• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:どなたか自由英作文の添削をお願いします(>_<)!)

The Importance of Exercise for Maintaining Your Health


  • ベストアンサー

さて、一応先ほどのトピック・・・特にこれはだめだな~って思った。:『あなたの尊敬する人物について』を使って説明したいと思います。 I respect Kazutoshi Sakurai of a rock band which is Mr.children. He has fascination which are not only music but a wonderful human nature. He holds a charity live in every year and teaches us what should do about global environment. Therefore I want to absorb many things from him. これね、あの・・・まず「あなたの尊敬する人物について」と聞かれている出題者の意図を考えましょう。まず、これは設問の意図にそっていないので0点になるといっても過言ではないと思います。なぜなら、この内容は全体的に「あなたの好きなアーティスト」の話をしちゃっています。だから、ここでは0点。本当ならね・・・?じゃあ、こういうテーマの場合・・・というかすべての英作文ではどう書けば良いのか? 一番簡単なのが、「話を作っちゃうことです」。だって、あなたの英作文の真偽をまさか出題者が調べるはずがありません。特にこういう「~は誰ですか?」というようなテーマであるのなら、「話を作っちゃうこと」。素直に書く必要性などどこにもありません。 で、一応自分が書いてみた回答例をあげます。 It is my English teacher in high school that I have respect for a long year. He gave me a interesting class and it made me feel love English. And now I want to get a job which needs my English skill. Therefore, he is the most respectable person I have ever seen. 「あなたの尊敬する人物は誰か?」という文章なので、尊敬する人がどうして尊敬に値するのか?というところを述べる際に、この解答例の場合では「自分の人生に大きく影響している点」で理由を述べています。このように書きますと、出題者にもわかりやすいですし、設問の意図に沿っているはずです。大事なのは、好き勝手に書くのではなく、出題者が何を聞いているのかをしっかり理解すること。ということです。 さて、続いて添削に移りましょう。 In my opinion we should get into the habit of exercising. This is because the exercise keeps our body condition very well. We can exhaust a surplus energy of the body by sweating. Moreover, exercising have mental effects. (1)Doing is so pleasant that we may eliminate our stress. (1)あ~・・・なるほどね・・・「Doing」を使って反復を避けたんですか。でも、残念ながらここは減点。「Exerciting」のままでも大丈夫ですし、反復をさけるなら「It」です。-2 <全体批評> うん・・・これは本来なら0点です。よくても大きく減点対象になります。 なぜかというと、結論がないからです。あえて結論を省いたと言ってますが・・・多くの受験生はそういう風に型を知らないから、0点になったりほとんど点数をもらえなかったりするんですよ~・・・ 英作文にはちゃんと結論をつけておきましょうね。 で、肉体面の具体性はよくかけています。ただ、精神面の具体性が少し乏しいかもしれませんが、でもよくかけてますよ。すばらしいです。 あとは型ですね。結論で終わりにするのは英作文のルール!ルールを破ったら採点の対象にはなりません! さて、いろいろといいましたが・・・分かってもらえたでしょうか?結構厳しいことも言っちゃったけど、これからもがんばってね!



英作文についてすごい勘違いしてました(>_<) まずは出題者の意図を把握することが大事なんですね(>_<) 例えば、自分の人生で大きな意味のある場所は? という場合には「そこであなたは何を得たか」ということですよね?(・ω・; さっき書いてたんですけど、出来事が中心的な内容になってました(TヘTo) 出来事は得たものを詳しくするための説明に過ぎないってことですよね(>_<)?? 厳しい方が嬉しいです^^* ありがとうございます(*ノ▽ノ*) がぜん、やる気がでます^^!笑 頑張りますね^^!


  • 英作文の添削をお願いします!

    英語でスピーチをする予定があり、原稿を作ったのですが、文法や自然な表現に自信がないので、長文ですが添削をお願いします!^^ Are you happy? Of course there are many happy, enjoyable things. Sports, movies, shopping, and so forth. However, there are also many unhappy, depressive things. Do you surely think you are really happy? Today, the world is facing many serious problems. Discrimination, poverty, war, and so forth. However, we Japanese don’t have such serious problems. We were born in blessed, rich land, Japan. We can eat, buy what we want, and …..live. Then, what are the problems? Big one of the problems Japan facing is a problem of stress. I also suffer from the stress. “One pair of half pants is called pajamas”. “I’m called a Yankee because my hair is gold.” I’ll move on my topic. There are many stress. Human relationships, anxiety, a sense of inferiority, the number of stress is limitless. Because of these stress, many people cannot imagine bright future, only suffer from stress. If we suffer from stress, we cannot concentrate enjoyable things, and enjoy our lives. Stress has influence on not only our mind, but also our body. You can imagine depression as mental disease, difficult breathing, circulatory system and digestive system. To know these effects, perhaps you know how serious stress is. By the way, have you think of any solutions for stress? As I said before, there are many kind of stress, and those causes are also different. But I declare one cause of stress is broadcasting. This linkage is seemed unrealistic. However, media make us imagine there are full of sad accidents, crimes, disease and so on. We live in dark world. Why do we believe that? This is because we watch a number of news, broadcasting sad and dark things. Our brains believe the world we live is dark, not bright unconsciously. Of course there are not only dark ones, but also bright ones, but media focus on dark ones more easily, than bright ones. As I take one example, news about bullying. This news is broadcasted many times, and gathers much attention. That’s why our brains believe the world is full of sadness, hopeless. And we easily feel depression and suffer from stress. Then, how can we save ourselves? How can we release stress? Which way is the best way to solve the problem? Excluding the cause of stress? Or Changing society itself creating stress? Banning broadcasting dark news? All of them are not seemed effective way to solve it. Do we have to endure stress or deceive ourselves? We don’t suffer from stress. I’m OK. I’m OK. I’m happy No way. I refuse to do that. All we have to do is to deceive our brains. We have two simple choices to do. 1st is to look into just bright future. If we do that, our brains recognize only bright future without thinking and we think in a positive way. However, this way is not a perfect way. Some really suffer from stress and cannot look into bright future. Then, I will introduce 2nd way. 2nd is to appreciate 3 things every day and write down them. For example, I live with my aunt and she takes care of me. Now, I write down three things. 1st, “my aunt cooks a meal for me.” Thank to that, I keep my health and eat delicious food. 2nd, “every morning, my aunt sends me to the station.” That’s why I can save my time in the morning and sleep more. 3rd, “on my birthday, my aunt give me 1000 yen.” 1000 yen is not a little money!! To continue this, your brains will believe there are full of many happy, bright, fine things. We live in a happy world. Some of you think why this is beneficial for you? Yes. I’ll explain it. By getting this thought, positive way to look into your future, you suffer from less and less stress, and are released from stress. This is totally enough. And, the effect is not only reducing stress. Please don’t be surprised. By released from stress, your brains work well as 30%. You will not have trouble to studying. You will be able to get degree more easily. Good! If you got this thought, your future would be bright. I hope you will get bright future.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    次の日本語を英作しました。間違っている所があれば指摘してください。よろしくお願いします。 人が痛みを感じる仕組みとはどんなものだろうか。そして薬が痛みを和らげるのに役立つのはどのようにしてなのだろうか。(東工大) 英作文 ↓ What the mechanism that we feel pain is like? Moreover,Iwonder how the medicine work to ease our pain.

  • 自由英作文の添削お願いします!

    自由英作文の添削をして頂きたいのです。 テーマが「ストレスの解消方法」です。 指定語数は100語で、僕は143語書きました。 文法的に内容的に不自然ではないかどうかを見ていただきたいです! 点数も25点満点で何点かつけてください! よろしくお願いします! Everyone tends to feel stressed in modern society, but we have to reduce stress. Now I would like to suggest the following three measures. First, it is good to take a walk to refresh oneself. This is because the fresh air will make my temper relaxed. Second, when I am fed up with studying the subjects which I dislike, I often listen to my favorite music while studying. Listening to music lead me to study again. Last, I talk with my friends when I have troubles. It is important to prevent you from accumulating a lot of stresses. This is why it is also important to have friends who you confide. It may be almost inevitable for us to feel stressed, but we can relieve stress. Like above three measures, we should find time to do things we like, and have some hobbies.

  • 英作文を添削してもらえませんか?

    今、アカデミックライティングというものを学んでいる大学生です。以下の和文を英訳してみたので、よかったら、添削と講評をしていただけないでしょうか。具体的な講評をお願いします。 心理カウンセラーを40年やってきて、「人間の心ほど移ろいやすいものはない」との思いと、「人間ほど一度思い込むとこれほど頑固なものはない」との想いの両方がある。心を柔らかく持ち、いい加減な自分を肯定したいものである。 In my experience of being a psychotherapist for 40 years, I have held opposite feelings: Nothing is more inconstant than the mind of men, and more persistent in what one once believes than the nature of them. Then, condition of our flexible mind and recognition of our susceptible one, we really need. My forty year career of a psychotherapist have given me the realization that our mind is the most influenced by the inner or the outer, whereas our spirit is the most likely to assume one thing endlessly. Therefore it is really necessary for us to smelt our iron mind, which sometimes is like clay, and to accept it.

  • 自由英作文の添削お願いします

    はじめてこちらを利用させていただく受験生です。よろしくお願いします。 2週間後に大学受験があるのですが、英作が苦手なのでとても不安です; そこで、是非皆様に、添削していただきアドバイス等いただけたらと思い投稿させていただきます<(_ _)> 問 大学生は一人暮らし、あるいは家族から離れて暮らすべきだと考える人もいます。あなたはこの意見に賛成ですか、反対ですか?その理由も説明しなさい。(50~70語) I approve of this opinion for some reasons.First,by living alone,we will come to do housework by ourselves.For instance,we can learn cooking,cleaning rooms,doing our washing and so on.They all are important things for the future in our lives. In addition,living alone teaches us how important existence of familiy is. That's why I agree with this idea. 文法的なミスや、内容に関すること等ご指摘いただければありがたいです。 よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 自由英作文の添削お願いします!

    OKwaveで初めて質問します。 自由英作文の添削をお願いしたいんですが。 課題が ストレスを解消する自分なりの方法についてです。 語数は100語で僕は114字書きました。 文法的に内容的にとか何か不自然な部分があれば教えてください! Everyone must feel stressed nowadays.So we have to find how to reduce stress.I would like to introduce two ways to redusestress. First,I often listen to my favorite musics when I am sick of studying subjects which I am poor at.Listening to musics enables me to go on studying. Second,I take a walk once a week in order to refresh myself.This is because the fresh air makes my condition good,and taking a walk gives me chance that I think a lot of things. As these examples suggest,reducing stress is very importantto survive too busy world.

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    テレビの功罪について70語程度の英語で書け。 The television plays a vital role in our life. First, we can get various information of the world from it. Second, we can also derive enjoyment from it. Certainly, there is the fact that the television does us harm. For example, it cause failure of eyesight. However, the harm can be diminished easily by our slight care and it is indispensable to us now. From now on, the television is going to develop and have a good effect on our life. 書いてるといつの間にか文の始まりがほとんど副詞になってしまいました...問題は無いですよね…? なるべく主旨の一貫性を狙ってみたのですがどうでしょうか?またザッと流し読みして単複・時制などにおかしなとこありましたら指摘していただけるとうれしいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    ちょっと練習してきたので以前よりはよくなってると思います。また環境についての自由英作文です。 「今日の環境問題について100語程度の英語で書きなさい」 The disadvantage of technological advances is that they have caused various environmental problems. One of the greatest inventions is automobile, but now automobile exhaust provides one of the major causes of pollution. For example, it contributes to acid rain and this kills many trees in many areas of the world. And the burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas gives off too much carbon dioxide. This leads to the global warming. In reality, it seems to be the most serious problems we face. It is high time all countries in the world worked together to save our earth by reducing the greenhouse effect. 細かい部分も見ていただけると大変助かりますが、何せ長いのでまずは文章の論理展開がつながっているかを見ていただけたらと思います。あとは冠詞が自信ないのでそこも見ていただけると幸いです。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 英作文の添削をお願い致します。

    英作文の問題で自分で回答を作成したのですが、添削をお願い致します。 (1)Home Design is necessary that we build new house  ホームデザインは新しく家を経てるさいに必要です (2)You can’t buy happiness.  幸せはお金で買うことはできない (3)The daily stress of our work is killing us.  日々のストレスが私たちを困らせている (4)By travel, I can learn about the cultures of other countries.  旅行をすることにより、私は他の国々の文化を学ぶことができる (5)Sitting up late isn’t good for my health.  夜更かしは体に良くない。 問題は以上です。お手数をおかけ致しますが、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英作文

    英作文の添削をよろしくお願いします。 私たち日本人は知人に対してはとても親切だが、見知らぬ人には非常に冷たいと言われている。もしこれが本当なら、こんな習慣はできるだけ早く直さなくてはならない。 We Japanese are very kind to an acquaintance but it is said that we are very cold to a stranger.If this is true,we have to get rid of this habit as soon as possible. よろしくお願いします。