• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:添削してください。)




>Hello. How are you?  Dearを言っているのでHelloは不要です。もしくは、Hello ××××××, how are you? で始めましょう。 >My name is ×××.  OKです。 >I'm one of your biggest fans in Japan.  OKです。 >I went to Target Center to see your game this month.  seeではなくてwatchです。 >I could see your dunk shot to close, and was excited truly!!  単純に直すとcould seeではなくてmanaged to watchですが、I was surprisedd with your ...がいいでしょう。あるいは、I was extremely excited with your dunk shot! とまとめてもいいでしょう。  もしダンクシュートが2回以上なら、shotsに。 >I am aiding your passionate play from Japan.  aiding を cheeringに変えれば、まあ、いいでしょう。I've been cheering you and will cheer from now on too! あたりをお勧めしますが。 >I go to surely see your game next year.  同じく see を watch に。 >I hope you'll find time to come and visit us in Japan someday.  hope より wish をお勧めします。findよりhaveですね。time より a chance がいいでしょう。usは押し付けがましい恐れがあり、and vist Japan.で充分です。そう直すと、come and visitはくどいので、ただcome toだけで構わないでしょう。つまり、 I wish you'll have a chance to come to Japan someday. >Please take care about an injury or illness and do your best also in a season now.  Take care of yourself and ...でいいでしょう。  もしくはたとえば、Do your best as usual for this and future seasons! Don't get injured or ill! あたりでしょうか。



ご丁寧にありがとうございます。 本当にたすかりました。 直して頂いた文章で、早速手紙を出そうと思います。 ありがとうございました‼


  • プレゼントに添えるメッセージの添削をお願いします

    来日中の好きなアーティストにちょっとしたプレゼントを贈りたいと思っています。 プレゼントに添えるカードの文面を考えたのですが、普段英文を書く機会がほとんど ないのでどうも自信がありません・・。相手に失礼な(押しつけがましい) 言い回しになっていないか、「ここはこう直した方がいい」などアドバイスがあれば 是非教えて下さい。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 Dear ○○ I deeply appreciate you and your family for coming to Japan in this situation. And thank you so much for your extraordinary, wonderful performance. I hope these tiny pearls remind you that we, all of your fans in Japan, are always longing and waiting for you. I wish you health and success. Love, ○○

  • イギリス英語の添削をお願いします。

    If you do not mind, I would appreciate if you could post your autographed portrait with signatures for us. ちょっと丁寧なお願いにしてます I am looking forward to "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" which will be screened at cinema in July this year. I want to see as again in Japan. 新作の話と再会のお願い Thank you in a advance. Your sincerely. 結び

  • イギリス人俳優にUK英語でファンレターを書きました。自信ないので手直しお願いします

    全文なので長いデス。出来る範囲でお願いします My dearest Mr. Grint, Hello. I'm a forties woman, live in Tokyo. I read all the books of "Harry Potter Series", and saw five the films. Your acting attracted me on all films. Your was rise superior to that I've got imagined the character of the book. I became your greatest fan. I enjoy your act as its expression changs. You've get acting delight, anger, sorrow, and pleasure at movement. You're a character actor and charming. I've enjoyed the film on five DVDs many times. I want to see more your other films. However, able to see you in "thunderpants" only. I wish your works "Driving Lessons", "Cherrybomb" and "Wild Target" opens in Japan. If you don't mind, I would appreciate if you could post your autographed portrait with signatures for us. I'm looking forward to "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince" which will be open July this year.I hope you'll contnue to mark great films, and want to see again you in Japan. Thank you in a advance.Kind regards.

  • 英作文を作ったので添削おねがいします

    お礼は必ずします。 よろしくお願いします Recruitment of friend!(British or  American) Nice to meet you. My name is A I am a 35-year-old Japanese man and I live in Osaka. I am 172 cm tall and I weigh 65 kg. My blood type is A. I am a chemist at a chemists,selling medicines. I like playing football and walking my dog. I love Britain and American. I would like to be your friend. Could you correspond with me if you don't mind? If you correspond with me, I would provide you with something you can obtain only in Japan. Through corresponding with you, I would be able to improve my English and increase my knowledge about Britain and USA. Please become my friend by all means. My e-mail address is shown below. I am looking forward to your favorable reply. I would like to see you in near days. see you

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    問題文: 次のような想定で手紙の一部を書け。 「あなたが中学生のときから文通を続けてきたJamesが初めて日本を訪れることになった。滞在期間は1月から2月までではどうかと言ってきた。それに対して、(1)来日の時期は3月末からの1ヶ月間にした方がよいとすすめ、(2)なぜその方がよいかを具体的に説明し、返事を出す事にした。 印刷してある書き出しの部分に続けて、上記の(1)と(2)の内容を入れて、40語程度で書け。」 Dear James, I was delighted to get your letter and learn that you will be able to visit Japan in the near future. I am looking forward to meeting you. I will be happy to show you some of the famous places in Japan. You said in your letter that you would like to come for one month from January to February._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please let me know if that would be all right with you. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you. My regards to your parents. Sincerely, yours, 自分の解答: I recommend that, however, you come for one month from in the end of March. That is why it will be still cold for getting around, and in spring, you can see a lot of beautiful Sakura which is popular for visitors in Japan. (44words)

  • 英文にしたのですが、添削してください!!

    I congratulate you on your successive victories!! The next game should also advance at this tune. And the next game can go to cheering at last. Ican't wait ! I expect your fantastic play. have a sweet time. 連勝おめでとうございます!!次の試合もこの調子で勝ち進んでください。そして次の試合はやっと応援に行けます。待ちどおしいです。 あなたの素晴らしいプレー期待しています。 と、応援のメッセージをつくったのですが・・・。もしわかりにくいところなどありましたら教えてください。和英の辞書を引きながらと、英語初心者なのでm(。-_-。)m

  • 手紙の添削をお願いします!!

    オーストラリアにいる同世代の女友達に手紙を書きました。 もしよろしければ、だいたいでいいのでこの文章で送っても失礼がないか添削していただけないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。 (誤字・脱字などでわかりづらい部分がありましたら、申し訳ありません。) Hi.What's up?I'm pretty good. I am so sorry for taking so long to reply. Guess what! I passed entrance exam for university!! So I go to there and study English everyday. It was really happy to study something. Like what world situation, culture and history about other country in the world, and of course English! I enjoy school life. I wanna speak English more fluently and talk with you a lot when I see you again. You come to Japan this year, don't you? I can't wait! I want to see you. So I need to ask teacher if I can see you. If she tell me I cant’t do, I will pretend to be P(学校名) high school student! lol I miss you so much. Please tell your family I said hi. See you soon! BYE Love from N(私の名前).

  • どなたか添削してくださいm(。-_-。)m

    またしても、ファンレターの添削をお願いします。 どうも自信がなくて・・・。(汗) Dear××× It was the game with the best Panasonic game. Although the overtime game was regrettable, much of your good play was able to see. Did Japan get used? Please do your best, although it is an expedition next time also.It is getting cold. Take care. パナソニック戦いい試合でした。 延長戦は残念でしたが、あなたのいいプレーがたくさん見れました。 日本は慣れましたか?次回も遠征ですが、がんばってください。 寒くなってきました。お体にお気をつけて。 と、このように書いてみたのですが間違っているところや変な言い回しをしていないでしょうか?? よろしくお願いいたします。m(_ _;;m

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    英語の基礎がないため間違いながら覚えています。めちゃくちゃな文なのはわかってますが、お時間があるようでしたら、修正をお願いします。 Hey Simon, How are you doing? I'm doing good. well, your girlfriend went to England!! you're going good. but she probably get jealousy,coz next your work is university has a lot of young girls. the day come up when I leave Eikaiwa-school. coz I have only 10point and a few spesial tickets. I go on studying English,though. recently I am taught by childhood friend. she went American school. she is very kind. but a little bit temper.I want to meet you her. well, I head Yui that your birthday is in Sep 15th!! Happy happy birthday SIMON!!!!! how old are you? 25 or 26? my gift is a ticket for TOYOTA CUP. It's Barcelona game. if you are not buzy, why don't we go to see to Nissan studium(Yokohama). I'm not sure yet that I can go to Narita to pick you up. I know your company will arrange for your transport. but If I can go and I don't make a touble for you, I want to go to Narita to pick you up. maybe Yui too. why don't we have a lunch, and after that I'll take you at your company or your new apt. what do you think?

  • 英文の添削お願いします。

    アメリカのスケーターに渡すメッセージの英文添削お願いします。 Welcome to Japan. Yours dance make me happy. あなた達のダンスにしたいんですが複数系もYoursで良いですか? I hope for your future success. ※これからも楽しみしてます、と言いたいのですが、これで伝わりますか? Congratulations on your engagement. I wish you have a happy life with○○. ※○○の所は名前です。 I have been your fan since Olympic. Congratulations on Olympic and DWTS winning. ※DWTSは固有名詞です I admire you because you are pretty and beauty. Thank you for coming to Japan. あと、宛名はDear○○で名前だけでは失礼なんでしょうか? 郵送じゃなくて会場で受け付けに渡すのですがミス、 ミスターは付けるのが一般的ですか? 初めての質問なので失礼な事があったらすみません。 よろしくお願いします。