• 締切済み




the regret of old time is believed to become memories surely nowは、おそらく「私が信じる」のではなくて、「昔の後悔は思い出だって事になっている。(みんなに当然と信じられている。)」というニュアンスだと思います。 その他の部分は適切に表現されていると思います。


  • 英訳の問題です お願いします

    「私は明日の朝早くここを出発しなければならないだろう。」 これを I will have to leave here early tomorrow morning. としたのですが。 解答では I will have to start from here early tomorrow morning. となっていました。 自分の解答では間違いになるでしょうか。お願いします。

  • 英訳を教ええてください。

    将来の夢を聞かれた時、声優になりたいというと、「無理だ!もっと現実的に将来について考えなさい」と言われます。しかし、決してあきらめず、自信を持って夢の為に努力します。必ず声優になります。今、一番大切なのは夢を持ち、自信を持って努力することだと信じて・・・。 上記の文章を自分で英訳してみましたが、自信がありません。 英語が得意な方、添削お願いします。 When someone ask me about my future deream,I answer "I want to be a voice actress" and then, they said it's impossible.You should think more seriously about your future.But I never give up.I will try hard with confidence for my dream.I'm surely going to be a voice actress.I belive that it is most important to have a dream and trying hard with comfidence for the present. めちゃくちゃな英訳ですが、これで精一杯です・・・。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳について

    英語を始めたばかりで英訳に困っています。 この場合適切な英語は何ですか? 仕事の関係でアメリカのオフィサーにメールをしなければなりません。 仕事が始まるまでの5ヶ月間ほどはビザがおりないので違う仕事でビザをとりアメリカにくることを進められました。 しかし弁護士に後で本当にとりたい労働ビザが取得しにくくなるので今はビザを取得しないほうがいいといわれたことを伝えたいのですが。。。 I talked lawyer about working VISA. If I get a job at the shop and get the working VISA now, I will become difficult to get the VISA when I came to being able to work at the office, so they said it is better for me don't get a VISA if it is possible to get a job in my future at the office. Thank you for helping.

  • 英訳してください(+_+)

    What are the limits to human performance in sports? Or are there any limits? Will future athletes continue to be able to break old records by running and swimming faster, jumping higher and farther, and lifting more weight? Or will we get to a point where the human body has reached its limit and few or no new records can be set? These questions came up again when Mike Powell broke the world record in the long jump by leaping over twentynine feet in 1991. The old record which had been set in 1968 was the longest remaining record in the history of track and field. Many people had wondered if the old mark was an absolute limit which world never be passed. But Powell surpassed it, and others are now busy trying to set a new record again.

  • 歌詞を英訳したいのですが

    外国人の友達に好きな曲を紹介したくて英訳に挑戦してみたんですが 翻訳サイトなどで調べたので意味が通じるのかどうか自信がありません 確認していただけないでしょうか? 歌詞はここに載ってます http://music.yahoo.co.jp/shop/p/53/9010/Y011899 distant earch, road that leads to tomorrow Looked up at the meteor appear and disappear It like a breath of the flower bud of only has come spring "The thing to live is loves thing, and a be loved thing" I want to hold you, Think tenderly of the such a person The happiness be with you now of such an encounter I still treasures the summer that doesn't ends in my heart I jumps into the dream of you who is breathing of sleep City Lights was counted at many nights when wasn't able to sleep It was swallowed words that I want you to tell me Lonely night get heartbreaking in a more thoughtless kindness It worries by a unstable love like feelings that understand each other Say,Will it be so? However keep searching for ordinary love and ordinary happiness all the time, I can't catch hold it Heartbreaking , Against the backdrop of street trees where goes falling of autumn I was so thinking about you that I was madly In a distant foreign country Reach here at last in the old days, what did you see on this place ? a traveler It is understood to live together if not easy It overflows all over the place cheap "eternity" Look at our palms only at a little while So, it hurries up alive for wants to tell love in the body in all Say,Will it be so? At the mercy of the dream of daily looking back Nostalgic pain of a love that caresses a cheek softly In the wind to which biting the skin of winter come soon Certain the beat,The flapping time is waited for impatiently

  • 後悔

    「しない後悔よりする後悔/しなかったことを後悔するより、したことを後悔するほうがましだ」と言う文章をいろいろ考えて見たのですが、どれが一番近いですか。考えながら混乱してきました。 1) I'd rather regret what I did than what I didn't. 2) I'd rather having done something than not having done anything. 3) I'd rather having done something than having done nothing. 4) I'd rather having done something than not having been able to do anything. もし他にもっと簡単な言い回しがあったら教えてください。

  • 英語では何といいますか?

    英語では何といいますか? 私は廊下に立たされた。とても恥ずかしい罰だった。自分のしたことをとても反省した。 一応自分の英語では I was made to stand in the corridor, I received a very ashamed punishment. I regret and reflect what I have done, おかしなところを直してください。

  • 英語が得意な方!以下の文を和訳してくれませんか?

    歌詞の一部なのですが以下の部分がどうしても気になるので,どなたかよろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m *-------------------------------------------------* When I was young I was invincible I found myself not thinking twice I never thought about no future It's just a roll of the dice But the day may come when you got something to lose And just when you think you're done paying dues You say to yourself "Dear, God What have I Done?" And hope its not too late cause tomorrow may never come *-------------------------------------------------* ※もし可能であれば全文訳してくださると助かります!! 歌詞です[> http://goo.gl/vijVW

  • 英訳をお願いします

    以下の文章の英訳をお願いします。認知心理学に関する論文です。 functional comparison of involuntary and voluntary remembering. Functional accounts of autobiographical memory have postulated three separate purposes for this memory system: directive (helping to guide future behavior), social (enhancing social cohesion among individuals), and self function (helping to facilitate and maintain conceptualizations of the self). White there has been little work done in the area of function with involuntary memories, one study has suggested that they may have functions which in many ways overlap with these three functions. It makes sense that involuntary remembering and voluntary remembering would have the same or overlapping functions, as both should be serving the larger purposes of autobiographical memory . However, involuntary remembering may have unique functions that voluntary remembering could not logically have. Involuntary memory chaining, which results from voluntary memories, is a good case in point. Mace demonstrated that involuntary memory chains resulted from memories produced voluntarily on an autobiographical memory task. As virtually all of these memories were related to the targets of voluntary recall, Mace argued that involuntary memory chaining may naturally be functional to voluntary recall, as chaining appears to be expanding the process of remembering by bringing memories to mind that had some relationship with the targets of recall. Another special function of involuntary remembering may occur when involuntary memories experienced in everyday life cause one to engage in voluntary recall. That is, frequently the experience of an involuntary memory may cause one to engage in the voluntary remembering process by elaborating further on a memory in potentially all sorts of way. In this regard, involuntary remembering could be seen as serving the purpose of jump starting the voluntary remembering process, prompting one to think more about a particular situation or remember more about a particular past event. In a more traditional sense, one could look at involuntary memories as early warning devices that on occasion may signal a potential danger.

  • hope

    ( )にhopeを補った場合【不適切】なものはどれか 1.I ( ) to see you again. 2.I ( ) you to attend the meeting. 3.I ( ) that my son will become a doctor. 4.I ( ) it will not rain tomorrow. 答えは2 hopeはwant形が取れないとありますがwant形とはなんですか。 〇I hope to V 〇I hope that ×I hope A to do