You can come to Belgium? I'm very happy to have you as my guest. It will be my pleasure the show you my country, I hope you won't be disappointed.
But don't worry I will spoil and pamper you so you have a good holiday. And if that doesn't work ... we'll throw in a few chocolates and waffles :)
As for the date ... December - March ... my first reaction would be ... what about the 1st of December? The sooner the better :)
March next year I have a big deadline, also January next year we need to demo a new chip on CES in Las Vegas.
Hmmm ... I think that indeed beginning of December would be good for me.
But what about you? When is a good time for you? Isn't December a busy month for you?
Also the weather might not be that good. Normally it's not that cold in Belgium but the coldest months are January / February. Normally in December / March it's not that cold.
Yeah December might be nice with all the Christmas decoration etc ...
But I still need to check with my boss if he thinks if it would be ok to take leave then.
Please let me know what is good for you, ok?
Oh yesterday I made a salad and I used your oil and pepper / salt. It was really nice. A little bit spicy but just nice.
Thank you again!
... maybe I'll meet you in my dream :)
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