The Best Policy for University Students: Study More than One Foreign Language

  • Universities in Japan often require students to study a foreign language, usually English. However, some universities take it a step further and require students to study more than one foreign language. This raises the question of whether or not it is necessary for universities to impose such a requirement.
  • The best policy, in my opinion, is for students to study more than one foreign language. By doing so, students can not only develop their language skills, but also gain a deeper understanding of foreign cultures. Learning a language goes beyond just memorizing vocabulary and grammar; it provides a gateway into the traditions, customs, and perspectives of different societies.
  • Furthermore, being able to speak multiple languages is a valuable asset in today's globalized world. It opens up opportunities for international communication, cultural exchange, and career advancement. Employers often seek candidates with multilingual skills, as they can effectively interact with diverse clients and navigate global markets.
  • ベストアンサー


大学受験浪人生の者です よろしければ添削お願いいたします<m(__)m>   問題の設問 Students at many university in Japan are reqrired to study a foreign language, usually English. Some university require students to study more than one foreign language. Some people say universities should not require students to study a foreign language at all. Which do you think is the best policy? Write a paragraph explaining your opinion. Give at least one appropriate reason to support your answer. 自分の解答 I think that students need to study more than one foreign language. That is because if students study foreign languages, they can be exposed to foreign cultures which are hidden in foreign languages.

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー

>I think that students need to study more than one foreign language.  既に指摘がありますが、do you thinkと尋ねられても、I thinkで返す必要はありません。opnionは、ずばっと明確に押しを強く、で行きましょう。断定を弱めるとしても、蓋然性を表し客観的な感じがするprobablyあたりにしましょう。  しかし、やっぱり主観性を打ち出したいなら、thinkではなくbelieveを使いましょう。  ちなみに、university studentsと対象を明確にしたほうがいいような気がします。 (Probably) university students need to study more than one foreign language. >That is because if students study foreign languages, they can be exposed to foreign cultures which are hidden in foreign languages.  that is becauseは口語的な感じですが、上と文章の感じを合わせるなら不要ですので、that is を言わないようにしましょう。  be exposeed toは「~の機会を与えられる」といったところになると、思いますが、どうも意見の理由として弱々しさが感じられるのが気になります。ifを使うのも弱める感じがありますし、蛇足にすら感じられないわけでもありません。  be hidden inも、潜在的でポジティブな感じが出しにくく、理由として意見をサポートするのを弱めているように思います。ミステリアスな感じはしますが、最初に述べる意見とミスマッチではないかと危惧します。be a part of あたりの、顕在的な感じでどうでしょうか。  意見同様、ずばっと言い切る感じをだしてはどうでしょうか。たとえば以下のような文例ではいかがでしょうか。 Because studying/learning foreign languages is knowing a part of essence of other cultures.  理由として弱いかなと感じたら、 Every laguage was born from its culture.なんて書き足すのも手です。  これは受験テクニックに属することですが、大学受験なら高校を出て希望に胸を膨らませているような態度を、設問者や採点者は期待していると考えて差し支えありません。そのように書くなら、以下のような一文を付け加えてもいいでしょう。 This is why I've been studying English enthusiastically.



細かいところまでご指摘いただき本当にありがとうございます<m(__)m> ニュアンスにもご指摘いただけたのはすごく助かりました 本当にありがとうございました

その他の回答 (2)


I thinkは主張が弱くなりますね。 It's necessary(natural)...とかI'm convinced...から始める方法もあります。 文化は言語に潜む(隠れている)のではなく、言語は文化そのものです。 It's necessary for students to learn at least one foreign language, because any language represents its culture and background of the place where the language is spoken. And it's a good opportunity to know more of our language. はどうでしょうか。



文化は言語そのものという核心を得た御意見本当にありがとうございます 今後言語論の英作文がでてきたらさっそくその方向性で書かせていただきます すごく参考になりました ありがとうございました<m(__)m>


>I think that students need to study more than one foreign language It's unclear what language you are referring to. You need to specify that. >That is because if students study foreign languages, they can be exposed to foreign cultures which are hidden in foreign languages. If I were you, I would say "second-foreign language other than English." Also, you need to explain the sentence above, since you are trying to discuss the relation between language and culture.



ご回答ありがとうございます<m(__)m>  ネイティブさんからのご指摘はすごくためになりました 本当にありがとうございました


  • 自由英作文の添削お願いします。

    2007年の早稲田大学法学部の問題です。 Students at many universities in Japan are required to study a foreign language, usually English. Some universities require students to study more than one foreign language. Some people say universities should not require students to study a foreign language at all. Which do you think is the best policy? Write a paragraph explaining your opinion. Give at least one appropriate reason to support your answer. I agree with the request for students to study more than one foreign language.This is because not only japan but also other countrise all over the world have been heading for the globarization and foreign languages,especially English have been getting more and more important.If they don’t learn more than one language at their college,they may be left from international society.It is true that foreign languages are not necessary to some of them.However,they should not ignore the fact that there are international disputs around the world.So,they need to study foreign languages so that they can understand other countrise. 合格点(6,7割)を目指しているのですが、この程度ではやはり程遠いでしょうか? アドバイスや感想などありましたらよろしくお願いします。

