• ベストアンサー

日本語訳 よろしくお願いします!!!!!!!

It`s not as intimate or connected a relationship as between a hacker and the computer - the virus writer relinquishes control and becomes disassociated from the actual activity he or she has set in motion. 上記の英文の訳し方がわかりません。 一文一文の単語の意味はわかりますが、全体としての意味がよくわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Sam69
  • ベストアンサー率67% (19/28)

それ(ウイルスの作者とウイルスの関係)は、ハッカーとコンピューターの関係ほどには密接でも緊密でもない。ウイルスの作者は(ウイルスを)コントロールできなくなり、彼もしくは彼女(ウイルスの作者)が始動させた(ウイルスの)実際の活動からは切り離されてしまう。 ぐらいでいいかと思われます。

その他の回答 (1)


>It`s not as intimate or connected a relationship as between a hacker and the computer - the virus writer relinquishes control and becomes disassociated from the actual activity he or she has set in motion. 「ハッカーがコンピュータに張り付いたり結びついたりする以上に緊密な関係というものはないだろう。コンピュータウイルスの作者は、自制心を失っており、現実世界での行動を始めることがなくなるのである。」 といったところだと思いますよ。


  • 日本語訳を教えてください。

    A reciprocal relationship exists between oxygen and carbon dioxide. 「O2とCO2は相互関係にある」で日本語的に意味は通じていますか。 どなたか教えてください。

  • 日本語訳にしたのですが、意味がよく分かりません・・・

    Often the word is used to mean customs such as taking off shoes before entering a house, or artistic creations such as kabuki or noh, or ways of socializing and communication such as honne and tatemae. この文を日本語訳したのですが、such asがたくさんあるのでよく分からない意味になってしまいました。 どこが変か教えていただければ幸いです・・ ちなみに下は自分が訳したものです・・ しばしばその語は、家に入る前に靴を脱ぐような習慣、または、社会化やhonne,tatemaeのようなコミュニケーションの方法、または脳、歌舞伎のような芸術的な作品を意味するのに使われる。

  • 日本語訳について

    下記英文について Wang, for his part, said the relationship between China and Taiwan, which Beijing sees as a renegade province that must be reunited by force if necessary, is a matter that concerns the stability in the strait and regional peace, the ministry said. Beijing(北京)がを必要によっては強引に再結合される違反した州とみなしている中国と台湾との関係はa matter である。a matterについてはthat以下が説明。 だいたいこんな感じの訳になると思うのですが、(間違いがあったら訂正してください) Beijing(北京)が中国と台湾の関係をみなしているってなんか変じゃないですか?訳のやり方が間違っていますか?

  • 日本語訳お願いします

     英語訳の練習をしています。英語が得意な方がどのように訳するのか、ぜひお手本にさせていただきたいので、よろしくお願いいたします。 1) Even as communities within countries pull together, the world seems ever more divided into camps of "good" or "evil". Simplifying the world into black or white makes political rhetoric easier, but it does not explain the complex issues surrounding the widening divisions between "us" and "them". 2) In a world that as once seems larger, fraught with potential international peril, and smaller, as communities draw closer in crisis or crisis preparation/ prevention, heroes are especially important.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The attack continued until 6 September, with the British capturing Leuze Wood on 4-5 September (referred to as 'Lousy Wood' by the troops), some three miles east of the 1 July front line. The French meanwhile captured a further village, Bouchavesnes, on 4 September. The battle of Dobrich, also known as the battle of Bazargic or the Dobrich epopee (Bulgarian: Добричка епопея), took place between 5 and 7 September 1916 between the armies of Bulgaria and Romania. Despite being outnumbered, the Bulgarian Third Army was victorious and took Southern Dobruja, pushing the Russian and Romanian forces further north and defeating them once again at the Lake Oltina - Kara Omer - Mangalia line.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    B,C,D に当てはまる語句も下記から選んでほしいです。 alertness、 independence、 industrialization 、privacy The difference in attitude also reflects the way different cultures view sleep in general. Mayans treat sleep as a social activity and think sleeping alone is a hardship, whereas Americans treat sleep as a time of B; sharing a bed is considered a sacrifice. Americans make a clear distinction between daytime nighttime and the kinds of activities that can take place during each time of day, while the San think nothing of waking up in the middle of the night and spending a few hours around the campfire talking. There is no insomnia in their because no one is expected to sleep through the night. In fact, cross-cultural sleep research has shown that night waking is actually much less frequent in Western cultures than in others. And yet Western parents view those comparatively few periods of C during the night as much more problematic than parents in societies where babies' sleep is much lighter. But it is not just D ,or modernity, that has fostered nights of uninterrupted solitary sleep. Japanese children sleep with their parents until they are teens. Even when other rooms and other beds are available, Japanese babies and young children are placed on futons in the parents' room. The Japanese the child as a separate biological organism needs to be drawn into an interdependent relationship parents and society, especially with the mother Japanese prefer not to sleep alone; they do not expect, and probably imagine being interested sleeping alone. For the Japanese the concept of family sharing the night, family tends to orient toward mother and children, with the father on the outside, rather than the American version of the ideal nuclear family with mother and father first and foremost as partners, and children subordinate to that primary relationship.

  • 日本語訳お願いします!

    これの日本語訳お願いします! I wish the world becomes one. Regardless of the different languages we speak, we can have a good relationship with each other. You act as one group even if you are speaking different languages, which I think is the symbol that the world is became one.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    In early July 1914, in the aftermath of the assassination of Austro-Hungarian Franz Ferdinand and the immediate likelihood of war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, Kaiser Wilhelm II and the German government informed the Austro-Hungarian government that Germany would uphold its alliance with Austria-Hungary and defend it from possible Russia intervention if a war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia took place. When Russia enacted a general mobilization, Germany viewed the act as provocative.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Many Americans believe that disputes should be settled by the disputing parties without outside help. Parents often send their children back to the playroom or playground with instructions to settle fights for themselves. Relatives and friends can be heard to say,”It’s between the two of you. I’m not getting in the middle .” Even psychologists tend to regard it as a sign of maturity when someone settles disputes without third parties,whose participation may be regarded as unhealthy. Yet many peoples of the world except conflicts to be resolved by third parties. This reflects an emphasis on harmony and interdependence: the tendency to see individuals as located in a social network,in contrast to the American tendency to over-emphasize independence and see the individual as the fundamental human unit. To manage disputes ranging from quarrels between family members to conflicts between villages, cultures develop informal rules and formal proceedings, just as Americans have assumptions about fair fights as well as legal trials. In contrast to the American way of settling disputes,however, the participation of the community is an important part of the proceedings. Americans cannot simply adopt the rituals of another culture,but thinking about these rituals can give them ideas for devising their own new ways to manage conflicts. できるだけ正確にお願いします。

  • 日本語訳お願いできませんか?

    少し長いですが訳していただけないでしょうか?なかなか訳せません… Is music no more than auditory cheesecake, as Pinker would have us believe? Is it simply an evolutionary spin-off from language--a lucky break for humankind, providing song and dance as a relief from the tedium of survival and reproduction? Or is this view itself simply a knee-jerk reaction to contrary claims that music is adaptive and as deeply rooted in our biology as language? Can either of these views be justified? How and why, if at all, are language and music related?