• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の長文なんですが、添削をしてもらえませんか?)



  • ベストアンサー

materials 複数かな、と。  ただ、私としては、 China has a variety of local food styles.(この一言ですませました) A satir-fry using strong heat stands out compared with Japanese food. A satir- fry is cooked with a strong heating and some Chinese foods are cooked with strong heatings often than Japanese foods. Also there tends to be a lot of dishes which use oil. 中国料理の油が多いことを反省しているわけではないので、 tend to は使わないと思います。 Also Chinese foods contain much oil. It is important to take in hot meal, so there are few cold dishes. 暖かい食事をとることが重要視されている、としたいならば、    People think it's important to have got meals and they take less cold dishes. It's chili sauce of shurimp is ofeten in Japan. Chili sauce of shrimp is preferred in Japan. 好まれる のほうが、すかれていると感じさせるかなと。  Popular 人気がある、も使うと思います。     There are many places where Chinese food can be eaten in Japan     日本語の食べることができる、という表現から、can be になるのかな、と思いますが、    表現としては、野暮ったいというか。   There are many places to enjoy Chinese food in Japan. のほうが、自然だと思います。   楽しそうだしね。    



とても詳しく教えていただいて、ありがとうございます! 参考にして、もっと良い文にできるようにがんばります。 アドバイスなど、いろいろ、本当にありがとうございました!


  • 添削をおねがいします。

    英語で「日本の地域社会を紹介する」というエッセイの課題があるのですが、 いまいち文構造とかが分からず、勉強しているのですが一度書いてみたので添削をお願いできないでしょうか? 不適切な部分や、違う表現にした方がベターだったりする場所を指摘していただけたら嬉しいです。 Hokkaido is like a jewellery box of nature. There are a lot of spots where you can enjoy wonderful nature in Hokkaido. For example, sea, mountains, hot springs, marshlands and lakes. First, Shiretoko is one of the most famous and popular spot because it is a World natural heritage. In winter you can see drift ice from the north of Shiretoko peninsula to Wakkanai. Kushiro Shitsugen National Park is popular place, too. This place is registered in Ramsar Convention. Also in Kussharo Lake, we can see many swans and approach them. Secondly, there are many natures of foods. For example, crabs, sea urchins, potatoes, and soybean. Especially sea food of Hokkaido is so wonderful. There are a lot of kinds of sea food in Hokkaido. The most famous sea food is Taraba crab. Moreover Potatoes in Hokkaido are very good so they are used by many confectionery companies making Potato chips. Finally, in Hokkaido there are animal which we cannot meet except there. In Bakkai we can see seals. Going Horonobe, we can see reindeers in Horonobe stock farm. If you want to see these animals at once, you go Asahiyama zoo. Thus Hokkaido is really a jewellery box of nature. (※多分小さなミスが多いと思いますがご指摘していただけたら助かります。) よろしくお願いします。

  •  この英文の添削をお願いします。

     この英文の添削をお願いします。  「日本料理」を紹介する和文を以下のように英訳いたしました。細かな日本的な表現にとらわれず、自然な英語を試みましたが、もし英語としておかしな所や不自然な所があれば、教えてください。  和文   日本料理は、海外では、寿司、天麩羅、蕎麦などが有名です。  日本料理の特徴の一つは、季節ならではの素材、旬の産物を取り入れていることです。四季折々の豊かな自然をもつ日本ならではの食文化です。また美味しさとともに、見た目の美しさも日本料理の魅力です。日本料理は目と舌で楽しむ味の芸術品と言えるでしょう。  訳例1 Sushi, tempura and soba are popular Japanese dishes in foreign countries. Japanese cusine traditionally uses seasonal foodstuffs at their peak of freshness and flavour. This style of Japanese cooking is deeply connected with our inherited tendency to enjoy every nuance of the changing seasons. Excellent taste of the dishes is important of course, but also how they look when served is considered and paid careful attention. Thus Japanese dishes can be called "a work of art" which satisfies our eyes and palates.  訳例2 Sushi, tempura and soba are popular Japanese dishes in foreign countries. Japanese cusine has traditionally emphasised every nuance of the changing seasons and has made frequent use of foodstuffs in their season. In the style of Japanese cooking is reflected our inherited tendency to enjoy seasonal changes through the year. Excellent taste of the dishes is of course important, but careful attention must be paid to how beautiful they look on the table when served, as well. Thus Japanese dishes can be called "a work of art," which satisfies our eyes and palates. 以上です。  よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の添削

    今度英語で発表することになったのですが、一応考えたのですが自信が無いので添削をお願いします。 Good afternoon everyone. My name is ○○ and today I am going to talk about my favorite trip. This year I went to Malaysia with my friends. Malaysia is a country near the equator. Everyday the weather is very nice so there was very hot. But I enjoyed this trip and want to go to Malaysia again. I will tell you about three reasons why this was my favorite trip. First, Malaysian food was very delicious. There are many races so we can eat various food such as Indian and Chinese and so on. I was so happy to eat Nyonya food. Nyonya food is mixing Malaysian food and Chinese food. Malaysian food taste mostly spicy but everything was very delicious. Second, Malaysia has many famous historic building. I went to Kuala Lumpur and Malacca. I went to tour the Twin-Tower and the Blue Mosque. Twin-Tower is the third highest around the world. In Malacca, I rode a trishaw. Trishaw is like "Zinrikishya". It looks beautiful and the view of outside is wonderful. Finally, I went to Spa. Malaysia is famous for Spa so Malaysian people often reserve the Spa. To my surprise, there is a bath with a lot of flowers. the massage make me feel very comfortable and happy. In short, this was a great trip. if you think to go to foreign countries, I want you to go to Malaysia. I think you will surely be a wonderful trip. おかしければ文章自体を変えてもらってもかまいません。 添削よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の添削

    英語(英文)の添削 学校の授業で書いてきてくださいといわれて書いたものです。 どこかおかしい所や、他の表現に変えた方が良いところがあれば教えてください。 自分のお気に入りの場所の紹介文です。 I know there are many parks in Aichi. One of my favorite places is a park called Tsutsujinosato. The park was complicated in 1992. I was surprised that the year is the same as my birth year. The park is located by windmills. There are a lot of trees around the park, so the atomosphere is quite and peaceful. We can be relaxed. The park is famous for a long slide of strange shape. Itlooks like a big snake. It makes the place funny. An open space in the park that I often play baseball with my friends is very large. A steam locomotive has long stopped n the park but it took off too many years ago. Now, Nakagawa city keep it and we can enjoy riding on it. In spring, the park is filled with a lot of flowers of azalea. It is very beautiful. We can feel its sweet smell. Therefore, I recomend to visit in April. There are a lot of happy points in Tsutsujinosato. It is the best place for me to play. 自分が気になるところは、文頭に多少The parkが多いことです。他は自分の今の力ではどうしようもなくて・・・ 指摘して下さる方がいれば本当に助かります。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語文(長文)の添削お願いします。

    課題で提出するものです。間違っているところや訂正した方がいいところがありましたら、できれば説明つきでお願いします。とくに最後の段落は間違えている箇所があると思うのでアドバイスお願いします。 Comics and Animations Comics are very popular in Japan.Itbecomes popular not only regardless of age.Comics and animations of Japan has been highly regarded internationally since the latter half of 1980s.Well,why are many people interested in them? The first reason,I think that people feel interested in comics.The Japanese comics have various topics like love,gag,animals,job and others.Thereby,many people find them attractive, the interesting and sympathetic.Other reason is that it is easy for us to understand the contents by pictures.Because people get much information from sight.Comics can be understood easier than the novels with only letters.Some people like the picture or the character of the comic's story. Furthermore,the comics and the animations cause a large amount of economic effects.The movies of Studio Giburi,for example get high income in Japan.There are goods and the events development too.The goverment is trying hard to spread it abroad.Pokemon,Dragon Ball and others are popular abroad.People who have interest in Japanese comics and animations are also interested in Japan and visit there. In Japan, the sales of comics fall under the influence of declining birthrate.Therefore foreign market is more and more important for Japanese economy.Even the Japanese goverment promotes it.Japanese comics are watched by all the world with interest.(It will be a pleasure in future how we spread it.) 最後のカッコのところは変えた方がいいと先生にいわれました。自分で思いつかなかったので何かありましたらお願いします。まったく別の文にしても大丈夫です。

  • シカゴの感想を添削

    お願いいたします I visited to Chicago. It's a sister city Osaka. There are a lot of museum I like it. I went for sightseeing to Frank Lloyd Wright House in Okupeak. Also,I went Museum of Sciene and Industry where we watch Apollo 8 and take the U -505 submarine on board tour. There is Sue in Field Museum of Natural HIstory is very famous. It's Tyranno saurus rex fossil remains that is biggest and complete in the world. I took part in guided tour there it was intersting but I listened it difficult becouse it's English. I alway go to the are museum. Of coures visited the art of Institue of Chicago. It's 3 biggest Museum if US. I had enjoying a long time there. There are a lot of events in Chicago becouse many country people live in . Oh , I love most pake is lincoln park. Zoo in there is free therefor many animals so enjoying. I recomed there and tell me what you think if you go there.

  • 英語 長文

    訳をお願いします。 What is poverty? Poverty is not having enough resources to obtain sufficient amounts of life's necessities, such as food, water, health cere and education. Without education, most people have very little hope of pulling themselves out of poverty. Providing education is the most important way to help a community or nation rise above poverty. Many people think that the best way to the poor of the world is by providing them with food. Believe it or not, this actually makes things worse! Why? An ancient Chinese proverb says, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." Supplying food to the poor without teaching them how to grow their own food will help them only for as long as the food lasts. But if we can teach poor nations how to farm better and how to create stronger economies and help them build schools to educate children, these benefits will last a lifetime. What causes poverty? There are many factors. There include a dry climate with very little rain, low levels of education, and political and economic inatability. The biggest cause of poverty, however, is the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. Did you know that the three richest people in the world have more money than all of the people in the poorest 48 countries? This type of inequality exists not only in poor countries but also in the United States. In fact, the richest 10% of Americans receive almost one third of the nation's income. Poverty will not be an easy problem to solve. Can you think of any idea that might help wipe out poverty in the world.

  • 長文ですが訳してください・

    こんにちは!またまた宜しくおねがいします。長文ですみません。 Thankyou for worrying about me, but i promise there is no need. Im am happy and well. I'm not ill at all. :) Is there a swine flu outbreak in Japan? a few people i know seem to have it so i've not seen them really. But i know there are a lot of cases here in england. I really enojyed my holiday. It was very interesting and we went to some very beautiful places. I love forests and mountain views. I spent a lot of time on beaches as well. It was quite cold some days, but on one day it was so warm we could swim in the sea. It was good fun. Have you ever heard of a food called Haggis? It is a traditional scottish food. Its basically minced lamb and oats and herbs and spices, rolled up into a ball with a kind of protective layer, like a skin on it. You roast it and remove the skin and serve it with vegetables like potatoes. It is delicious. I find that a lot of traditional British foods are quite heavy meals. meat and starchy vegetables such as potatoes and things. They are designed to fill you up easily. They ar nice kinds of food, because they make you feel warm and cosy. Meals like this always seem to bring about a moment of better family bonding. Traditional meals can often be quite complicated as there are so many types of food being cooked at once, so they are hard work. And they dont get eaten that regularly so people come together and enjoy them more. I eat a lot of food from all over the world though. I think its interesting to try new things and different countries have different tastes. Do you get the chance to eat foreign foods?

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    「Social statusとHealthを関連させて食について論じなさい」 字数指定はありませんが、過去の問題から推測すると少なくとも100字は必要だと思います。 点数を25点満点でつけて頂きたいです。 よろしくお願いします。  (1)It is important to consider both social status and Health. This is why there are many food problems such as unbalanced nutrition, eating without measure, and food shortage yet to be resolved.  (2)There are, for example, my friends who eat many instsnt foods almost everyday. One of my friends had had a serious stomachache for three monthes. This desease was due to overeating instant foods. It is true that the instant foods are low expense, but they lack in nutrition.  (3)Arother example is overeating and foodshortage. Former and later are related with each other. I have watched a very fat people and small, poor children who are not able to eat enough foods on TV. I often think the part of which people who eat to excess eat should be given to poor people.  (4)There are other many problems yet be resolved. We shoud take food problems like above exampleks into considering .

  • 添削していただけませんか?

    私は英語が苦手で英作文を作ったのですが、自信がないのでどなたか添削してください! よろしくお願いいたします。 History of soba that originated in Japan More than 9,000 years ago, buckwheat flour was found in the ruins of Kochi Prefecture. Soba was a familiar plant and food. Soba was used as a food before the Nara Period. At that time, they were eating rice gruel with grains. In the Edo period, soba was eaten as noodles. That cooking method was different from what it was today. Soba became popular around the middle of the 18th century. This is because it has changed to boiling cooking and you can enjoy the original deliciousness. And gradually, soba became a highly regional food, and the local soba was born. There is a place like [Shin-soba] near here. Soba has changed a lot in a long history.That's why they are so popular today.