• ベストアンサー

which の所を where でもよいのかどうか



ttt3さんと同じ意見です。 もう少し言葉を足すと、 which節以下の文章を見てください。 受動態になっていますが、能動態に直してみると、 The Law Department hosts seminars. となります。 法学部教室ではなく、法学部が主催するセミナーなわけですから、場所を現す関係副詞は不適切、ということになります。 ちなみにGoogleで"seminars which were hosted"と入力してみたら、13万件ほどヒット数があったのに対して、"where"は2件でした。 こういう場合は用語辞典を参考にするのが一番ですが、 Googleも利用できます。ただ、ひとまとまりであることを示す" "の使用をわすれずに。 ただ、文章的に見ると、この例文 "I have taken part in several seminars hosted by the Law Department." の方が良いと思いますが。



どう考えても変ですよね。だけど断定的な表現だったんで ネイティブ的な表現なのかなあと。 あまり考えたくないですが何とかちゃんねるみたいに いたずらでしょうか。


  • 関係代名詞はwhichとwhereどちらがよい?

    次の英文に入る関係代名詞は、どちらが最適でしょうか? I have taken part in several of seminars <which/where> were hosted by the Law Department. seminars のニュアンスが「研究室」だとwhere,「講習会」だとwhichですか?それともどちらかが間違っている?? 実はWordの文法チェックで下線がついてしまったので迷っています。

  • なにこのwhere (´・ω・`)

    He also may or may not have been aware of earlier articles written in the Baltimore Gazette where two youths were reported to have seen chess player William Schlumberger climbing out of the machine. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maelzel's_Chess_Player) where=articles、という解釈でよろしいですか。こういう場合whereで受けるのが普通なのですか。

  • 英語の時制がよくわかりません。

    英語の時制がよくわかりません。 Today he is known throughout the world sa a great scholar. Today he has been known throughout the world sa a great scholar. のどちらが正しいでしょうか。 Several people have been accused of breaking the law. Several people were accused of breaking the law. のどちらが正しいでしょうか。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • "which" の非制限的用法?

    "in which" から後の用法は非制限的用法だと思うのですが、意味がよくわかりません。「禁欲主義が影を潜めて、迸る物質主義が取って代わった」だと思うのですが、いかがでしょうか?("effervescent gush" は冗長だと思うのですが) He was peccantly obtuse in grasping the current imbroglio of the situation. He didn't have the temerity to break the cloyingly opportunistic mood among the politicians. So I had to remind him of the protean political arena in which, with ascetecism fallen into desuetude, effervescent gush of materialism had taken all over.

  • 英語

    1:I like my job,but I wish I made more money. Me too. If I (),I could buy a new car. (1)did (2)do (3)had (4)have 2:If I ()you, I would not accept that kind of offer. (1)am (2)have been (3)were (4)will be 3:If I() a camera with me I would have taken a picture of the lake. (1)have (2)had (3)had had (4)have had 4:Would you have taken the job if you() how terrible the conditions were? (1)knew (2)had known (3)have known (4)would have known 5:If she() late,give her this message. (1)were coming (2)would come (3)should come (4)shall come 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 英語の表現

    私はその奨学金を利用してきた生徒の中で一番優秀な生徒になる自信があります。 I have confidence in becoming the best one among students who have taken advantage of the scholarship. 上の日本語を訳してみたんですが、"the best one among students"でぐぐってみたんですが、5件くらいでした。そこで"one of the best students who "でぐぐってみたら結構ヒットしたので、 I have confidence in becoming one of the best students who have taken advantage of the scholarshipのほうが自然なのでしょうか?

  • わからない文法があります!

    "If it hadn't been for that encounter on the stairs, I probably wouldn't have taken the interest I did in Tommy's problems over the next several weeks." taken the interest I did ここの文法がよくわかりません!特にI didのとこです。 m(_ _)m

  • 名詞について

    (1)Gulliver's Travels (was,were) written by a famous English writer. (2)I drove my (brother-in-law's,brother's-in-law)car. この2問の答えは、(1)was(2)brother's-in-law

  • had+ppを使う必要性とby which to

    In a musicologist were to claim that an alleged musical genius who, after several decades, had not gained respect and recognition for his or her compositions is probably not a genius, the critics might say that basing a judgment on a unit of time---"several decades"---is an institutional rather than an intellectual construct. What, the critics migt ask, makes a particular number of decades reaonable evidence by which to judge genius? タイトル通りなのですがここで過去完了を使う必要はあるのでしょうか?after several decadesとあるのでむしろ過去形でいいような気がするんですが意味はどう変わるのですか? またby which toの部分はto judge genius by which (reaasonable evidence)の語順で、その手段で判断するために(目的)という感じでしょうか?

  • byの意味

    My grandson also has several relatives who live in our town, and a few of them have been by to see him. ここでのbyはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします