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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:Japanの中の文章です。)



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 「中国(から輸入した)政府の概念のうち最初に効力を失うのは、おそらくもっとも基本的なものと思われるが、官僚を形成する貴族の上及びその延長の上にあって、政府は独自に存在するものだという原則であった。」  みたいなことですかね。



ありがとうございます。 次の文章と合いそうです。 「官僚を形成する貴族の上及びその延長の上にあって、政府は独自に存在する」 に相当する説明が、続く文章になっていると思うのですが、長すぎて省略しました。 助かります。


  • Japan の中の文章です。

    Japan (From Prehistory to Mordern Times) の中の文章です。 日米開戦の直前の大政翼賛会(Imperial Rule Assistance Association)の下での国家目的の動員を説明した箇所の文です。 Pressure was placed upon the newspapers, various professional organizations, and on the universities to merge facilities and to speak with a single voice. That voice was the concern of the third area of IRAA effort, namely "spiritual moblization." 最後の文章のconcernを「関心事」、the third area を「もう一つの領域」 とでも訳すのでしょうか。 「その声は、大政翼賛会のもう一つの領域の仕事-すなわち精神的な動員-であった。 教えてください。

  • Japan の中の文章です。

    Japan (From Prehistory to Mordern Times) の中の文章です。 The Restration of 1868 had brought to the fore a group of Shinto scholars who demanded the elimination of Confucian-based education in the name of Japanese imperial values. Their influence was successfully countered by advacates of Western scientific training. 1868年の明治維新は、日本の皇室の価値観の名のもとに儒教に基礎を置いた教育の排除を要求する神道の学者の一団を前面に打ち出した。彼らの影響は、西洋の科学的な教育を提唱する者たちによって、首尾よく反撃された。」 どうも、二つ目の文章の訳がおかしいですね。 それとも、ここで successfully を使っているのは(結果的に良かったと言いたい)著者の主観で、この訳は、この訳でいいのでしょうか。 間違っているのであれば countered の訳し方だと思っています。 教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • Japan の中の文章です。

    戦前の大政翼賛会が果たす役割をまとめた箇所の文章です。 Negatively, evry effort was made to stamp out all dissident thinking . Positively, the Japanese hoisted such slogans as "the Imperial way" (kodo) , Yamato Spirit (yamato damashii), Imperial mission as exemplified in the phrase "all the world under one roof"(kakkou-ichiu), and "unity of government and religion"(saisei-itci). 上の文章の Negatively と Positively をどう訳したらいいのでしょう。 内向的には(陰の部分では)、外向的(表向きには)とでも訳すのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • Japanの中の文章です。

    次の文章は、江戸時代の「山片蟠桃」の言葉です。 Within the universe, there was reason (ri) which worked through matter (ki) to produce the world of man and things. Behind society as well there was reason and order if one could but comrehend it. 最後の文章の could but をうまく訳せません。 大体の意味は解るのですが・・・・「人はそれを理解できないできない(わからない)かも知れないが」 とでも訳すのでしょうか。 その場合は but=not に置き換えられますが、それで「いいのでしょうか。 教えてください。この部分だけで結構です。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    This was clearly a victory for the British and yet another defeat for the Ottoman government. The humiliation for the British due to the loss of Kut had been partially rectified. The Ottoman government was forced to end its military operations in Persia and try to build up a new army to prevent the British from moving on to capture Mosul. The capture of Baghdad, a provincial capital, also meant that the first[citation needed] Ottoman province had fallen under British control. Although this was good news, it caused a great deal of bureaucratic fighting between the British government in London and the British government in India. Once he captured Baghdad, Maude was the de facto Governor of Mesopotamia from Basra to Baghdad. Sir Percy Cox, the Tigris Corps Political Officer, attempted to issue a proclamation stating that the province was under joint British-Indian administration. But London ordered Cox not to issue his proclamation, and came out with its own proclamation asking Arab leaders to aid the British administration.

  • 英文についての質問

    What it a unitary system? A confederal one?という質問があったので、下記の文章を探しました。 英文が長くて申し訳ないです。 参考にしたのは2段落目からです。 The issue was resolved through compromise, the first of many at the Convention. To keep the Virginia Plan a live proposal, Madison withdrew the proposal for a national veto over state laws, and the Convention agreed in principle to redistribute some of their state’s powers to a government of the United States. This form of government we now call federal, a system in which sovereign political authority is shared between the central government and regional (state or provincial) governments. This is in in contrast to a confederal system, as the states had under the Articles, where the regional governments are sovereign, and the central government has only as much authority as the regional governments allow it, and a unitary system where the central government is sovereign, and the state or provincial governments have only as much power as the central government allows them. この文章を踏まえて、質問に対する答えは [Unitary systemはconfederal oneとは対照的で中央政府が主権国家である。] でいいでしょうか? 質問の回答(英文)はまとめて、また後日に質問させていただくかもしれません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    But London ordered Cox not to issue his proclamation, and came out with its own proclamation asking Arab leaders to aid the British administration. At the same time, the Indian colonial government had different ideas. After all, they had been the prime movers behind Mesopotamia in the first place. The British government in India wanted this new area placed under its direct control. This power struggle led to the creation of the Mesopotamian Administration Committee, under the leadership of Lord Curzon. Its main task was to determine who would govern the Basra and Baghdad provinces. Its ruling was a British, not Anglo-Indian, administration for Basra and an Arab authority for Baghdad.

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    When Germany began its submarine campaign against Britain, Wilson had warned that the US would hold the German government strictly accountable for any violations of American rights. Backed by State Department second-in-command Robert Lansing, Wilson made his position clear in three notes to the German government issued on 13 May, 9 June, and 21 July. The first note affirmed the right of Americans to travel as passengers on merchant ships and called for the Germans to abandon submarine warfare against commercial vessels, whatever flag they sailed under.

  • 英語の文章を訳して下さい。

    The British captured Kut in February 1917 on their way to the capture of Baghdad sixteen days later on 11 March 1917. The humiliation the British faced due to the loss of Kut had been partially rectified. The Ottoman government was forced to end its military operations in Persia and try to build up a new army to prevent the British from moving on to capture of Mosul. Sepoy Chatta Singh of the 9th Bhopal Infantry was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions at the battle.

  • 文章の中に二か所、不明な点があります。

    Or it could be the more serious issue of the abuse of personal information. For instance, passing on personal information to third parties, such as advertisers. Facebook recently ran into trouble with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission -- as did Google and Twitter -- for sharing information that it had led users to believe was private. It has since apologized and fixed its privacy controls. 週刊STからの過去エッセイから抜粋です。 1:for sharing information that it had led users to believe was private. ここがわかりません。 2:It has since apologized and fixed its privacy controls. sinceはなぜこんなところに置かれるのですか? 解説よろしくお願いします。