• ベストアンサー



  • Pippin
  • ベストアンサー率50% (196/389)

文章を分けると、 She has almost no mosquitoes in her back yard 彼女の庭には殆ど蚊がいないのに which can't be said for my yard on the other side of the privacy fence 柵の反対側の私の庭(は違う) which has many Asian Tiger Mosquitoes 蚊(Asian Tigerという種類の)が沢山いる これを繋げると、 「彼女の庭には殆ど蚊がいないのに、柵を隔てただけのうちの庭には蚊が沢山いる。」


  • 関係詞

    I am looking for a website of which the focus is African cluture.    この文章を 関係詞を使わない一文にするという問題なのですが  例題に、She has a chair of which the value is 500 thousand yen. これが She has a chair with a value of 500 thousand yen. とありますので  I am looking for a website with the focus of African culture. これで いいのでしょうか???  

  • 和訳お願いします。

    1,everybody agrees that she is resembling her mother more and more these days. 2,she is living with her grandmother while her house is being renovated. 3.the great east japanearthquake is an unprecedented tragedy which none of us have ever experienced. 4,china's economy has growing at almost 10% since it embraced economic reforms and free market principles.

  • 添削をお願いしたいのですが…(大学入試)

    私は毎日大学入試の過去問の英作文を書いているのですが、15日まで学校が閉まっていて先生に添削してもらうことが不可能なので、正しい英文なのかどうか分かりません。 どなたか添削お願いします。 (1)キャシーがいなくなって初めて彼女の優しさが分かりました。  It wasn't until Cathy vanished that I realized her kindness. (「いなくなる」をどう表現すればいいでしょうか?) (2)自分が持っているもので満足している人は幸いです。(what one hasを使って)  A person who is satisfied with what he has is happy. (3)彼女こそ君が話したいと思っていたその人ではありませんか。  She is the very person whom you have wanted to speak with, isn' she?

  • 並び替え英語

    彼女は何と言えばよいのかわからなかった。だから何も言わなかった。 She wasn't quite sure what to say,[anything/didn't/is/say/she/which/why]at all. 今日の世界はわずか20年前の世界とまったく変わっている。 The world today[different/from/is/it/quite/what]was only twenty years ago. 自分で考えたけど並び替えはどうも苦手で(≧×≦;) お願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    My wife is borderline addicted to "Words With Friends" (an app game similar to Scrabble), and it's causing me concern, in addition to creating some strife within our marriage. It would be one thing if she were only playing with other female players, but she also has an ongoing game with a former male classmate, which I consider to be a form of online flirting. she also has an ongoing gameは「彼女は(最近)ゲームをしている」でよいでしょうか?she plays a gameというのとは違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どう違うでしょうか

    My mom will be 91 next month, and until recently she has been in remarkably good mental and physical health. She lives alone by choice. About a month ago, she collapsed in the street, was taken to the hospital, and spent three weeks in ICU. Her doctors diagnosed her with dehydration. She is home now and has fallen twice, once spending the whole night on the floor. She has a Life Alert and will not wear it. She has a cellphone and will not carry it. (“Who would I call?”) She has a walker and cane and will use neither. She is signed up to get groceries delivered and will not use the service. She is signed upはShe signed upとどう違うでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    My mother-in-law has the means to buy almost anything she wants. She's a shopper, a borderline hoarder, yet very generous to her children. She buys expensive and unwanted gifts for all her kids -- satisfying her shopping urges by getting us doubles of her latest cooking gadget, vacuum cleaner or 10-pound box of chocolate we shouldn't be eating in the first place. doubles of her latest cooking gadgetはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I'm a 19-year-old college student with a bone to pick with the millennial sex life. Or the millennial political environment. Or really anything my professors tell me I'm supposed to like. The last girl I dated was an ardent feminist, which I also followed along with, and chastised me every time I became squeamish when she talked about all the guys she used to have sex with. She insisted on hanging out with them while I was at work, claiming that they were "just friends," and that I wasn't trusting her enough. I get where she's coming from, but it's a point of pride for me that she not hang out with them. Regardless, that relationship rapidly deteriorated for a myriad of petty reasons before I started college, I myself being torn up about it until about two months ago, when she moved on to yet another guy, and another guy. 1 millennial sex lifeとmillennial political environmentとは何でしょうか? 2 followed along withはどのような意味でしょうか? 3 she not hang outはミスプリでしょうか?どうしてこのような形なのでしょうか? 4 I myself being torn upはなぜwasの代わりにbeingが使われているのでしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    My daughter has a lot of health issues. She’s almost died on us numerous times over the years. I have been her advocate since I was pregnant with her. She survived a severe life threatening birth defect. died on usはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、advocateはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • なぜ進行形なのでしょうか

    My daughter has a master's degree in education and spent three years as a nanny when she was an undergraduate. She recently began her first teaching job with second-grade children. The principal is terrific. However, there is an older teacher who has been at this school for years, and she is making my daughter's life miserable. This teacher runs the show. My daughter quit going to the teachers lounge, because it was a place for gossiping about other teachers and parents and speaking negatively about the children. She was pulled into the principal's office and informed that the other teachers found her "cold" and unsociable because she wasn't going to the teachers lounge. she wasn't going to the teachers loungeは文全体が過去形なので過去形になっているのは分かるのですが、なぜ進行形なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします