• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:犬が好きで翻訳のできる方、是非教えてください!)



  • ベストアンサー
  • tkltk73
  • ベストアンサー率54% (171/315)




tkltk73さん、またまたお世話になりました。ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m kay722


  • 翻訳が得意な人、是非教えてください!

    翻訳が得意な人、是非教えてください! Honest and effective communication serves as the foundation for more advanced.(段落が変わって)"Training", of course, can be viewed from many standpoints------the outlook esposed by this very definitive book focuses directing latent talents, on accepting the presence of your own potencial, which proper rapport can discover and develop. どうしても直訳になってしまいます・・。 宜しくお願いします。 kay722

  • 長文ですがどなたか翻訳をお願いします。

    下記の文章を長文ですが翻訳を宜しくお願いします! He is honest and tries to keeps promises but he also evades a lot of issues in life. He has a solid sterling good character. He is imaginative and gentle, idealistic and wishes no one any harm or ill. He is creative impressionable, there is refinement that likes poetry and good art and music a cultured person whatever his social class, he will reach beyond the confines of the material, and the mentality of the people around him, into the creative and into the spiritual. He cares deeply about things and he is in tune with the modern day and the problems of the world society and people around him. The trends of life, he is forwards looking, an advanced soul really. He is difficult to know, and to understand. But he is good at understanding others, can seem to sense what your thinking and feeling. Underneath he may lack confidence in himself. Or may have suffered a lot in the past and it has left its mark. He is never fully appreciated, as he keeps his talents and good points in the background, modest, often taken for granted or disregarded by others, one on the sidelines of life, uninvited into the popular mainstream. Unassuming, but inclined to worry too much over trifles. Over anxious likes to get things right, or avoid peoples fault finding and disparagements. He is easily ruled or influenced by those he cares about they seem to have an inordinate power to restrict him without trying. A person who will make self unasked for sacrifices for those he loves, often unappreciated; or will at least feel that he has done so He may also feel tied to them or by circumstance, duty or guilt, a person who has difficulty in feeling free in life.. He is tied by so many things.

  • 犬好きで翻訳のできる方教えてください!

    犬好きで翻訳のできる方教えてください! Dog trainers, breeders, professional handlers, boarding-kennel proprietors, veterinarians, and others whose life's work is with animals soon learn to respect the complex intertwining of owner/dog identities. Contending with his situation calls for the fullest measure of patience and compassion. Persons working on a full-time basis with animals often glean an unusual quality of empathy through their own feedback and interaction with their living charges. 何といいますか・・私は頭の中で英文を英語で、和文は日本語とそれぞれ分けて読解します。ですので、どうしても直訳になってしまいます。Contending~以降がわかりませんので、前文をつけておきました。どうぞよろしくおねがいします。 kay0722

  • 翻訳ができて、犬好きの方おしええください!

    翻訳ができて、犬好きの方おしええください! Dog trainers, breeders, professional handlers, boarding-kennel proprietors, veterinarians, and others whose life's work is with animals soon learn to respect the complex intertwining of owner/dog identities. dog trianersは日本語で訓練士(またはトレーナー)ですが、handlersは調教師??辞書には訓練士とも記されています。犬の調教師って存在するのですか? boarding-kennel proprietorsは日本語で何と訳すのでしょうか。英文が易しければ易しいほど直訳になってしまいます。どうぞ教えてください。 kay0722

  • 翻訳ができて、犬好きの方教えてください!

    翻訳ができて、犬好きの方教えてください! Complex levels of emotion and ego link dogs and owners often a dog must compensate for a lack in the owner's past or present life. The dog becomes the owner's self-extension, to some degree.Dog trainers, breeders, prefessional handlers boardeing-kennel proprietors veterinarians, and others whose life's work is with animals soon learn to respect the complex intertwining of owner/dog identities. Contending with his situation calls for the fullest measure of paience and compassion. Persons working on a full-time basis with animals often glean an unusual quality of empathy through with their living charges. 長くなりましたが、よろしくおねがいしますm(_ _)m kay0722

  • 犬好きの方で、翻訳のできる方教えてください!

    犬好きの方で、翻訳のできる方教えてください! Complex levels of emotion and ego link dogs and owners-----often a dog must compensate for a lack in the owner's past or present life. The dog becomes the owner's self-extension, to some degree. Dog trainers, breeders, professional handlers, boarding-kennel proprietors, veterinarians, and others whose life's work is with animals soon learn to respect the complex intertwining of owner/dog identities. Contending with this situation often calls for the fullest measure of patience and compassion. Persons working on a full-time basis with animals often glean an unusual quality of empathy through their own feedback and interaction with their living charges. 長文ですがよろしくお願いします。 なんと言いますか、私は、英文は頭の中で英語で解釈します。和文は日本語で。ですので、パズルを組み立てるように直訳はできますが、翻訳は苦手です。そしてなお、恥ずかしながら、私の日本語は中途半端です。 特に、Contending~以降がわかりません。よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m kay0722

  • 和訳の添削をお願いします。

    和訳の添削をお願いします。 【原文】 One of the major defects of the elasticity approach is that it is based upon the assumption that all other things are equal. However, changes in export and import volumes will by definition have implications for national income and consequently income effects need to be incorporated in a more comprehensive analysis of the effects of a devaluation. Alexander(1952) is one of the most important papers evaluating this effect; his paper focuses on the fact that a current account imbalance can be viewed as the difference between domestic output and domestic spending(absorption). 【和訳】 弾力性アプローチの主な短所の一つとして、他の全てのものが等しいという仮定に基づくということがあります。 しかしながら、輸出量と輸入量の変化には定義上、国民所得として含まれるので、収入効果?(income effect)をより広範囲の分析に取り入れられる必要があります。 アレキサンダーの論文はこの影響を評価している最も重要な1つです彼の論文は、不安定な経常収支が国内生産と国内消費(吸収)との違いの考察に焦点をあてました。 間違っていたり日本語として不自然な訳し方があればご指摘お願いします。

  • 心理学・英論文 翻訳を助けてください!

