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  • 論文の翻訳

    英語の論文の翻訳がうまくできません。翻訳をお願いしたいです。よろしくお願いします。 Suppose that a metal specimen be placed in tension-compression-testing machine. As the axial load is gradually increased in increments, the total elongation over the gauge length is measured at each increment of the load and this is continued until failure of the specimen takes place. Knowing the original cross-sectional area and length of the specimen, the normal stress and the strain can be obtained. The graph of these quantities with the stress along the y-axis and the strain along the x-axis is called the stress-strain diagram. The stress-strain diagram differs in form for various materials. The diagram shown below is that for a medium-carbon structural steel. Metallic engineering materials are classified as either ductile or brittle materials. A ductile material is one having relatively large tensile strains up to the point of rupture like structural steel and aluminum, whereas brittle materials has a relatively small strain up to the point of rupture like cast iron and concrete. An arbitrary strain of 0.05 mm/mm is frequently taken as the dividing line between these two classes. Stress-strain diagram of a medium-carbon structural steel Proportional Limit (Hooke's Law) From the origin O to the point called proportional limit, the stress-strain curve is a straight line. This linear relation between elongation and the axial force causing was first noticed by Sir Robert Hooke in 1678 and is called Hooke's Law that within the proportional limit, the stress is directly proportional to strain or The constant of proportionality is called the Modulus of Elasticity or Young's Modulus and is equal to the slope of the stress-strain diagram from O to P. Then

  • どなたかこの英文を和訳していただけないでしょうか。

    機械論文の一部です。 以下本文 The test was interrupted at certain load levels to observe the crack initiation and propagation processes at the notch root by a scanning electron microscope (SEM). FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS In order to investigate a condition for crack initiation based on the present observations, stress and strain distributions near notch root were analyzed by using the finite element method (FEM). The universal FEM code MARC was utilized for elastic-plastic finite element analysis. An example of finite element model is illustrated in Fig.2. The sizes of three elements beneath notch root were similar, namely 40 μm, which was almost equal to the tungsten particle size, regardless of notch root radius. The plain-strain eight-node isoparametric elements were used. The true stress-true strain relations for the materials A and B were used for the material constitutive equations (Kobayashi et al, 1990). よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 誰か訳せませんか?時間がなくて困ってます。5

    誰か訳せませんか?時間がなくて困ってます。5 ちなみに化学系です。 The test system was calibrated for normal loads by the placing calibrated weights in a systematic array on the sample table so that the calculation of the relationships governing the balance of forces between the three vertical load sensors could be determined. To calibrate the frictional force sensor in the X and Y directions a cord was attached to the centre of the sample table and was passed over a frictionless pulley to a pan loaded with calibrated weights. The test system as designed has a relatively low natural frequency in both the in-plane and out-of-plane directions. This gives rise to a vibrational element in the force response of the test system that must be taken into account in the interpretation of the preliminary test results presented here. Fig. 2 shows oscillations that were generated when the table was tapped and then released. In the horizontal plane the resonance frequency was found to be 55 Hz, and in the normal direction 21 Hz.

  • この英文のイメージが湧きません。教えて下さい

    次の英文が示す様子が図示できず苦しんでおります。 A man pushing a mop across a floor causes it to undergo two displacements. The first has a magnitude of 150 cm and makes an angle of 120° with the positive x axis. The resultant displacement has a magnitude of 140 cm and is directed at an angle of 35.0° to the positive x axis. Find the magnitude and direction of the second displacement. (物理の教科書より) すみません、まったくイメージが湧きません。 どんな風にモップ掛けしている様子なのでしょうか。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。

  • Androidに関する英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Android OSに関する英文を、意味の通る日本語にして頂きたいです。 機械翻訳を行ったのちに自分なりに考えてみたのですがなかなか理解出来ずに困っています。 英語が得意な方、下記の文章を意味の通る日本語に訳して頂けないでしょうか。 対象の英文は、下記サイトの次の3項目についてです。 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/SensorEvent.html Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY: Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION: Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR: 以下、対象箇所のコピペとなります。 Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY: A three dimensional vector indicating the direction and magnitude of gravity. Units are m/s^2. The coordinate system is the same as is used by the acceleration sensor. Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION: A three dimensional vector indicating acceleration along each device axis, not including gravity. All values have units of m/s^2. The coordinate system is the same as is used by the acceleration sensor. Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR: The rotation vector represents the orientation of the device as a combination of an angle and an axis, in which the device has rotated through an angle theta around an axis <x, y, z>. The three elements of the rotation vector are <x*sin(theta/2), y*sin(theta/2), z*sin(theta/2)>, such that the magnitude of the rotation vector is equal to sin(theta/2), and the direction of the rotation vector is equal to the direction of the axis of rotation. The three elements of the rotation vector are equal to the last three components of a unit quaternion <cos(theta/2), x*sin(theta/2), y*sin(theta/2), z*sin(theta/2)>. Elements of the rotation vector are unitless. The x,y, and z axis are defined in the same way as the acceleration sensor.

  • 和訳お願いします.

    Based upon the general weak formulations, the Galerkin finite element method (GFEM), and the global boundary integral equation (GBIE) which leads to the boundary element method (BEM), can be established (Zhang and Atluri 1986). The Galerkin finite element method, due to its profound roots in generalized variational principles and its ease of use, has found extensive engineering acceptance as well as a commercial market. The typical feature of the finite element method is the sub-domain discretization, and the use of local interpolation functions. 和訳お願いします.序盤のほうで何を確立すると言ってるのか, よみとれません.有限要素法関連の英文です よろしくお願いします.

  • 専門の英語の訳で分からないところがあるのですが、よかったら教えてくださ

    専門の英語の訳で分からないところがあるのですが、よかったら教えてください。 The cutting force R, which the tool applies to the chip and through it to the workpiece, is the vector sum of a force normal to the tool face, N, and a tangential force, F, parallel to the tool face. cutting forceは切削抵抗。 toolは工具。 workpieceは被削材。です。

  • 生物の問題です(英文)

    An experiment was performed as follows with respect to the respiration and photosynthesis of plants. Read the statement and answer the questions below it. [Experiment]A flowering (monocot) plant was grown in a closed container. Assume that the air temperature is adjusted appropriately to match the plant's growth. The light level(L1 to L8)was varied and measurements taken of the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed per hour. The graph below shows the results of the experiment as the hourly absorption of carbon dioxide on the y-axis against light intensity on the x-axis. In addition, te organic matter and respiration rates are constant and unrelated to the light intensity. Q,When the light intensity is at 'L3', calculate the values in questions a. and b. below. The atomic weight of three elements is also shown below. H: 1.0 C:12.0 O:16.0 a. Mass of carbon dioxide consumed in photosynthesis per hour.(mg) b. The mass of glucose synthesizd per hour.(mg) という問題なのですが英文の訳とそのQの解答をよろしくお願います。

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    All atoms of a given element are identical, having the same size, mass, and chemical properties. The atoms of one element are different from the atoms of all other elements. この英文を和訳してほしいです。

  • 1.(a)A book is placed on a desk lid

    1.(a)A book is placed on a desk lid which is slowly titled. Given that the book begins to slide when the inclination of the lid to the horizontal is 30°, find the coefficient of friction between the book and the desk lid. (b)State an assumption you have made about the book when forming the mathmatical model you used to solve part (a). 2.A particles is placed on a smooth plane inclined at 35°to the horizontal. The particle is kept in equilibrium by a horizontal force, of magnitude 8 N, acting in the vertical plane containing the line of greatest slope of the inclined plane though the particle. Calculate, in N to one decimal place, (a)the weight of the particle, (b)the magnitude of the force exerted by the plane on the particle. 3.A particle of mass 0.3kg lies on a smooth plane inclined at an angle a(alpha)to the horizontal, where tan a = 3/4. The particle is held in equilibrium by a horizontal force of magnitude Q newtons. The line of action of this force is in the same vertical plane as a line of greatest slope of the inclined plane. Calculate the value of Q to one decimal place. Ansewers 1,(a) 0.577 (b)The book was modelled as a particle. 2,(a) W = 11.4 (b)R = 13.9 3, 2.2 どなたか計算できる方、やり方を教えて下さい! よろしくお願いします。 Does anyone can do these questions?? if you know please tell me!!