Citizen's Rights: Understanding and Challenges

  • Explore the concept of citizen's rights and their variations across countries. Understand violations of citizens' rights in multiple countries and their impact on people and the nation.
  • Reflect on the significance of these events and discuss whether they could have been avoided. Consider the global response to such violations and the need for preventative measures.
  • Imagine establishing a new society and contemplate the fundamental rules and agreements that would shape its citizens' charter. Analyze the potential challenges in forming a successful and harmonious community.
  • ベストアンサー


訳してくださいお願いします。 part 1: introduce the topic of citizen's rights. Explain what this term means and how they differ by country, with some having more or less rights. describe violations of citizens' rights that you have read about in at least 5 countries. what happened in the countries? what effects did it have on the people and the country? explain your personal throughts about the events. do you think they had to happen? how sould the world address or have addressed these areas? part2: rights, responsibilities and laws change over time in response to needs of a society. imagine what it would be like to create a new society. what basic rules and agreements might include in their citizens' charter? what problems might they face in forming a successful new community?

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

パート1 市民の権利の話題を紹介しなさい。この語が何を意味し、それらが国によってどのように違うか、多少の権利のあるいくつかの国と共に、説明しなさい。 少なくとも5カ国であなたが今までに読んだことのある市民の権利の侵害について述べなさい。そうした国々では何が起きましたか?それは国民や国家にどのような影響を与えましたか? その出来事についてあなたの個人的な考えを説明しなさい。それらは起こらなくてはならなかったと思いますか?これらの地域に世界はどの様に話しかけるべきですか、また、どのように話しかけてきましたか? パート2 権利、責任、法律は社会の要求に応じて時とともに変化します。新しい社会を創造することはどの様なことか想像しなさい。どのような基本的規則や協定が彼らの市民憲章に含まれるでしょうか?うまくゆく新しい共同社会を形成する場合に彼らはどんな問題に直面するでしょうか? だいたい以上の様な訳になると思いますが、述べている内容がかなり高度な割に、英語がどこか文法的に甘いような感じのする文章でした。





  • 和訳についてお願いします。

    A part of history is the story of science, of what we have found out as to how things happen, why they happen and what things are. (質問1) how things happen, why they happen and what things are. 「物事がどのようにして起こるのか、何故起こるのか、それらは何なのか」→訳はこれでよいでしょうか?(更に良いものがあれば教えてください。特に、thingsは「物事」でいいのか、それとも「現象」など、変えてしまっていいのか。) (質問2) 質問1と同じ箇所ですが、「how things happen=物事の生じる過程」「why they happen=物事の生じる理由」「what things are=物事の種類?」最後の「物事の種類」でいいのかよく分かりません。 (質問3) what we have found out as to how things happen, why they happen and what things are.の具体例はどのようなものでしょうか? (質問4) A part of history is the story of science, of what we have found out as to how things happen, why they happen and what things are. この文章は、同格構文だと思いますが、どことどこが同格関係になっているのでしょうか?(自分が思うに、scienceと what we have found outですが、なぜwhat we have found outの前にofがあるのですか?)

  • この文の意味教えてください

    A sculpture of Einstein sitting on a bench is more human and approachable than a sculpture in a museum. If you are walking along the street and see this Einstein, what do you do? You might put your arm around his shoulder pr ask someone to take a photo of the two of you. Perhaps you think about how Einstein changed the world and how you might change the world. Or what it might have been like to be the friends with Einstein. 最後のOr what it might have been like to be the friends with Einstein.ってどういう意味ですか? どなたか教えてください

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? Altrhough tecnological changes seldom reverse, it is not necessarily true formegatrends that are triggered by social changes. When major changes in society occur that force people to think and act differently, they may be permanent, or they may late only a generation or two. The aging society is one example. Today, the population 65 and above is increasing in postindustrial countries worldwide, forcing governments, businesses, and families to change in order to care for the large number of senior citizens.

  • 大学受験英作文のおかしな点の指摘お願いします!

    ***** TOPIC:Japan is not a democratic society. ***** I'm against the statement.Japan is no doubt a democratic society.Certainly,in those days people in Japan couldn't speak ill of their government.If they publish news papers,which contain articles against the government,those who did this would be punished for their "dangerous behavior." In addition,people couldn't go on a trip freely.Very few people had rights to vote for a election because most people couldn't aford to pay enough taxes. In contrast to that,however,you can go anywhere,even to the other countries such as China,Brazil,and even South Africa.Japanese citizens reached twenty years old have rights to vote,and can even run for elections of members of the Diet. It is wonderful that you can enjoy democrasism without special efforts and we should say thank you to it. 宜しくお願いします!

  • 英訳

    日本語訳をお願いします。どうしても分かりません。 Define equal rights. Then, identify and explain two examples of how the United States has advanced toward its ideal of equality as well as two examples of how the United States remains short of its ideal. Finally, explain why one emerging group(of your choosing) currently seeking equal rights is likely to have the most difficulty advancing their goals. 長い文章で申し訳ないです。どなたかよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    •WTO is too powerful, in that it can in effect compel sovereign states to change laws and regulations by declaring these to be in violation of free trade rules. •WTO is run by the rich for the rich and does not give significant weight to the problems of developing countries. For example, rich countries have not fully opened their markets to products from poor countries. •WTO is indifferent to the impact of free trade on workers' rights, child labour, the environment and health. •WTO lacks democratic accountability, in that its hearings on trade disputes are closed to the public and the media.         より

  • 翻訳お願いします。お

    The heart of this debate was: How do I reconcile belong in this country of my birth when this country seems bent on oppressing what l believe are my most fundamental and necessarily unalienable individual rights? To white segregationists,this supposed right was the one that entitled them to segregate those different from themselves away from themselves; where as to blacks and integrationist whites the opposing right was the one that freed them to move wherever and associate however they pleased without fear of harm when they did so. In this commotion and in the disputation surrounding it―a long disputation called the American Civil Rights Movement―many people lost their lives in order that justice and right should prevail, which it did, if not perfectly・

  • どういうふうに英訳すればいいのでしょうか?少ししてみたのですが。

    世界各地の伝説上の生き物の文化比較論的研究 副題 異なる文化において、それらはどのような際立った特性、および差異があるのか? また、各地の特有の文化とあいまって、それらは絵画、文学、宗教、音楽において、どのように表現されてきたか。 Comparative Study of Legendary Creatures in various countries of the world って訳してみたのですが、文化比較的が上手く訳せません。世界各地も変だし。自信がなく.... 中年になってから通っている大学の講座で提出するのですが... 英語も併記で困っています。 副題 What outstanding(special?) characteristics do they have in each culture? And what are the fundamental differences? And how have they been expressed (represented?) in art, literature, religion, and music, of each district, influenced by each culture? よろしくお願いいたします。↑ なんか変ですよね?恥ずかしいです。

  • 和訳

    和訳例をお願いします。  Imagine how people lived long before anyone knew of any sciences or of writing. Then, as now, they would try to answer fundamental questions about their existence. Where did the would comd from? How did people originate? Why is there evil in the world? What happens to people when they die? What forces control the weather, the seasons, the cycle of agriculture? Questions such as these have persisted throughout history in every culture. The stories made so long ago to try to offer answers to these questions, and to try to account for a society's customs and rituals, are called myths.  Traditionally, myths did not originate in written form. They developed slowly as an oral tradition that was handed down over generations. Early people looked around and tried to make sense of the confusing world around them. They tried to imagine how it cnuld have come into being.  The elders of society two were considered wise analyzed what they saw. They came up with their own conclusions about natural events and human behavior. They developed stories that explained how such things came to be. They had to account for everything that happenedーfrom the origin of the world up to and including the present. These accounts, passed down in story form, were eventually accepted as traditional truth. Much letter the stories were written down.  Although mythmaking is an ancient practice, it is not a practice limited to people who lived thousands of years ago. People continue to create myths to explain their world. The American West of the 19th century (a,been,favorite,has,on,subject,towhich) build modern myths.  Mythmaking has traditionally looked to the past to try to make sense out of the present. Some modern myths look instead to the future. Storytellers make use of the countless inventions of the last few centuries to give striking descriptions of what Earth may be like  hundreds of years from now. They imagine life on worlds billions of light-years away in space or far in the future. These stories also help cultures understand their world. 以上になります。

  • 答えてください。

    Write a 100-150ward essay about wards in your language that ireflect your culture. Tell me what they are and explain how they show / or what they show about your culture.