• ベストアンサー



  • konkichi
  • ベストアンサー率45% (94/206)

すみません。konkichiです。 パソコンの調子が悪く、同じメールを送ってしまいました。 不要かも知れませんが、追加説明させて下さい。 (3) a boy playing ......diverting   playing, diverting はともに a boy を修飾します while という接続詞は、二つの現象が同時に起こる、存在することを表します。「~しているうちに」 lay undiscovered  は(5)の lay hid と同じ形ですね。 失礼しました。konkichi


  • 和訳お願いします

    don't study normal school subjects listen to a lot of lectures about nature use nature to study school subjects take care of animals in their classroom

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I think both by nature and nurture I tend to apologize more than the average person. It definitely comes from growing up in the culture of “nice” in the Midwest, but I’m also a conflict-avoider and people-pleaser by nature, which seems to amplify it. Additionally, I tend to use it a lot when I’m trying to sympathize with people—if they say they’ve had a bad day, my response is usually, “I’m sorry.” I know the whole discussion of how women say sorry too much, but it just seems ingrained at this point and part of who I am. It’s not done to minimize myself, my opinions, or my feelings. It’s not done to minimize myself, my opinions, or my feelings.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    And the insults never stopped. She said I only got the job because they were looking for people who were neither young nor attractive. (She should know.) She never missed an opportunity to humiliate or belittle me. It only took one week to hate that job and realize the one I left wasn't so bad, but there was nothing to do but tough it out. After seven months, I was laid off due to lack of work. I honestly believe I worked myself out of a job. worked myself out of a jobとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 同格の関係とみるべきなのでしょうか?

    次の一節の2つ目の文についてお尋ねいたします。 All of this seemed to me unconnected with academic life, which I perceived as provincial, shallow and thin, a colourless, lightweight world unrelated to real life. I took university to be more or less a continuation of school, and professors to be the next level up of a schoolmaster, people who lived their lives in closed institutions devoting all their working energies to the same sort of subjects as were pursued in school classrooms: Latin, Greek, history, geography… I found these subjects easy to ‘do’, but had never seen much point in doing them. What seemed to me to penetrate life to the core - and therefore to be, ultimately, what living was for, in addition to relationships with other people - was the creation and absorption of works of art. Artistic experience, it seemed to me, was in a totally different category from any other sort of experience, except sexual experience, when it came to glory and significance. It was the distilled essence of living. (- Bryan Magee, Confessions of a Philosopher, p.26) 関心のある第2文のみを改めて以下に引用します。 I took university to be more or less a continuation of school, and professors to be the next level up of a schoolmaster, people who lived their lives in closed institutions devoting all their working energies to the same sort of subjects as were pursued in school classrooms: Latin, Greek, history, geography… この後半のpeople以下は、どのように解釈すべきなのでしょうか? peopleの前にandはないのでthe next level up (of schoolmaster)と同格の関係にあると考えるのかなと思いました。一方、the next level up (of schoolmaster)の部分とpeople who以下の意味の重さが対等ではなく、後者が前者の説明(あるいは補足)をしているように思えます。このような関係も学校文法では同格の関係にあるというしかないのでしょうか? 基本として学校文法の枠内で説明するとするならば、どのような説明になるのでしょうか? ご教示ください。

  • 間接話法:She said I must take careは間違いですか?

    こんにちは、 間接話法は時制の一致というものがあると思うのですが、 サラ・ウォーターズ著 「半身(Affinity)」という本を読んでいて、こんな文がありました。 『She said I must take care』, for example, of my possession. Many of her girls were pickpockets in their former lives, and if I were to place a watch or a handkerchief in their way, then I tempt them into old habits: この、『』内の文は、 She said I must took care,にすべきではないでしょうか? 教えてください、よろしくお願い致します。

  • the story of my life 和訳

    授業でヘレンケラーのThe Story of my life をやっているのですが、上手く和訳ができないので和訳の方を教えてほしいです。 When the time of daisies and buttercups came Miss Sullivan took me by the hand across the fields, where men were preparing the earth for the seed, to the banks of the Tennessee River,and there,sitting on the warm grass,I had my first lessons in the beneficence of nature. I learned how the sun and the rain make to grow out of the ground every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, how birds build their nests and live and thrive from land to land,how the squir-rel, the deer,the lion and every other creature finds food and shelter. As my knowledge of things grew I felt more and more the delight of the world I was in. Long before I learned to do a sum in arithmetic or describe the shape of the earth,Miss Sullivan had taught me to find beauty in the fragrant woods, in every blade of grass, and in the curves and dimples of my baby sister's hand. She linked my earliest thoughts with nature,and made me feel that "birds and flowers and I were happy peers." 長文で申し訳ないですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文添削をお願いします。Vietnam

    A;How did you learn English? B:Well,I practced my english myself by listning to the radio and watching movies,and besides,I would look at myself in a mirror and talk to myself thinking about what I wanted to say in Enlish every single day. I think it's the best way for me to study English becuse it nither costs me at all nor do I need to go to a language school(because it doesn't cost me or I need to go to a launguage school). I'd suggest English learners do the way I did. It's because they can start this for free! 宜しくお願いします。特に「加えて、そして」をand besidesとしたのですが(besidesの適当な使用方法か自信がありませんが)、というのも by listning to the radio and watching movies,and besides,I would look at myself in a mirror, and talking to myself thinking about what I wanted to say in Enlish ~.とすると分詞構文の thinking about what I wanted to say in Enlish ~.がtalking to myself に不明確になるのではないかと考えたからです。またI practced my english by myself とするとbyが後にも続き変かなと考えmyselfだけでかon my ownで独学でと表せると考えたのですが、そもそもby myselfと単にmyselfとの違い(両者とも同じ意味を持つ(by myselfは”一人で”との意味が強いようですが)基本強調しなければmyselfだけでも良いのでしょうか?そして最後にandに近い多用される接続詞を教えて頂ければ幸いです。

  • できるだけ早く和訳お願いします!!

    "Somebody must listen ," answered the Frog, " and I like to do all the talking myself. It saves time, and prevents arguments." "But I like arguments," said the Rocket. "I hope not," said the Frog complacently. "Arguments are extremely vulgar, for everybody in good society holds exactly the same opinions. Good-bye a second time; I see my daughters in the distance;" and the little Frog swam away. "You are a very irritating person," said the Rocket, "and very ill-bred. I hate people who talk about themselves, as you do, when one wants to talk about oneself, as I do. It is what I call selfishness, and selfishness is a most detestable thing, especially to anyone of my temperament, for I am well known for my sympathetic nature. In fact, you should take example by me ; you could not possibly have a better model. Now that you have the chance you had better avail yourself of it, for I am going back to Court almost immediately. I am a great favourite at Court; in fact , the Prince and Princess were married yesterday in my honour. Of course you know nothing of these matters, for you are a provincial."

  • in tandem with

    I have a friend who thinks I’m her best friend, and I convinced myself of that for a few years. However, in tandem with a few years of therapy, medication, and ongoing self-growth, I have slowly distanced myself from her. in tandem with a few years of therapyはどう訳したらよいのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    Q: Foster parenting a dating dud?: I’m a 30-year-old single female. It’s always been an aspiration of mine to become a foster parent. There is a tremendous need for it in my county, and I want to help kids and their families. Another desire of mine is to get married and build a family with said husband. Most of my friends and family have been overwhelmingly supportive as I’ve been going through the necessary trainings and background checks to be a foster parent, and I anticipate having my first placement within six months. However, one friend suggested that I’m setting myself up for old maid status by putting a “barrier between myself and a man who’s interested in me.” My initial response was “good, it’ll help weed out the men not cut out for me,” but upon further thought, perhaps I’m being cavalier? Anyone dating in 2018 knows it isn’t easy. I want love with a life partner, and I want to share love with kids in need—must it be mutually exclusive? 前に夫の記述がないのになぜsaid husbandとなっているのでしょうか? having my first placementとはどういうことでしょうか? I’m setting myself up for old maid statusの意味を教えてください。 mutually exclusiveとは簡単に言うとどういうことでしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします