• 締切済み




I had been doing everything ~ のつもりだったのだと思います。 過去完了進行形の形になります。 いきなりこの文がくるとなぜ過去完了という感じがしますが,前に「彼がどこかへ行ってしまった」のような過去の文があれば,「それまでずっとし続けていた」ということになります。


  • 穴埋め問題

    私は彼のそばにいるためにできることはなんでもし続けた。 i had ( ) done everything i could to stay by him side 私はわからなかったですすいませんが教えて下さい。 perpetuallyかconstantlyかなと思ってしまいました(T_T) 後友人と話していたら彼が i got surprised by your proposalと言いました。 私は物事にはat人にはbyでもだいたいbe surprised atと思ってて彼に尋ねたら驚きが強い時はbyでもいい。 でも日本のテストじゃばつかもね。 と言いました。 byでもよいのでしょうか?

  • 高校1年 仮定法の模範解答を教えてください。

    (1)AS I have no money ,I can’t buy a car.  If I(    ) money ,buy a car. (2)I wish he were my brother.  I’m sorry he (    )my brother. (3)As he helped me ,I was able to finish the homework.  (    )his help ,I could not (    )(    )the homework. (4)As I could swim well,I was not drowned.  If I had not been able to swim well,I (    )(    )been drowned. (5)I’m sorry (    )I can’t go with you  How I (    )I (    )go with you. (6)I was unable to buy the car for lack of money.  I could have bought the car if I(    )(    ) enough money. (7)I am (    )I cannot speak English as well as you.  I wish I (    )speak English as well as you. (8)If he were to lose his position,what would he do?  (    )(    )to lose his position,what would he do? (9)(    )you did not help him ,he failed.  (    )your help,he would have succeeded . (10)His carelessness caused the accident.  If he had been more(    ) ,the accident would not have (    ).    以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • 穴埋めの添削をお願いします!

    1)My grandmother is still alive, but she (had been) in hospital for two years. 2)David (had been) natto before he came to Japan. 3)The police (has been chasing) the criminal for many years when they finally caught him. 4)Next month I (will have known) Alice for 20 years. 5)The plane had departed (before) we reached the airport. 6)"Where's Linda?" "(She's gone) to bed." 7)By next April Jane (will have been learning) the guitar for seven years. 8)My father (had given) up smoking three years ago. 9)Your Chinese is very good. How long (have you been learning) Chinese? 英文が多く申し訳ないです。 ()の中の穴埋めです。一通り考えてみましたがいまいちわかりません・・・ ()内の訂正と、英訳も加えてくださると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 次の英文の和訳を願いしますm(_ _)m

    Get everything done by the time I come back. 質問内容 by the time I come backは、私の学力でも、和訳出来たのですが、Get everything done この英文の和訳が、わかりかねますm(_ _)m Get everything done の和訳が、わかる方は、ご回答の方を、宜しくお願いし申し上げますm(_ _)m 調べた内容 do(~をする) get A done(Aを~させる/される/してもらう/してしまう) 私の和訳 (私が、帰って来るまでには、何もかもしてしまいなさい)

  • 訳し方

    こんばんは. よろしくお願いいたします. Before I had time to find my host, he was by my side with a great smile on his face. の文で「had time」の訳した方は「(私のホストを見つける)時間があった」でよいでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします,

  • 英文法

    英文法の問題でわからないところがあります。よろしくお願いします。 39) Several people () of breaking the law. 1) have accused 2)have been accused 3)was accused 4)were accusing 答えは2なのですが、私は1でもいいのではないかと思います。 1ではどうしてだめなのでしょうか。完了形でないといけない理由がわかりません。 41) The secretary opened the mail, which () that morning. 1) Delivered 2)is delivered 3)had delivered 4)had been delivered 答えは4番なのですが、どうして3番ではだめなのでしょうか? 解説には 二つの過去の事柄があって、一方が他方より前にあったことを表す場合、大過去というが、形は過去完了と同じhad doneを用いる。 とあります。 でも、3番でもhad doneの形になっていると思います。どうして3番ではだめなのでしょうか。 77)She isn’t here yet. I am afraid she () her way. 1) May be lost 2) may have lost 3) may be having lost 4) may have been lost 答えは2ですが、1でも3でも4でもいいような気がします。どうしてだめなのでしょうか。 78) You () such a large house. Your wife would have been quit happy in a smaller house. 1) need not buy 2) needn’t have bought 3) will need to buy 4) needed to buy 答えは2です。文意から1か2だとは思うのですが、1と2の場合のニュアンスの違いがわかりません。どうして1ではだめなのでしょうか。 以上よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 訳をお願いします。

    That was arranging horseback riding lessons . I figured if this person had horses , then chances are I could probably arrange some lesson. I had another reason for wanting to talk to a psychologist . That being I wanted to tell her all about Philip and ask her professional opinion . Everything I had been through with Philip was so confusing . 文の一節で、二箇所抜き出しました。chances~のところの文法的な意味がわかりません。that being, been through with の訳がわかりません。宜しくお願いします。

  • まえのエっセイの続きなんですけど

    まえのエっセイの続きなんですけど グラマーが正しくできているか みてもらいたいです><おねがいします! When I was young, I always went to purchase something food at a grocery store after school was done because my mother had a hectic time. One day, across the street of my house, an old man sold vegetables out of his dilapidated truck. My mother knew and said to me, “I would want you to buy some fresh vegetables.” I had been tempted by his tomatoes, which looked better than other pink one at the grocery. I had never asked what is it and how much they cost, and I also didn’t say “thank you.”

  • 英文法の問題です!

    2問お願いいたします。 解答と理由を教えていただければ嬉しく思います。大学二次試験の問題です。 1、I'm awfully solly, but I had no choice. I simply (  )what I did. (1)had to do (2)must have done (3)must do (4)ought to have done 2、You are too kind! You (  )me a present. (1)didn't have to buy (2)hadn't to buy (3)must not buy (4)mustn't have bought

  • 時制の一致

    慣れてないことをすべきではなかった。という文章を英語にしたとき、I should not have done what i was used to.時制の一致は、単純に過去で大丈夫でしょうか?had been used to とかにする必要はないですよね? ご教授下さい