• 締切済み



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

 ジョーとニックは(四月八日)木曜日、メキシコへの家族旅行で「靴なしの一日」イベントの一環としてゴルフ場で裸足になった。  この兄弟の友達もこの運動に参加した。トィート参考  ニック:靴なしでゴルフをしたので足の裏が真緑になったが、素晴らしい。  デミ・ロバート:ericdeanseaton での私の素晴らしい監督は、ソニーの次の場面で裸足にさせてくれる。  ミーアン・マーティン:今日は裸足。だが裸足になれないところはTOMS(軽い布製の靴)を履く。  デビー・ライアン:私自身一年以上も「Toms One for One]運動の一員だった。,,今日はたくさんの人が、とくに靴を履くことのない世界の子供(とおなじように)裸足になって歩く機会、私達は(靴はあって)当たり前と思っている、だから今日は(靴を持っている事が)どんなに恵まれたことかを知るために裸足で過ごす。(Tumbir経由) 「靴なしの一日」にあなたは参加しましたか?


  • 大体でいいので訳してください!

    大体でいいので訳してください! Joe and Nick Jonas go barefoot on the green during the family vacation in Mexico on Thursday (April 8) as a part of One Day Without Shoes effort. The brothers’ pals are also taking part in the initiative. Check out the tweets: Nick: “The bottom of my feet are completely green after golfing without shoes on, but its awesome!” Demi Lovato: “My awesome director @ericdeanseaton is letting me go barefoot in this next scene for Sonny!!” Meaghan Martin: “I am barefoot today but in places where its not allowed, I wear my TOMS!” Debby Ryan: “I’ve personally been part of the Toms One for One movement for over a year…today is a chance to walk in the bare feet of the countless people, specifically children, around the world who don’t get the privilege of shoes. We take them for granted, so today, I’m living without shoes to see for myself what a blessing they are.” (via Tumblr) DID YOU PARTICIPATE in One Day Without Shoes?

  • お願いします。翻訳して下さい。

    インタビューの内容です。 質問者 Do you ever wear sneakers? 回答者 Yes, of course I do. The kind of sneakers I wear for walking are two sizes too big and they’re men’s shoes, so they look a little clown-y. My toes are long and everything always squashes my feet. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    日本語に訳していただけたら嬉しいです。 宜しくお願いします。 The feet are generally colder than the body and icy in the evenings in bed And tend to go cold when he has a head ache.. He is subject to chilblains in winter and to numbness in the snow, though his shoes are adequate for the weather. He neglects his feet and his shoes are the not the kindest and his walk is too plodding. There is an inclination to turns the toes outwards when he walks. So the shoe are apt to rub. so his feet suffer. He gets cramps in the soles of the feet, and tired feet. He washes his feet and is hygienic. But the palms of the hands sweat more than the feet.

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    Dear Annie: I can understand why "Camera-Shy Grandma" doesn't like to be photographed, but she should consider the fact that her stepdaughter likes pictures of people who are important to her. My brother was killed in Afghanistan 10 years ago, and I can't find a single photo of just the two of us together as adults. What I wouldn't give for one today! -- Kyle C. What I wouldn't give for one today!はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 解答お願いします。

    僕の靴も君のと同じくらいすり切れているよね。 My shoes are () worn ()()yours,()they? 君はこの靴をどう思う? "()do you () of this ()of shoes?" 僕には買えないほど高いよ。 "They are () expensive () I can afford."

  • My shoes の使い方

    いつもお世話になります。 英字新聞のコラムで I went shopping to buy my shoes at the department store. の「my shoes」はおかしいとありました。 何故なら、私の(所有する)靴が何故デパートにあるのか? ということです。 それでは、to buy shoes I wear とか、to buy shoes for me とかにするのでしょうか? なお、この場合もa pair of shoes とすべきですか? それとも、会話的には a shoes でも可でしょうか? or the shoes I wear とthe が必要?

  • 和訳お願いします

    I have been busy helping out my family my brother has been gone for the last three days and I spent a part of the day today looking for him です。よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    When I was a teen, my mother threw me out for getting in the way of her drug-dealing boyfriend. I hopped from couch to couch until I ran out of couches. I slept in my car until it was towed. And then I slept in alleyways, behind dumpsters, and in parks because of the lack of shelters in my area. I even checked myself into a psych ward just for a warm bed and food; I was suicidal, but it was the least of my problems. I had plenty of family with big houses and extra rooms, but no one would allow me to stay. They are the type of people who think these things only happen if you deserve them. Not old enough to sign a lease, I stayed homeless for years, struggling to keep jobs. I feel I had to fight for my life entirely on my own when it would have been nothing for someone to offer me their guest room. I’ve been back on my feet for five years now and live a comfortable life. My family has continued our relationship without missing a beat. I don’t hold a grudge, but sometimes when I visit them, I feel this seething resentment bubble up, especially during the holidays. 1 threw me outは「家から追い出された」ということでしょうか? 2 hopped from couch to couchとはどういうことでしょうか? 3 towedはどのような意味でしょうか? 4 it was the least of my problems. はどのような意味でしょうか? 5 without missing a beatはどう訳したら良いでしょうか? 6 I feel this seething resentment bubble upはどのような意味でしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • themについて

    I will not tell you what I want. I will only give you a hint. Please listen carefully. There are only four of them in the world.But they are everywhere. Bring one of them to me. 上記の英文の four of themとone of them の themは、何を指してるのですか? 教えて下さい、よろしくお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    I thought I was happy with my life and making good progress. I have a job I like, my husband just went from contracting to permanent at his company, we are starting to look for a condo, we are saving for retirement. Then all of a sudden some of my friends are making major life changes, and I suddenly feel like I am failing or pathetic by companion. One is moving from the Bay Area to Sacramento to a house she and her husband bought, one is moving to Portland, one is going to grad school in France, and one is going to Ireland. While my husband points out that some of them are just running away from their problems and that none of them are saving for the future the way we are, I feel like I am somehow failing. We are all in our 30s. Some of it is the idea of losing some friends who, while I didn’t see as often as I would like, will leave an absence for me, some of it is this feeling like I should be doing more. contractingは「契約社員」でしょうか?あと、leave an absenceはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします