environment or why countries like Russia and China are moving from a planned to a market economy よろしくおねがいします。

  • 和訳お願いします!!!

    When it came to origami, they stumped up nearly as much for their own forlorn frog or bird as for the same animal folded by an expert - even though other participants subsequently rated their efforts as "nearly worthless crumpled paper". たとえ、他の参加者が彼らの努力を「ほとんど役に立たないもみくちゃにされた紙」とその後評価したとしても・・・・ という箇所だけしか和訳できなかったのですが、 全文を訳すとどのような和訳になるのでしょうか 回答お願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    This study was designed to discern whether reluctance to waste, perceived progress, or both explanations jointly are responsible for observed endowed progress effects. Method Subjects. Participants were 146 undergraduate business students at a major West Coast university who participated in this along with several other studies for course credit. Stimuli and Design. The design was a 2 (progress: onethird or one-sixth complete)#2 (endowment value: $12.50 or $30.00) between-subjects, full-factorial design with a separate control condition. To disentangle the competing explanations of wasted investment versus perceived progress, our design specifies a dollar value for the endowed progress. Participants in this study completed a scenario-based, paper-and-pencil study. The study explained that a popular restaurant on campus was considering instituting a frequent buyer program. This study captures the essential decision making that likely occurs when consumers are confronted with enrolling in a frequency program, whether it requires signing up or just keeping the loyalty card in one’s wallet. In the control surveys, customers had to purchases 10 lunches in order to earn a free lunch of identical value. Customers had not yet made any purchases, such that there was no progress toward their goal, real or perceived. There were four such scenarios that differed only in the required cost of each purchase ($2.50, $6.00, $6.25, or $15.00). These studies provided a baseline measure. In the four scenarios that comprised the test conditions or cells, the amount of purchases required, the size of the endowment, and the cost of each purchase were each varied in order to manipulate perceived progress and endowment value simultaneously. In two scenarios, participants were told that because they were first-time patrons they would receive two of 12 credits toward the reward (each credit worth the equivalent of one purchase in dollars), and, in the other two scenarios, they were told they would receive five of 15 credits, such that they were endowed with progress of one-sixth or one-third, respectively. These endowments manipulate the fraction of the task yet to complete; in the former, five-sixths must still be completed, and in the latter, only four-sixths remain. The dollar amount of a purchase varied and was crossed such that the total dollar value of the endowment was either $12.50 or $30.00 (5#$2.50 p 2#$6.25 p $12.50, 5#$6.00 p 2#$15.00 p $30.00). See table 1 for a detailed summary of the design. Respondents were then asked how likely they would be to register for the program, how attractive they thought the program would be to diners, and how likely they would be to earn the reward on a nine-point scale. These measures served as the dependent variable.

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? Flying cars are dual purpose vehicles that can both drive on roads and fly. They may offer many advantages. Imagine flying from your home directly to Osaka, Seoul, or Honollulu in just a few hours. You would no longer need to purchase tickets, drag suitcases to the airport, or stand in line to check-in and again to go through the security check station. Flying cars are no longer science fiction. Already the Terrafugia Transition and the four-passenger Moller M400 Skycar exist, but they are expensive. In 2010, they cost $194000 and $500000, respectively. Mass production could reduce the cost to around $60000, but a new type of manufacturing would make them really inexpensive. This new type of manufacturing uses autogenous technology, which is expected to be used to build machine in the future.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    You make me laugh. I have to tell you about mis-hearing song lyrics. You know that song by the Cranberries called Zombie? They say “In your head, in your head, Zombie, Zombie” blah blah blah. Well the kids thought it was “idiot head”. Now I can sing it no other way! よろしくお願いします。