• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

「倦怠期」かな。 砕けた言い方をすれば「煮詰まっている」という感じです。



早速の回答ありがとうございました。 たいへん助かりました。


  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I’ve been publishing my writing for some time now, and lately my words have caught the attention of a writing/editing mentor (15 years my senior) who is very interested in my “story” and wants to help me write a book. Small problem: I had a yearlong affair with her husband, and I’m afraid she’s going to figure me out. Is it possible to entertain her interest without outing myself? 最後のセンテンスの和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • この和訳がわかりません(:_;)

    Gunna goshoot some pool with a buddy of mine.we have a score to settle. what if i paid for you to fly back to Seattle before my shcool is over?? とゆう二つの文です。 特に下の文をしりたいのですが、簡単にゆうとシアトルにきてほしい とゆうようなことでは と捉えています。 もしそのような場合、気持ちはとてもうれしいしありがたいがそんな大金を受け取ることはできない とゆう言い方もおしえていただけたらとても助かります。もつろん和訳だけでも大変ありがたいので、ぜひお得意なかたいらっしゃいましたらおねがいいたします!!! 年末にすみませんでした:)

  • 和訳をお願いします

    下記の英文の和訳をお願いします If you love, like, esteem or feel sympathy for this extraordinary little Angel, pray for her, or send her your most positive thoughts! Sophia is struggling in the operating room against a tumor that has invaded her extraordinary awesome brain. Please, do support her with our love! 少し長文で申し訳ありませんが、 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Steven and I dated for two years. The first year was wonderful. My family and my in-laws all accepted him. As year two began, he began to change. He stopped being attentive, and started to randomly go out by himself. We eventually broke up because he couldn't commit. At the beginning of our relationship, he didn't seem to have a problem with commitment. He took advantage of my life and of my children being secure with him. 最後の文の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 『 I am very much saturated with my parients. 』 上記の文章を、訳すことができません。 前後の文章から推測するに、両親との関係がうまくいっていない感じです。 詳しい方がいましたら、教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I'm a newish stay-at-home mom finding it hard to connect with my spouse, my friends and my "old" life. I have no family support system and none of my friends have offered or shown any interest in helping with my little one. My whole life has turned upside down (not unexpected) but I guess it's my other relationships that have me surprised. I'm no longer invited to anything friend-wise and the few things I have been invited to were mere hours beforehand with no time to secure a sitter. 最後の文の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • この推薦文に素晴らしい和訳を!

    この推薦文に和訳をつけて提出します。 できるだけ誉めて書かれたように、素晴らしい和訳をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 It is with a great pleasure that l am writing this letter to recommend Ms.○○, a young Japanese pianist who is actually studying at the○○(スクール名),in my class. Ms,○○ is a very talented pianist、with a natural approach of the instrument and a strong technique. Her sensibility,her intelligence and her total engagement in music allow her to be at ease on any repertory. I highly recommend her and hope she will get all your attention.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    A woman I work with used to join me and a few others for drinks after work occasionally, and her company is fine enough. However, over the past six months due to a minor promotion, she has become insufferable. She is constantly ratting people out to our principal (I work at a school,) looking for ways to get those she doesn’t like in trouble, and even going as far as to make up things that aren’t true. None of this has been directed at me personally, so I have stayed out of it, while remaining sympathetic to my co-workers who are victims of her power trip. The root of this issue is the way the principal handles HR, but I’m not interested in speaking with her about that. My problem is that this woman is always asking me what I’m doing after work and trying to invite herself along with me and another friend I work with. We both feel uncomfortable socializing with her since we’re disgusted at her behavior, however, I don’t feel I can be direct with her since she has the ear of my boss. I don’t feel I can be direct with her since she has the ear of my boss.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 日本語に訳して欲しいです

    I am Capt Ken Anderson a United States solider in Afghanistan. I was married before but my wife is late and i am left with my little daughter who is in USA under the care of a nanny. i am 46 years and i wish to have a good relationship with you.bye please send me email

  • house deed

    My 26-year-old daughter is in a serious relationship with a partner 10 years her senior. He comes to the partnership with an established home. What would you advise my daughter to expect or require going into this marriage-like arrangement? Should she expect to be put on the house deed as soon as they are married? What would be fair for all concerned? She is just beginning her career, so she is presently renting but saving for a home. He comes to the partnership with an established home.の和訳をお願いします。あと、be put on the house deedはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします