• ベストアンサー



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

 #1です。  「上」は over の訳ではありません。 fling over で「(中空を)(向こうへ)投げる、または投げてよこす」という意味で、投擲物が手をはなれた場所から、到着地点が少し離れていることを示す over です。中空は少しオーバーかも。下記の副詞の1番目の意味です。  http://eow.alc.co.jp/over/UTF-8/


  • 英文をどう訳しますか?

    She was very surprised to find herself on the ground, with thousands of gray field mice looking at her. 上記の英文ですが、withの前で切って、withを「そして」と訳して、それ以下の文を続けるべきでしょうか? それともwithを「~しながら」と訳して、一文として訳すべきでしょうか?

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・As a child, the writer wanted her mother to be at home rather than her father. ・When the writer entered high school, she started to prepare her own lunch and her father made the lunch bag. ・At high school, the writer did not want her friends to see the napkin because it was too precious to her. ・The writer`s father kept on putting a napkin inside the lunch bag to show his love. ・Because of cancer, the writer`s father wasn`t able to write to her every week.

  • この英文添削をお願いします。

    以下の私の英文チェックをお願いできますか? (1)だからこそ父の言葉は彼女の胸に響いた。 That's why her father's words have touched her heart. (2)父は自らそれを止めたと思っているだろうが、もともと彼女にはそれをしようという気持ちはなかった。彼は彼女の気持ちがわからなかったのだろうか?父は娘のことをわかっているようで、でもまだ彼女がどういう人物なのかわかっていなかったのかもしれない。 Her father thought he stopped it but that not true. She was not going to do it. Didn't he know how she felt? He believed that he knew his daughter very well and he thought he knew what kind of person she is, but actually not. (3)それでも彼女の父に対する感謝の気持ちは残っている。 Even if, her feeling of gratitude to her father is still remaining. (4)しかし彼女の混乱した気持ちを整理するには時間が必要だった。 However, she did have to take a time to comoise (?) her thoughts. すみませんがよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文解釈に関しての質問です。

    When she had time to spare,she attended to her garden, out of which she often gathered a few herbs to present to her father for his supper. という文で 2行目の「out of which」の役割が良く分かりません。 which が her garden を指すのであれば、 out ofはいらなくても良いのでは?と思ってしまいます。 out of whichでなくてはならない理由を教えてください。

  • この英文の意味を教えてはいただけないでしょうか?

    こんにちは。 お世話になります。 英語初学者です。 下記に挙げます英文が理解できず、困り果てております。 Emma was happy to entertain their friends, although many of them were closer in age to her father than to her. But on one of these evenings Emma was luckier because one of their neighbours brought a young friend with her. 教えていただきたいのですが、この場合の「with her」のherとは、Emmaを指しているのでしょうか? それとも、「one of their neighbours」を指しているのでしょうか? また、もしEmmaを指していた場合、ニュアンスとしては「彼女に合わせるために連れてきた」となるのでしょうか? どなたか、教えてはいただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の書き換え教えてください

    次の文矢印から始まる文に書き換えたいのですがよろしくお願いします。 Her father dided suddenly , and she had to give up school. →Her father's sudden death _______________.

  • この英文にわからないところがあります

    下の文を読んでいて、下から2行目のthat doesn't mean の意味がわかりません。会話文の前半は「ただあなたの話がおもしろいと思わないだけよ。」と言っていると思うのですが。よろしくお願いいたします。 Anything she told you immediately became exciting. Sameness bored her and she would jump from on subject to another in a way that sometimes made her conversation bewildering. As my father used to tell her, she had absolutely no sense of humour. To that accusation she would protest in an injured voice: "Just because I don't think certain stories of yours are funny, Fred, that doesn't mean...," and my father would roar with laughter. 訳だけではなく(全訳はいりません。that doesn't mean のところだけでいいです。)、考え方も教えていただけると嬉しいです。よろしくお願いいたします!

  • 英文の添削をお願いします

    英文の添削をお願いします 2つの英文を作ったのですが、おかしいところがあれば 訂正と解説をお願いします。 1.To date with her , i would to ve happy during to.  (彼女とデートすれば、その間は幸せになれるだろう) 2.If only she were here i would have kiss her neck to behind of her.  (もし彼女がここにいれば、僕は後ろから彼女の首にキスするのに) 2.の後ろからというのは、from behind of her. と迷いましたが、 二つともピンときませんでした。。。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    以下はある映画の結末についてのネイティヴ?のコメントですが、私の英語力では把握しきれません。分かりやすく訳していただけませんでしょうか。 When Amy dives in to rescue Dan, her real world experience gets mixed up with her memories and phobias about the past, where her Dad drowned and she was unable to pull him out of the water. We see her struggle with Dan, but they are appearing to sink lower and lower into the sea. Amy refuses to let Dan go as she let her father go, so she simply doesn't give up. It's all tied into her deep trauma. She drowns with Dan. Then we see the sailor circling the boat, the baby crying, and no one else in sight. All the adults have died. Then finally, the movie cuts to Amy, who can hear her baby off in the distance. She looks down to the deck, and it is her father that is laying in his front, "rescued" finally once and for all by his daughter. "Rescued" in heaven, that is. Amy has died and wherever or whatever she now is, she's finally reunited with her father and has managed to do what she has spent her entire life wishing she could have done - she has pulled him from the sea. But sadly yes, she's dead. She didn't pull Dan out of the sea, he and she both drowned in the real world. It's supposed to be a sort of spiritual, transcendent ending like Silent Hill or Solaris. I don't know why people don't get this ending. The body is too old to be Dan, with greyish hair and the same marks on his back as Amy's father in the earlier scene where we see him drown.

  • 英文和訳

    英語が苦手なもので次の英文を和訳してほしいのです。 what shoud we do about her? Take it easy on her Naomi,she is smart but also young. I don't trust her,she hides something. You are over reacting.