• ベストアンサー




stock market は、株式市場、証券取引所、を指しますから、訳は、 株式市場は、南に移ってきている。 となると思います。間違っていたらすみません。





  • 英語の日本語訳を教えてください。

    英語の日本語訳を教えてください。 The smell seems to come right into my bowl and norish me. よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳(翻訳)をよろしくお願いいたします。

    日本語訳(翻訳)をよろしくお願いいたします。 6月3日の昼過ぎまでによろしくお願いいたします。 (翻訳サイトなどを使用した訳はご遠慮願います) ↓↓ IN NEWS FROM SOUTH ASIA: The United Nations’ refugee agency is moving thousands of Afghan refugees who have come to Pakistan. The refugees will be moved from a camp near the town of Peshawar to a new camp several kilometers away. The U.N. says that as many as 250 Afghan refugees are entering Pakistan every day. The Pakistani government says it has closed its borders to new arrivals. The U.N. says it is already helping more than one million Afghans in Pakistan. The U.N. agency also has urged Tajikistan to accept about 10,000 Afghans currently living on islands between Afghanistan and Tajikistan.

  • 日本語訳がわからないので、わかる人いたら助けてほしいです。

    日本語訳がわからないので、わかる人いたら助けてほしいです。 ・The mean component varies slowly as the stock to remove varies, which is significant mainly in milling internal corners of pockets. ちなみに内容は機械で切削に関するものです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を教えてください。

    大学のゼミの資料の一部です。日本語訳を教えてください。 Increasing numbers of revolutinaries have begun to recognize that "the revolution" is not going to come as some great apocalyptic moment, the storming of some global equivalent of the the Winter Palace, but a very long process that has been going on for most of human history [even if it has like most things come to accelerate of late] full of strategies of flight and evasion as much as dramatic confrontations, and which will never-indeed, most anarchists feel , should never-com to a definitive conclusion.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Joffre set 14 August as the date when the First and Second armies were to invade Lorraine between Toul and Épinal, south of the German fortified area of Metz-Thionville. The First Army was to attack in the south with four corps, towards Sarrebourg 60 kilometres (37 mi) east of Nancy and Donon 25 kilometres (16 mi) south of Sarrebourg. Passes in the Vosges to the south of Donon were to be captured before the main advance began. The Second Army was to attack towards Morhange 45 kilometres (28 mi) north-east of Nancy, with two corps north of the First Army and three advancing successively behind the left flank of the corps to the south, to counter a German attack from Metz. The French offensive was complicated by the two armies diverging as they advanced, on difficult terrain particularly in the south, the combined fronts eventually being 150 kilometres (93 mi) wide. The advances of the First and Second armies were to attract German forces towards the south, while a French manoeuvre took place in Belgium and Luxembourg, to pierce a weak point in the German deployment and then destroy the main German armies.

  • 訳を教えてください

    Memory Pharmaceuticals Corp. today announced that it has received notice from the NASDAQ Listing Qualifications Panel that the listing of the Company's common stock will be transferred from The NASDAQ Global Market to The NASDAQ Capital Market effective with the opening of trading on October 28, 2008. この文におけるbe transferredの意味がわかりません。普通株の上場先がNASDAQ Global MarketからNASDAQ Capital Marketに変更になったということでしょうか? また、effective with the opening of trading on October 28, 2008. とは10月28日から取引開始ということでよろしいのでしょうか?

  • 日本語訳

    日本語訳、宜しくお願いします。 The surface to be inspected extends beyond a depth to opening ratio greater than 1.

  • 日本語訳お願いいたします!

    次のものを英語から日本語に訳してほしいと言われたのですが よく分からなくて分かる方、日本語に訳してもらってもいいですか? ・My dearly beloved daughter it is with great love that I come to communicate with you this evening. For I know the torment you have been suffering. The suffering which you have now offered up for souls means that they would have faced damnation had you not done so with joy. よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を願います。

    以下の文章の日本語訳を願います。よろしく 1) Master ordered duty officer to increased back the ship speed to full ahead. Master :船長  2) The tanker crossed bow to port side of the sip.

  • 日本語訳がわからないので教えてください( 一一)

    日本語訳がわからないので教えてください( 一一) Trust that can be as hard to put a price tag on, and as fragile, as Southwest's famously-high employee morale, on display at this company meeting only days before the bad news emerged. アメリカのサウスウェスト航空が問題を起こした時の文章で出てきたんですが、いまいち意味がわからないので、どなたかお願いします。