  • 英作の添削お願いします

    次の問題に対する私の英作を添削お願いします。 Do you think that peple can master a foreign language without studying in a country where the language is spoken? Explain why not or not.Write a passage of 5 sentences in English on your answer sheet. I don't think so. Words related to values are also connected to culture. It can seem that when speaking, words and sentences are a way of passing imformation from one person to another, like tossing a ball. In fact, nothing really travels except the sound waves, which from a code requring excensive back ground knowledge to fully understand. Therefore, we need to understand backgroud knowledge that foreign language. The best way is study in a country where the foreign language spoken. 宜しくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    英作文が苦手なので、上達のため英文を書いてみました。 文法上の間違い、文章の構造などについて、アドバイスをください。 テーマは「大学の秋入学について」です Recently,many universities are considering whether change the admission season from spring to autumn or not. This attempt arouse wide public concern, and, of course the public divided into supporter and opponent. In my opinion, it is beneficial to universities. Under the existing system, because of the different program between Japanese university and foreign university, each students are hard to study in abroad.So, If the attempt carry out, many Japanese students are easier to go abroad and Universities can receive more international students. Moreover the increasing of international students in Japan can improve Japanese students' sense of competition and cooperation. However, opponent says this attempt can destroy Japanese traditional culture. They think globalization is equal to imitating USA, and Japan should have own position in the world. As far as I concerned,the opponent's opinion is too much exaggerated. Foreign country is not only USA , but also including non-English country. And we can't neglect Japanese culture. If the globalization will be success, Japan's economy turn to good condition gradualy. From the above thing, I support the autumn admission.

  • 英作文添削おねがいします

    大学受験浪人生のものです よろしければ添削お願いいたします<m(__)m> 設問 Some people argue that personal relationships have improved because of new technologies, and others argue that they have weakened What do you think about this? Write a paragraph defending ONE of these positions, giving at least one appropriate reason to support your answer. 自分の解答 I think that personal relationships have weakened because of new technologies. This is because, more and more new technologies such as the Internet are prevailed, the less time people spend communicating with other people face to face. よろしくお願いします

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    非常に拙い文章ですみません。 明らかにヘンなところだけでもOKですので、添削していただければ助かります。 ここはこう言った方がかっこいい!とかも嬉しいです。 私としては特に、「この状態では完璧に仕事をこなすことができないと思い」のところが不安です。 このままでは「仕事を全くこなすことができない」にとれませんか? I had learned Italian language in Italy before. After I have returned to Japan in 2007, I worked in an office where I helped candidates who want to study various arts in Italy. For this work, I could use mainly Italian language to communicate with staffs of the art school in Italy, but then it was also necessary writing and sometimes also speaking English because of various nationalities of candidates and students. Since I had learned English at university I can use it anyway. But I think that I couldn’t be useful perfectly in this situation so I left my job. Then I looked for other jobs which proper to me, but in Japan many works which are related to Italy require also ability of English. For this reason I decided to learn it seriously. I believe learning English will be much help for me.

  • 大学入試の英作文の添削おねがいします

     こんにちは。青山学院大学の過去問をといています。 どうしても記述部分の添削は自分ではできないので 詳しいかた、添削お願いします。  【課題】English should be eliminates from university entrance exams.に対して、賛成か反対か述べ、あなたの答えを支持する理由も述べなさい。(60字以内) I am against to this statement. As English is a kind of "International Language" English will be more and more important, powerful and useful language than now days. So, I am sure, we can't live without English in the future. This is the main reason that I think our English should be tested at school and entrance exam.

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    文法などボロボロですみません…。 英検準2級の作文です。 Question: Do you think students should read a newspaper more often? I think students should not read a newspaper more often. First, students should watch the news on the website or the TV instead. because, the website and TV give information more faster than a newspaper. Second, newspaper letters are very small. So, bad for our eyes. Therefore, I think students shouldn't read a newspaper more often. 書きたかったこととしては、 私は生徒達は新聞をもっと読むべきではないと思います。まず、生徒達はニュースをウェブや、テレビで見ればいいのです。なぜならウェブやテレビの方が新聞よりも情報が早いからです。 そして次に新聞の文字はとても小さく、私達の目に悪いからです。 以上のことから、私は生徒達は新聞をさらに読むべきではないと思います。 文法・単語の間違い、アドバイスや点数など、なんでも良いので回答をお願いします🙇

  • 英作文 添削2

    添削をお願いします He said competitive events should be abolished on this sports day. He thinks it's important to tell the students about the necessity cooperating each other rather than concerning the result. So they should do events whithout winning and losing, like dance or something. On the other hand, she said it's good there is competitive essentials to some extent, which stimulate the students.

  • 英訳添削お願いします

    問題1) 出身大学よりもそこで学ぶ内容の方がはるかに重要だ。 僕の回答:What you learned at university is much more important than from which university you graduated. 模範解答:What you study at college is much more important than which college you study at. 問題2) 彼に関して最も印象的だったのは、彼がいつも微笑みを絶やさないということだった。 僕の回答:What the most impressed me about him was he always smiled. 模範解答:What impressed me most about him was that he always smiled. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    外国語で書くときは、とりわけ自然な表現を目指すべきである。なるほど自国語で書くときに 複雑な表現を好む書き手がいるが、外国人はまず読みやすい表現を使うべきである。 You should aim at expressing naturally in foreign languages when you write in it. It is true that some writers like to use complex words but foreigners should use plain words 完全なる直訳になってしまいました。 回答よろしくお願いします。