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  • 日本語に翻訳してほしい英文があります。

    Conservationists would see tree cover in places like Britain, currently lower than almost anywhere else in Europe, return at last to respectable levels. The ravaged rural economies in many countries would be boosted by the creation of tens of thousands of new jobs in forestry, transportation, and power plant operation. 上記の文です。 少し長いですが、よろしくお願いします・

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Later in the month, the U-boats achieved success, when U-21 sank the cruiser HMS Pathfinder. In September, SM U-9 sank three armored cruisers (Aboukir, Hogue, and Cressy) in a single action. Other successes followed. In October U-9 sank the cruiser Hawke, and on the last day of the year SM U-24 sank the pre-dreadnought battleship Formidable. By the end of the initial campaign, the U-boats had sunk nine warships while losing five of their own number.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    During the three days of fighting the 1st and 2nd Brigade of the 8th Tudzha Division suffered on average 21% casualties and abandoned many of their artillery guns which further weakened them despite that they managed to retreat to a new position around Lerin. Their defeat forced the western parts of the right wing of the Bulgarian First Army also to retire and thus opened the way for further Allied attacks that would develop in the three-month-long Monastir Offensive.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    — Griffith In August 1917, 127 mm (5.0 in) of rain fell, 84 mm (3.3 in) on 1, 8, 14, 26 and 27 August; the weather was also overcast and windless, which much reduced evaporation. Divided into two ten-day and an eleven-day period, there were 53.6, 32.4 and 41.3 mm (2.11, 1.28 and 1.63 in) of rain that August. In the 61 hours before 6:00 p.m. on 31 July, 12.5 mm (0.49 in) of rain fell and from 6:00 p.m. on 31 July to 6:00 p.m. on 4 August, there was 63 mm (2.5 in) of rain. There were three dry days and 14 days with less than 1 mm (0.039 in) of rain during the month. Three days were sunless and one had six minutes of sun; over 27 days there were 178.1 hours of sunshine, an average of 6.6 hours per day. The weather in August 1917 was exceptionally bad and Haig had been justified in expecting that the weather would not impede offensive operations, because rain would have been dried by the expected summer sunshine and breezes. Petain had committed the French Second Army to an attack at Verdun in mid-July, in support of the operations in Flanders. The attack was delayed, partly due to the mutinies which had affected the French army after the failure of the Nivelle Offensive and also because of a German attack at Verdun from 28–29 June, which captured some of the ground intended as a jumping-off point for the French attack. A French counter-attack on 17 July re-captured the ground, the Germans regained it on 1 August, then took ground on the east bank on 16 August. The battle began on 20 August and by 9 September, had taken 10,000 prisoners. Fighting continued sporadically into October, adding to the German difficulties on the Western Front and elsewhere. Ludendorff wrote: On the left bank, close to the Meuse, one division had failed ... and yet both here and in Flanders everything possible had been done to avoid failure ... The French army was once more capable of the offensive. It had quickly overcome its depression. — Ludendorff: Memoirs yet there was no German counter-attack, because the local Eingreif divisions were in Flanders.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    A shot or two fired out in the desert to the south-east of their position put the long piquet line of the 1st and 2nd Light Horse Regiment (1st Light Horse Brigade) on alert about midnight, when the 3rd Light Horse Regiment (1st Light Horse Brigade) was called up to the front line. The Austrian, German and Ottoman advance paused after finding the gullies held by the light horsemen, but at about 01:00, a sudden heavy burst of fire along the whole front began the attack of the considerably superior Ottoman and German forces, and by 02:00 they had in many places advanced to within 50 yards (46 m) of the Australian line.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    When the Germans finally assented (sensing the potential collapse of the Austro-Hungarian position) and constructed a combined force in time for the Twelfth Battle of Isonzo, the results were dramatic. However, with the ninth battle called off in failure on 4 November 1916 and the Italians undeniably weakened by continual offensive operations throughout the year - 1916 had seen five Isonzo operations on top of four undertaken the year before - a lengthy break was taken for the winter. Operations renewed afresh with the Tenth Battle of the Isonzo on 12 May 1917.

  • 独立した英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    それぞれ独立した英文になります。日本語訳お願いします。 (1) If a negotiation is seen as a zero-sum game, a participant's gain or loss is balanced by the loss or gain of the other party. It is best, however, if both parties come out of the negotiation in a win-win situation. To achieve this, it is vital to prepare a negotiation strategy and evaluate it comprehensively. Prior to the meeting, it is essential to reach a consensus in house on what points are open to negotiation and how to prioritize them. In any negotiation, the outcome is directly affected by the knowledge, abilities and interpersonal skills of the participants. Also, knowledge of the other party is essential to ensure both an effective strategy and effective tactics in the negotiation. (2) International travel is becoming more common nowadays. This includes travel between Japan and other countries. Statistics show that 6.79 million foreigners visited Japan in 2009, while 15.29 million Japanese visited other countries in the same year. In an attempt to boost its international exchanges, the Japanese government is seeking to encourage up to 10 million foreign visitors to come to Japan and up to 20 million Japanese to travel overseas. However, the recent trend of many Japanese corporations is to reduce the number of overseas business trips. This represents their need to cut costs and counter the current economic crisis.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Battle of Malka Nidzhe (Bulgarian: Боят на Малка Нидже) also known as the Battle of Gornichevo was the opening battle of the Monastir Offensive. It lasted for three days and ended in victory for the Entente forces.Early in the morning on 12 September 1916 in the Malka Nidzhe sector the Allied artillery began a preparatory artillery barrage against the two Bulgarian infantry brigades situated there. It continued, with varying intensity and accuracy, for almost the entire day.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    During this time, he was a member of 14 cabinets, three of which he headed himself. Briand negotiated the Briand-Ceretti Agreement with the Vatican, giving the French government a role in the appointment of Catholic bishops.Aristide Briand received the 1926 Nobel Peace Prize together with Gustav Stresemann of Germany for the Locarno Treaties (Austen Chamberlain of the United Kingdom had received a share of the Peace Prize a year earlier for the same agreement). A 1927 proposal by Briand and United States Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg for a universal pact outlawing war led the following year to the Pact of Paris, aka the Kellogg–Briand Pact. The cordial relations between Briand and Stresemann, the leading statesmen of their respective countries, were cut short by the unexpected death of Stresemann in 1929 and of Briand in 1932.

  • 日本語に翻訳お願いします!

    以下の文章を日本語に翻訳してください! よろしくお願い致します! APRIL FOOL He who hath not a dram of folly in his mixture, hath pounds of much worse matter in his composition.' from ALL FooLs' DAY by Charles Lamb April 1 is All Fools' Day-the day when the practical joker is in his element and the air is loud with cries of April Fool! Of course the joke must be played before noon, otherwise it rebounds on the joker and he is the April Fool No one knows the origin of this spring custom, but the fact that the joker's licence ceases at noon suggests a survival from some ancient ritual perhaps once associated with a pagan feast. The custom is known all over the English-speaking world, and in some European countries as well. MAUNDY THURSDAY The name Maundy derives from the Latin word mandatum-command ment. It was the first word in the antiphon for the day and referred to the washing of the feet of the disciples by Christ. In remembrance of specially minted Maundy money is presented by the Sovereign to this, as many poor elderly men and women as there are years in the Sovereign's life This replaces the earlier custom of the feet thirteen poor men.