Translation Request

  • Translate these sentences into Japanese.
  • Please translate these sentences.
  • We would like you to translate these sentences.
  • ベストアンサー


これらの文を訳してほしいです!! We depend a great deal for our health and well-being on the surroundings in which we live. Our house is so far out in the country that our son has no one to play weth. He looked me full in the face and started the railway came existence. 2つ目の文について・・ out は、be out(外にいる のoutですか?それともfar out(遠方の のですかそれとも out in the country(国内での外? ですか? 3つ目の文について・・・ これについてもin はなんなのか教えてください

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> We depend a great deal for our health and well-being on the surroundings in which we live. depend on ... ~に依存している ということが分れば、訳すだけなら簡単ですよね? 直訳 → 我々は我々の健康および幸福を我々が住む環境に依存している。 > Our house is so far out in the country that our son has no one to play with. our son has no one to play with とあるのだから、文意から推して当然 far out in the country は「遠く(はるか遠い)田舎の」 → 「辺鄙な田舎に」 > He looked me full in the face and ... in someone's face まともに、面と向って 従って、He looked me full in the face は、「彼は私の顔をまともに(面と向って見た」。 full は強調。ちらっと見るのでなく、「しっかりと」見たということが分る。 and 以下はまともな英文でないので意味不明。


  • これらの文を訳してほしいです!!

    これらの文を訳してほしいです!! We depend a great deal for our health and well-being on the surroundings in which we live. Our house is so far out in the country that our son has no one to play weth. He looked me full in the face and started scolding me. 2つ目の文について・・ out は、be out(外にいる のoutですか?それともfar out(遠方の のですかそれとも out in the country(国内での外? ですか? 3つ目の文について・・・ これについてもin はなんなのか教えてください

  • 文の意味が取れません

    二つよくわからないところがあります。 (1)“What have we done as a nation in the eight years since Columbine about this problem? We compound the trade of the day by our failure to deal with the proliferation of guns in our country,” he said. この文で、as a nationのa nationは国家としてという意味でしょうか?また、We compound the trade of the dayがまったくイメージできません。自分の訳では 「銃規制の問題について、Columbineの事件から8年間、国家として我々は何をしてきたのか?我々の国で銃が激増することに対処しなかったことで、We compound the trade of the day」となると思います。compoundが現在形になっており、まったく意味がとれません。compoundは結合するとかそんな意味ですよね。the trade of the dayがなぜここに出てくるのでしょうか・・。 (2)Wen also stressed the importance of strong economic relations between the countries, courting business leaders and commitment to an annual meeting on the economy between Chinese and Japanese ministers. 中国の首相が訪日したことについての記事なのですが、この文の、courting business leadersというのがわかりません。 「Wen首相も日中間の経済関係を強めることの重要性を強調し、courting business leadersを強調?(の重要性を強調?)、そして中国、日本の大臣との間で経済問題について年次会議を開く約束を強調した。」 stress the importance of A,B and Cになっているのか、stress the importance of A/ (stress)B and (stress)Cになるのかもよくわかりません。 周りに聞ける人(というか説明できる人)がいないので、いつもここに聞くことになってしまいますが、どうか宜しくお願いします。

  • どなたか翻訳お願い致します。

    We cannot assure you something but we will try our best to assist your audit of our Assets (Existence, Entitlement &Elevation) and our Liabailies & Risk (Full Record and Adequate Provision)subject to the Resolutions of our recent Board of Directors Meeting in PPC on 24 Dec .

  • 次の文を上手に訳したいのですが・・・

    どの文章も上手な訳ができません 訳が得意な方お教えください What a trip!! We had a wonderful time in Japan and our dream holiday sadly ended back at Heathrow in the pouring rain. We had experienced first class Japanese hospitality and even had the wonderful opportunity to stay in a Ryokan in Atami. The visit to Head Office was very interesting -to listen to the history of Yamatake Company, to see the ink sticks being made and actually making and using the ink. To have the chance to see our colleagues and to learn from our parent company how it developed and achieved 100 years of trading. We were not great artists when it came to the etegami drawing - it seemed difficult - we would rather have eaten the oranges and apples than drawn them. We have since enjoyed doing it and have mastered the technique in our own ways! The sights we saw in Nara and Kyoto, especially the geisha girls, will remain etched in our memories for a long time. We marvelled at the temples and the relaxing feeling of serenity in the gardens surrounding them. Our final destination of Tokyo and the trip up the tower was fantastic, followed by the meal with Tokyo office and lasting memories of Kareoke. We thank all Yamatake staff for making us so welcome and ensuring that our trip to Japan was so special and memorable. We look forward to Yamatake UK going from strength to strength and also achieving many years of trading.

  • この文の後半の部分

    この文の後半の部分 I've spent my life going in and out and up and down in the Canyon and I've learned what we make of the Canyon hardly touches whatever the Canyon may be. この文の後半の部分(I've learnedから)の意味が良く分かりません。教えて頂けますでしょうか?

  • 文の訳と解説をお願いします。

    the minute I dropped out , I could stop taking the classes that didn't interest me and begin dropping in on the ones that looked for more interesting . ones that looked for more interesting について解説をお願いします。look for のあとは名詞がくると思いますがmore interesting がきています。文の組み立てが納得いきません。解説をお願いします。

  • being inseparable parts of our existenceの訳

    The change from 1800 to today is extraordinary. In 1800, in most places in the world, money was almost invisible. Today it is everywhere. Work existed then as now, but the notion that work is life, and life is work, has practically disappeared. We work in order to earn a living, and we may even dream of a day when we will no longer need to work, so that we will have time to “really live.” Work and life, instead of being inseparable parts of our existence, have become conflicting, almost contradictory notions. この文での、being inseparable parts of our existenceのいい訳が思いつきません。どなたか何かございますか? (「我々が(この世に)存在するためには[我々が生活するためには]、分けられない[切っても切れない]物である)でどうでしょう?

  • 会話文の表現について

    ”Now that we're finished sorting and bundling the mail, our next job is going to be to deliver these bundle to the appropriate department” という文において、疑問点が二つあります。 1:”we're finished sorting~” これが、we've(we have)finished sorting~ なら自然だと思うのですが、 we are finished と受身になっているのは何故でしょうか?これも自然な表現なのでしょうか? この文を能動態に直そうとすると、S finishes us sorting and bundling the mail でしょうか、とするとこれは誰かにさせられたというようなニュアンスになるでしょうか? 2:”our next job is going to be to deliver~” なんだかまどろっこしいな、と思いました。 our next job is to deliver とするか、 our next job is going to deliver~ の方が自然に感じられるのですが、わざわざこのような表現になっているというのは、どういう風に解釈すれば良いでしょうか?

  • これらの文が訳せなくて困っています。助けてください

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 Today, the sari is growing in popularity as daily wear among the women of Bangladesh and SriLanka, which have climates that closely resemble that of India. Thus, many archeologists and ancient historians point out the important fact does not represent what people in other parts of the country were wearing. It is obviously no more than the Japanese reading of a Chinese word as recorded in the document

  • 英文の解説をお願いします。

    英文の解説をお願いします。 I looked into this and found that when renovations were being done at our office from mid-January to early February, we had several problems with our server, and e-mails that we thought were being sent were actually being lost. この文で使われているwe thoughtは挿入でしょうか。 宜しくお願いします。