• 締切済み




エラーメッセージの内容は次の通りです。 ファイルはJPGフォーマットで ファイルサイズは2MB以下 横長の写真の場合、横幅900~950ピクセル 縦長の写真の場合、高さ700~750ピクセル ファイル名に使用出来る文字はa-z、A-Z、0-9で、空白は不可 同じファイルを2度以上アップロードしないこと です。私も昨日登録しましたよ。


  • 文法的説明及び和訳をお願いします(専門家の人にお願いします)

    次の英文(06年立命館大学入試問題Iより) There were no grounds-just acres and acres of car park, rolling across the landscape for as far as the eye could see in nearly every direction. 和訳はだいたい次のようだと思いますが 「地面はなく、ただ何エーカーもの駐車場が(景色を)見渡す限りほとんどあらゆる方向へ広がっていた」 1)forの文法的説明をお願いします。これは「距離」を表す用法でしょうか? 2)和訳はこれでいいと思いますか?

  • 読者投稿文 の和訳

    下記はアメリカの新聞の投稿記事の末尾の文です。 どのような理由でそのペットボトルを選んだのかを、彼女が尋ねられている所です。 As the line moved forward, I exercised my New Yorker’s right to butt in, and asked her why in the world she would drink that stuff. She looked at me as if I were asking a dumb question, and said: “I wouldn’t touch it. I need it for a prop in a play. The character has to drink his own urine, and this is the closest I can get to the right look.” She looked----以下のところをどのように訳せば良いのかわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文の要約をお願いします(;;)

    この英文の要約をお願いします(;;) Not all women experienced commodification as an external force, and without question they relied on their own potential for imagining and building new words. Inasmuch as mass women's magazines exposed women to commodities for personal and household use, they incited some uneasiness in women. But they very likely offered simultaneously the hope and opportunity for a satisfactory from of release from the desire for material goods, which had until then been largely repressed. In Japan, and other parts of the world, cumulative social changes were disrupting in the city and country alike. The pull to maintain the ties of family existed, but signs of instability sent tremors through the domestic community and society as a whole. 長い文なのですが、訳しても意味がよくわかりませんでした…。 要約するとどうなりますか? 教えてください、よろしくお願い致します…。

  • 青少年犯罪者の実名と写真を公開すべきか、どうかについて。

    青少年犯罪者の実名と写真を公開すべきか、どうかについて。 実は、このような話題に対しての賛成、反対の意見が書かれているところを探しているのですが、なかなかリンク先を見つけることができません。たくさんこのような話題が書かれているサイトを知っている方はいませんでしょうか? 日本でも、英語でもどちらの回答でもかまいません。よろしくお願いいたします。 Should the names and photographs of juvenile criminals release ? I'm looking for the links about arguments for and against the debate , but I have difficulty finding out these sites on the Internet. Does anyone know about these sites and could you tell me where they are ? I would like you to answer my question in Japanese or in English. Thank you !

  • 英語→日本語への翻訳をお願いできますでしょうか

    お忙しいところ恐れ入ります。 下記、ネイティブからの英文の翻訳をお願いできますでしょうか。 As long as we receive both test scores, both will be entered, the one that exceeds the minimum total score and the one with the 200 in Listening. 翻訳機を使っての回答は、すでにこちらでも対応済みですので ご遠慮願います。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語得意な方、訳していただけないでしょうか?

    次の文を訳していただけないでしょうか? The issue is not simply the manifest nature of language and music, but the extent to which they rely on the same computational processes in the brain. Our ultimate concern is with the evolved physical and psychological propensities that provide the capacities for language and music in our species, Homo sapiens. When dealing with such capacities, as much attention must be given to those for listening as to those for producing.

  • 教えてください

    なるべく同じ単語を使わずに文法を変えて同じ意味で教えてください Advances in science and economics are not necessarily making people happier. Yes,people are living longer,but for most people this just means spending more time in a hospital. We are gaining quantity,but losing quality. As for piercing,it teaches kids to abuse their bodies and leads to infections and permanent scarring. High boots and shoes are inherently dangerous. If we outlaw other dangerous activities such as speeding,drugs and guns,should not we outlaw such shoes?

  • 写真を縦に取り込むには?

    質問1 写真を縦に取り込むには以下マクロをどのように変えたらよいのか? を教えてください。 質問2 JPGとjpgを取り込むにはどうしたらよいのでしょうか? Sub test01() ListUp_FileList ("C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures") End Sub Sub ListUp_FileList(FolderSpec) Dim File_Collection As Object Dim File_List As Variant Dim cnt As Integer Set File_Collection = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") _ .GetFolder(FolderSpec).Files cnt = 1 l = 10 For Each File_List In File_Collection If Right(File_List, 4) = ".jpg" Then 'Range("A" & Format(cnt)) = File_List.Name ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(FolderSpec & "\" & File_List.Name).Select Selection.ShapeRange.Left = l + (cnt - 1) * 150 Selection.ShapeRange.Width = 130 Selection.ShapeRange.Height = 104 Selection.ShapeRange.Top = 360 cnt = cnt + 1 End If Next End Sub

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいませんか?

    Men undergo no critical stage like menopause, and may remain fertile throughout middle and old age. Physiological changes occur, however, and affect sexual functioning. Sexual activity usually drops in frequency in middle and old age, but it still occurs even in old age, in spite of the stereotype of old age as sexless (except for "dirty old men"). お願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分は意訳大歓迎です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Now I will try and get his initials for you. There are several different alphabets in the world. The Hebrew, oriental, Cyrillic, all are different. This system was originally used to obtain English names, But it has since been revised. and has excellent accuracy for other languages and alphabets. The system gives the sound of the initials or name as it is spoken. This is not always the same as the initial itself, because not all names and letters are spoken in the same way as they are spelled; but it should be very close. I have tried to allow for different languages and voices and accents in my system.