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英文の解説をお願いします。 ある英文で In addition, when you stay for nights in select luxury suites between September 5th and November 15th, your fifth night is free. とあります。 訳は 「また、9月5日から11月15日までに高級スイートルームに4泊されたお客様には、5日目の宿泊料を無料とさせていただきます。」 です。 この英文でinの後にどうして動詞の原形がきているのでしょう。 よろしくお願いします。


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  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

select 【形容詞】 (more select; most select) 1 【限定用法の形容詞】 (比較なし) a 選んだ,抜粋した. 用例 select passages from Shakespeare シェイクスピアから抜粋した数節. b より抜きの,精選した,極上の. 用例 select wines より抜きの各種ぶどう酒. a small but select library 数は少ないが精選された蔵書. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/select 上記用法の 1.b. に当たるのでは?よって、 select luxury suits で「極上のスイートルーム」と言う名詞ですので in と言う前置詞が用いられています。ここの select は動詞ではないと思います。


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この場合 select は動詞ではなく、下記にありますように「限られた」と言う意味の形容詞です、ですから select luxury suites は 「限られた豪華スイートルーム」ということになります。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/select/UTF-8/  



  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Keupri-Keni was recaptured by the Ottoman army on 14 November, the Sultan proclaimed Jihad, next day the Battle of Cracow (15 November – 2 December) began and the Second Russian Invasion of North Hungary (15 November – 12 December) commenced. The Second German Offensive against Warsaw opened with the Battle of Łódź (16 November – 15 December). Great Retreat Main article: Great Retreat The Great Retreat was a long withdrawal by the Franco-British armies to the Marne, from 24 August – 28 September 1914, after the success of the German armies in the Battle of the Frontiers (7 August – 13 September). After the defeat of the French Fifth Army at the Battle of Charleroi (21 August) and the BEF in the Battle of Mons (23 August), both armies made a rapid retreat to avoid envelopment. A counter-offensive by the French and the BEF at the First Battle of Guise (29–30 August), failed to end the German advance and the Franco-British retreat continued beyond the Marne. From 5–12 September, the First Battle of the Marne ended the retreat and forced the German armies to retire towards the Aisne river, where the First Battle of the Aisne was fought from 13–28 September. Tactical developments Flanders Main article: Siege of Maubeuge After the retreat of the French Fifth Army and the BEF, local operations took place from August–October. General Fournier was ordered on 25 August to defend the fortress at Maubeuge, which was surrounded two days later by the German VII Reserve Corps. Maubeuge was defended by fourteen forts, a garrison of 30,000 French territorials and c. 10,000 French, British and Belgian stragglers. The fortress blocked the main Cologne–Paris rail line, leaving only the line from Trier to Liège, Brussels, Valenciennes and Cambrai open to the Germans, which was needed to carry supplies southward to the armies on the Aisne and transport troops of the 6th Army northwards from Lorraine to Flanders. On 7 September, the garrison surrendered, after super-heavy artillery from the Siege of Namur demolished the forts. The Germans took 32,692 prisoners and captured 450 guns. Small detachments of the Belgian, French and British armies conducted operations in Belgium and northern France, against German cavalry and Jäger. On 27 August, a squadron of the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) flew to Ostend, for reconnaissance sorties between Bruges, Ghent and Ypres. Royal Marines landed at Dunkirk on the night of 19/20 September and on 28 September, a battalion occupied Lille. The rest of the brigade occupied Cassel on 30 September and scouted the country in motor cars; an RNAS Armoured Car Section was created, by fitting vehicles with bullet-proof steel.

  • 英文で分からないところがあるので教えてください。

    1~3と5~10の英文が正しいかどうか教えてください。4と11日本語の文章をどのように英文にすればいいのか分からないので教えてください。 1.日本では、一ヶ月、早く雪が降りました。 ( In Japan , winter came a month early.) 2.私の町では、11月6日に雪が降りました。 ( In my town, the snow began to fall in November 6.) 3.毎年、私の町では、12月に雪が降ります。 ( In my town, the snow usually began to fall in December.) 4.今、すごく寒いので朝、起き辛いです。 5.あなたの国の天気は、どうですか? ( How whether in your country?) 6.最近、学校に20時から20時30分までいます。 ( Recently, I spend 20:00~20:30 in our school.) 7.なぜならビジネスコンピューターと就職試験の勉強をしているからです。 ( Because I study business computer and employment exam.) 8.すごく大変です。 ( It’s very hard.) 9.最近、あなたの勉強は、どうですか? ( How about your study?) 10.ええと、私の学校では、生徒同士のパーティーは、あります。 ( Well, our school have students party.) 11.入学祝のパーティーと卒業祝いのパーティーがあります。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    After a modest British advance, German counter-attacks recovered most of the ground lost opposite Passchendaele. There were 13,000 Allied casualties, including 2,735 New Zealanders, 845 of whom had been killed or lay wounded and stranded in the mud of no-man's-land. In lives lost in a day, this was the worst day in New Zealand history. At a conference on 13 October, Haig and the army commanders agreed that attacks would stop until the weather improved and roads could be extended, to carry more artillery and ammunition forward for better fire support. Action of 22 October 1917 On 22 October the 18th (Eastern) Division of XVIII Corps attacked the east end of Polecappelle as XIV Corps to the north attacked with the 34th Division between the Watervlietbeek and Broenbeek streams and the 35th Division northwards into Houthulst Forest. The attack was supported by a regiment of the French 1st Division on the left flank of the 35th Division and was intended to obstruct a possible German counter-attack on the left flank of the Canadian Corps as it attacked Passchendaele and the ridge. The artillery of the Second and Fifth armies conducted a bombardment to simulate a general attack as a deception. Poelcappelle was captured but the attack at the junction between the 34th and 35th divisions was repulsed. German counter-attacks pushed back the 35th Division in the centre but the French attack captured all its objectives. Attacking on ground cut up by bombardments and soaked by rain, the British had struggled to advance in places and lost the ability to move quickly to outflank pillboxes. The 35th Division infantry reached the fringes of Houthulst Forest but were pushed back in places after being outflanked. German counter-attacks made after 22 October were at an equal disadvantage and were costly failures. The German 4th Army was prevented from transferring troops away from the Fifth Army and from concentrating its artillery-fire on the Canadians as they prepared for the Second Battle of Passchendaele (26 October – 10 November 1917).

  • この英文はあっていますか?

    東京ディズニーランドに行った時(5月、7月、9月、11月)にシンデレラに子供(2歳)と写真を撮っていただきましてありがとうございます。その時にシンデレラと子供が少し話をしたのですが、シンデレラが日本語で話をしてくださったところしか話が分からなくて子供がシンデレラともっと話をしたいと思ったようでそれから英語教室に通い始めました。今はまだ勉強中ですがきっと次に東京ディズニーランドに行けるときには少しは英語でシンデレラとお話ができるのではないかと思います。またその時を楽しみにしております。 まだまだ寒い日が続きますので、お身体に気をつけてください。 の英文ですが、下記であっていますか? 英語はまったく分からず辞書をひきながら考えましたので間違いも多いかと思いますが、よろしくお願いします。 I have Cinderella take a photograph with a child (2 years old) to (May, July, September, November) at time when I went to Tokyo Disneyland, and thank you. Some Cinderella and children sometimes had the talk, but Cinderella was Japanese, and only the place that talked understood a story, and a child seems to have wanted to talk with Cinderella more and then has begun to go to the English class. I am still studying, but think that it may be possible for a story with Cinderella in English a little when surely I can go to Tokyo Disneyland next now. In addition, I look forward to the time. Because a colder day continues, please be careful about a body.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Richebourg-l'Avoué is a village and former commune in the Pas-de-Calais region of France. It was merged with Richebourg-Saint-Vaast to form the commune of Richebourg on 21 February 1971. Miliary operations began in the area during September 1914, when the opposing armies made several reciprocal attempt to outflank their opponent to the north during the Race to the Sea (17 September – 19 October). Operations continued in 1914 at the Battle of La Bassée (10 October – 2 November) and in 1915, during the Battle of Neuve Chapelle (10–13 March 1915) and the Battle of Festubert (15–25 May). An attack was planned for part of the 39th Division to capture the Boar's Head, a German salient near Richebourg-l'Avoué, on 30 June 1916, as part of the effort made by the armies north of the Somme, to support the offensive by harassing the Germans opposite. From 1 July – 18 November, 310 raids were made on the German lines by the Third, First and Second armies. Two battalions of the 116th Brigade with one battalion for carrying parties, attacked the German front position on 30 June. The British took the German front line trench and the second trench for several hours before retiring, having lost 1,366 casualties.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Joffre used the railways which had transported French troops to the German frontier to move troops back from Lorraine and Alsace to form a new Sixth Army under General Michel-Joseph Maunoury with nine divisions and two cavalry divisions. By 10 September twenty divisions and three cavalry divisions had been moved west from the German border to the French centre and left and the balance of force between the German 1st–3rd armies and the Third, Fourth, Ninth, Fifth armies, the BEF and Sixth Army had changed to 44:56 divisions. Late on 4 September Joffre ordered the Sixth Army to attack eastwards over the Ourcq towards Château Thierry as the BEF advanced towards Montmirail and the Fifth Army attacked northwards, with its right flank protected by the Ninth Army along the St. Gond marshes. The French First–Fourth armies to the east were to resist the attacks of the German 5th–7th armies between Verdun and Toul and repulse an enveloping attack on the defences south of Nancy from the north. The 6th and 7th armies were reinforced by heavy artillery from Metz and attacked again on 4 September along the Moselle.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    However, the German Army stationed in the area of St. Mihiel lacked sufficient manpower, firepower and effective leadership to launch a counter-attack of its own against the Allies. With Allied offensives to the north, the Germans decided to pull out of the St. Mihiel Salient and consolidate their forces near the Hindenburg Line. The order to evacuate the area was given on 8 September. The Allied forces discovered the information on a written order to Army Group Gallwitz. Allied tank support Although the AEF was new to the French theater of war, it trained hard for nearly a year in preparation for fighting against the German armies. In June 1917 Pershing ordered the creation of a tank force to support the AEF's infantry. As a result, by September 1918, Lieutenant Colonel George S. Patton Jr. had finished training two tank battalions – 144 French-built Renault FT light tanks organized as the 344th and 345th Battalions of the United States Tank Corps – at Langres, France for an upcoming offensive at the St. Mihiel salient. "Due to the serious resistance of the enemy, especially along the eastern edge of the FORET d’ARGONNE and in the vicinity of CHEPPY and VARENNES, and due also the lack of support of the Infantry, all the Tanks had contrary to plan entered the action before evening of the first day. The 344th Battalion supporting the advance of the 28th and 35th Divisions left the positions of departure and advanced ahead of the Infantry at H-hour (5:30 a.m.) On the morning of the 26th, Colonel G. S. Patton, Jr., commanding the Brigade of Tanks, was wounded while getting Tanks forward and rallying disorganized Infantrymen to attack enemy resistance. Major Sereno E. Brett, commanding the 344th Battalion, was then placed in command of the Brigade." Patton was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his "extraordinary heroism" that day. In addition to the 144 AEF tanks, the attack was joined by 275 French tanks (216 FTs and 59 Schneider CA1 and Saint-Chamond tanks) of the French 1st Assault Artillery Brigade; a total of 419 tanks. Battle The Saint-Mihiel offensive began on 12 September with a threefold assault on the salient. The main attack was made against the south face by two American corps. On the right was the I Corps (from right to left the 82nd, 90th, 5th, and 2nd Divisions in line with the 78th in reserve) covering a front from Pont-à-Mousson on the Moselle west toward Limey; on the left, the IV Corps (from right to left the 89th, 42d, and 1st Divisions in line with the 3rd in reserve) extending along a front from Limey west toward Marvoisin.

  • 英文宜しくお願い致します。

    こんにちは、いつもお世話になっております。 単語を調べて並べてみたものの・・・ほとんど英語になっていないと思います。 このような英文の方がいいよというのがありましたら是非教えて下さい。 相手は友達なので固苦しくない英語で宜しくお願いします。。 【私は今年の9月か10月にまたアメリカへ行く予定です。 あなたに会いたかったけど、ロスへは寄らないと思うので会えないと思う。 とても残念!】 I will going to us either in September or October this year again. I hope meet you. but I will can not meet you because I will not going to LOS. I wish I could.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The French had identified about 800 German guns on the right bank capable of supporting the 34th, 54th, 9th and 33rd Reserve divisions, with the 10th and 5th divisions in reserve. At least 20 of the super-heavy shells hit Fort Douaumont, the sixth penetrating to the lowest level and exploding in a pioneer depot, starting a fire next to 7,000 hand-grenades. The 38th Division (General Guyot de Salins), 133rd Division (General Fenelon F.G. Passaga) and 74th Division (General Charles de Lardemelle) attacked at 11:40 a.m. The infantry advanced 50 metres (55 yd) behind a creeping field-artillery barrage, moving at a rate of 50 metres (55 yd) in two minutes, beyond which a heavy artillery barrage moved in 500–1,000 metres (550–1,090 yd) lifts, as the field artillery barrage came within 150 metres (160 yd), to force the German infantry and machine-gunners to stay under cover.

  • 和訳お願いします

    海外のホテル予約サイトで、分からない英文があり困っています 。宿泊するとチケットが付いてくるようなのですが、2 for 1の意味が分かりません。 英文は下記です。和訳よろしくお願いします。 Stay two nights in the Luxury room at A Hotel and Casino and receive a $25 food and beverage credit, 2 for 1 Tower admissions, 2 for 1 show tickets for your choice of one of the following shows・・・・

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