    英論文を読む授業を取っています。 ですが、英語が苦手なため訳したものの自信がありません・・・ 訳すのが得意な方にお力を借りたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 【論文タイトル】The social face of emotion recognition: Evaluations versus stereotypes 感情認識の社会的様相:固定観念に対しての評価 Fast and correct recognition of emotional expressions is d prerequisite for fluent social interaction. A face carries a wealth of informative cues and can say more than a thousand words. Apart from unchangeable features in the face that carry information regarding identity or social category (e.g. sex or ethnicity), changeable features reveal how someone is feeling at that specific moment (e.g. happy, angry or sad). Previous research has shown that unchangeable features can influence the interpretation of changeable facial features in emotional recognition. More specifically, this research focused on the interplay between social categorization and recognition of emotional expressions (e.g. Becker, Kenrick, Neuberg, Blackwell, & Smith, 2007; Elfenbein & Ambady, 2002; Hugenberg, 2005: Hugenberg & Bodenhausen, 2003: Hutchings & Haddock, 2008). How do social categorization processes influence emotion recognition? One route that has been recently explored is that evaluative category associations facilitate or inhibit the recognition of evaluative congruent emotions. For example, Hugenberg (2005) demonstrated, in line with an evaluative processes account, that white American participants show a recognition speed advantage when judging whether a white target's face displays a positive (happy) facial expression compared to negative (angry or sad) facial expressions. This phenomenon is called the happy face advantage (Leppanen & Hietanen, 2003). This effect was found by Hugenberg to be reversed when the expresser of the emotion was black, with white participants showing a recognition advantage for both negative emotions (angry and sad) compared to the positive emotion. In a similar vein, Hugenberg and Sczesny (2006) found evidence for differences in emotion recognition depending on gender: for female target faces a greater happy face advantage was found than for male target faces. The authors conclude that these effects are best explained by the spreading of evaluative associations: the valence of the target face, as triggered by the category, serves as a prime for recognizing emotional expressions independently of the discrete emotion being expressed.

  • 犬語の翻訳、犬の気持ちが分かる方お願いします!

    実家に犬(黒ラブ2歳)がおり、帰省で1カ月ぶりに会いました。 母とフリスビードック用のフリスビー(初心者用のちょっと柔らかいタイプのもの)で、遊びながら訓練をしているとの事で、僕も早速犬OKの広場に行ってきました。 僕は長年犬を飼った経験が無く、犬の気持ちや犬語(?)が分かりません。 以下、僕と犬との会話です。何と言っているのか犬語の分かる方、または気持ちが分かる方、こうではないかという皆様流の翻訳をお願いします! 僕「よし、じゃあ投げるから取ってきてね!」 犬「わん!わん!(しっぽを振っている)」 (フリスビーを投げると犬がすぐに追いつき、犬がフリスビーを待って取りました。犬が戻ってきて) 犬「あうあうあう!あう!(←何か言いたげだが伝わらず)わん!わん!(しっぽを振っている)」 僕「じゃあ、もう1回投げるね!」 犬「わん!」 (フリスビーを投げると、また犬のほうが先に追いつき待って取りました。戻ってきて) 僕「上手いねー偉いねー!」 犬「あうあうあうあう、うー、あうあう、あう!あうあうあう!わん、あうあう!(←先程より長く何か言いたげ、この時はしっぽは振らず)わん!わん!(←と吠える時だけしっぽを振りました。)」 僕「はいはい、投げるよー」 (今度はちょっと遠くに強く投げてみましたが、犬はすんなり追いつき、また戻ってきました。) 犬「あうあうあうあう!うーあうあう!わん!わん!わん!わん!(←あうあうの時もしっぽを振っていました。)」 (また投げて、戻ってきて、を、何度か繰り返しました。) 自宅に戻ると、今度は母に「あうあう、うー、あうあうあう」と何かを話してから水を飲み、フリスビーをくわえて僕の横に寝ころびに来ました。 この、「あうあうあう」の部分がよく分かりません。(もちろん「わん!わん!」のほうも分からないのですけれども、、、) 母は、何か言いたいのだろうけれど伝わらないから苛立ったのではないかと言っていました。 このワンコは、いったい何と僕に言いたかったのでしょうか?想像でも良いので翻訳お願いします!

    • ベストアンサー
  • 和訳教えてください。

      「Style of Communication」 Compared with Western language,the typical style of communication in Japanese is intuitive and indirect.The basis of this style is a set of cultural values that emphasize empathy and are so widely shared that overt verbal communication often is not required.Thus,in Japan,the ideal interaction is not one in which speakers express their wishes or needs adequately and addressees understand and comply,but rather one in which each party understands and anticipates the needs of the other and fills them before any verbal communication becomes necessary.Silence is more highly valued in Japan than in the West;if all is going well,there should be no need for speech.A linguist points out that excessive verbalism has traditionally been looked down upon in Japan,especially for men.If verbal communication enters in,it will not be explicit;rather the speaker will rely upon the hearer's ability to realize what she or he means,often in spite of what is actually said.This style of communication can cause tremendous problems for Americans,who discover to their frustration that yes often means no,but cannot figure out when.The Japanese system of communication can work only in a homogeneous society in which people actually can anticipate each other's needs and wants.Universal expectation of empathy fosters amae,dependency or relying upon the indulgence and patronage of other's.Doi has analyzed how this concept pervades both individual and social psychology in Jaoan. 長いんですがお願いします。