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  • この英文の訳はなんでしょうか?

    どうしても長文で訳せない文があって・・・。 以下の英文3つの文の訳を教えてください。 お願いいたします。 『In the future, new medical technologies like gene therapy and stem cell treatments just might become the new "miracle drugs."』 『They might prevent an immense amount of suffering and provide hope for millions of people.』 『Some scientists claim, somewhat dubiously, that they have already cloned humans.』

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    'It's natural for species to become extinct over millions of years,' says Dr.Lovejoy.'What's unnatural is that humans are speeding up the process many times over.' People are doing this in four main ways: destroying wildlife habitats, overhunting, introducing new species that endanger native wildlife, and polluting the environment. These activities affect all species in one way or another. 'All life is interconnected,' cautions Dr.Lovejoy.Is there time to prevent disaster? Just barely, say scientists.Worldwide action will be difficult and costly.But scientists agree that action must be taken - quickly. The clock is ticking…

  • 英語

    和訳をお願いします。 The way people work will be altered, as well. The telecommuting phenomenon has begun. Instead of driving to the office every day, some employees stay at home and send their work to their companies with the computers. As a result, they can spend more time with their families. This could have a positive effect on the entire social structure of many nations. Being handicapped will no longer hinder communication. For example, people who are blind will be able to communicate with the help of programs that read text files.  On the negative side, the Internet will give criminals and terrorists more opportunities to commit unlawful acts. Destructive programs, namely, viruses that get into your computer without your knowing it, will become a bigger problem.  The Internet is vast and exciting. For those who wish to participate in it, the future will be filled with opportunities and challenges. 大方意味は分かるのですが、細かい点でつまづきました。 例えば、2行目のdrivingは運転する、でいいのか、ほかに良い訳し方があるのか、 また4行目のBeingは動名詞か分詞構文か、などいくらか良く分からない箇所がありました。 お願いします。

  • 私の訳あってますか??

    Part of the reason for the difference is that humans have larger brains than animals、 allowing them to store more information and process it more quickly. 相違の理由の一つは、人間は、動物より、多くの情報を蓄え、そしてより速く情報を処理することを可能にする、大きな頭脳を持っている という事である。 でいかがでしょうか? part of ~の一部分を 「~の一つ」として allowing ~の部分は、付帯状況の分詞構文と解釈しました。

  • 英語の訳をして欲しいです

    一度訳したのですがどうしても変な訳になって内容があまりよくつかめないのでどなたか訳していただけませんか⁇  Once I've got a friend, I'll be careful not to presume on him or her. That we might be " bothering" someone is an everlasting concern of Americans, even among good friends. " Irish people live in each other's pockets," said one woman ." It's completely different here. You keep your distance." I will be very hesitant to ask friends for favors- one of my attractions as a friend is that I am not demanding. If I were, my prospective friends would be likely to back off. Neediness scares people. Rather than having to refuse a request, we prefer to have friends we can trust to make their requests rare and reasonable. We ourselves do not wish to be indebted to anyone else. We like reciprocal arrangements because they keep the scales balanced. This week I drive my friend to the airport; next week she drives me. A Chinese woman said that she tried to join a childcare cooperative, but she found the system so complex (to make sure that no one person did more than anyone else) that it drove her crazy

  • 英語訳おねがいします

    through most of history, however, those changes progresseed so slowly in time and spread so slowly in space that, within an individual's own lifetime, no change was visible. Hence, human historyーexcepting trivial changes through war and dymastic succession, or fantasy changes through supernatural interventionーwas viewed as essentially static. The advance of science and technorogy, however, is cumulative, and each advance tends to encourage a more rapid further advance. Eventually, the rate of change, and the extent of the effect of that change on society become great enough to be detected in the space of an individual lifetime. The future is then, for the first time, discoverd. の訳おねがいします!

  • 英語の質問です!

    People in Japan like to have raccoons as pets, but (it) has become illegal. について。 かっこのitが指しているものを抜き出しなさい。 The purpose of these regulations is to protect the biodiversity,people, and agriculture of Japan from species that do not live here naturally. (1)that do not live here naturally.が修飾している語をかきなさい。 They have also affected some bird habitats,making it difficult for birds to build nests.について。 itが指しているものを抜き出しなさい。

  • 和訳してください。

    【付帯状況のwith+A+分詞】 With more people commuting long distances to work by car, air pollution has become a serious concern in most major cities of the world.

  • この二つの訳をみていただけますか?

    将来技術がもっと発達しつづけると、環境にはもしかしたらよくない影響があるかも知れない。 There will or might be some adverse effect on the environment when technology keeps making more progress in the future. 将来、自然災害を予測できるほどに技術は発達するだろうと思うが、私はそれをよい方向に使ってくれることを願う。 I expect that technology will develop enough to such an extent that it can predict all natural disasters in the future. I hope, however, it can be used for the better cause. この二つの文で直すところがあったら教えてください。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • No more thanの意味の取り方

    No more thanの意味の取り方 添付文のに要求される前提としてThe DNA of prehistoric Homo sapiens ancestors of contemporary humans was not significantly more similar to that of Neanderthals than is the DNA of contemporary humans.とあるんですが何故no more thanのこの文が前提になるんでしょうか…