• 締切済み




//I know there are many parks in Aichi. One of my favorite places is a park called Tsutsujinosato. もう少しパラグラフのトピックについて考えてみましょう。 上の文だと、「私は愛知のたくさんの公園を知っている。私のお気に入りの場所の一つはツツジの里と呼ばれる」というふうに、あたなたが沢山の公園について詳しいことが文の趣旨なのか、それとも「ツツジの里についてが」そうなのか、少し混乱するところがあります。 cohesion維持ややtopic sentenceの用法についてまだあまり心配する必要は無いかもしれませんが、そのあたりを向上させるとぐっと読みやすくなりますよ。 Among many parks I know in Aichi, my favourite is a park called Tsutsujinosato. //The park is located by windmills. The park is located by the windmillsですね。windmillsは特定の建造物を表していますから。このTheは we went to the same schoolと同じように、「そういう物があるの!!突っ込まないで」という時に使われるものです。 //We can be relaxed だれかにリラックスさせられるわけではないので(リラックス怪人が出て強制的にリラックスされるわけじゃないですよね?)、we can relaxかwe feel relaxed. 他の文とのつながりを考えると、it's a place we can relax でしょうか。 //it makes the place funny funny placeとなると、こう訪れる人が笑い出すような感じの場所かちょっと不気味な場所ということになってしまいます。 It makes the place look funny の方が良いと思いますよ。 //A steam locomotive has long stopped n the park but it took off too many years ago. ちょっと突然過ぎますね。公園に機関車が走っていたことを知らせずに機関車が止まったと書いています。 There used to be a steam locomotive running in the park but it went off service years ago. のように、機関者が公園にあったことを先に伝えましょう。 あとbutの用法を調べといたほうがいいかもしれません。 //Nakagawa city keep it keepは持ち続けるという意味合いがあるので、取得したなら has got itの方がいいですよ。 //and we can enjoy riding on it 所属が変わっ他にもかかわらずというニュアンスなので、butです。still も付けて変りないことを強調しましょう。onは微妙ですがなくてもいい気がします。riding on horseはともかく、riding on busはまるでバスに巨人が跨るみたいに私には聞こえます。 but we can still enjoy riding it //Therefore, I recommend to visit in April 文法的にはthereforeが正しいんですが、口語的にはsoですね(ただこちらは文法的に間違いなのです・・・ぎゃ~~)。ここは先生と相談してくださいね。 So, I recommend you to visit there in April. //There are a lot of happy points pointsはこういう文脈ではあまり使われないように思えます。placesか spotsが一般的です。


  • 添削をおねがいします。

    英語で「日本の地域社会を紹介する」というエッセイの課題があるのですが、 いまいち文構造とかが分からず、勉強しているのですが一度書いてみたので添削をお願いできないでしょうか? 不適切な部分や、違う表現にした方がベターだったりする場所を指摘していただけたら嬉しいです。 Hokkaido is like a jewellery box of nature. There are a lot of spots where you can enjoy wonderful nature in Hokkaido. For example, sea, mountains, hot springs, marshlands and lakes. First, Shiretoko is one of the most famous and popular spot because it is a World natural heritage. In winter you can see drift ice from the north of Shiretoko peninsula to Wakkanai. Kushiro Shitsugen National Park is popular place, too. This place is registered in Ramsar Convention. Also in Kussharo Lake, we can see many swans and approach them. Secondly, there are many natures of foods. For example, crabs, sea urchins, potatoes, and soybean. Especially sea food of Hokkaido is so wonderful. There are a lot of kinds of sea food in Hokkaido. The most famous sea food is Taraba crab. Moreover Potatoes in Hokkaido are very good so they are used by many confectionery companies making Potato chips. Finally, in Hokkaido there are animal which we cannot meet except there. In Bakkai we can see seals. Going Horonobe, we can see reindeers in Horonobe stock farm. If you want to see these animals at once, you go Asahiyama zoo. Thus Hokkaido is really a jewellery box of nature. (※多分小さなミスが多いと思いますがご指摘していただけたら助かります。) よろしくお願いします。

  • シカゴの感想を添削

    お願いいたします I visited to Chicago. It's a sister city Osaka. There are a lot of museum I like it. I went for sightseeing to Frank Lloyd Wright House in Okupeak. Also,I went Museum of Sciene and Industry where we watch Apollo 8 and take the U -505 submarine on board tour. There is Sue in Field Museum of Natural HIstory is very famous. It's Tyranno saurus rex fossil remains that is biggest and complete in the world. I took part in guided tour there it was intersting but I listened it difficult becouse it's English. I alway go to the are museum. Of coures visited the art of Institue of Chicago. It's 3 biggest Museum if US. I had enjoying a long time there. There are a lot of events in Chicago becouse many country people live in . Oh , I love most pake is lincoln park. Zoo in there is free therefor many animals so enjoying. I recomed there and tell me what you think if you go there.

  • 英語の添削について

    英語でワンピースについておおまかに書いてみました。 自分の周りに添削してくれる人がいないので、教えていただける方に、添削お願いします^^      I know a lot comics written by Japanese. My favorite Japanese comic is ONE PIECE. There are some reasons for that. The first reason is that the picture is very fine. It is elaborately drawn by professionals. I can't turn my eyes away from the dynamic picture. Another reason is that the story is interesting. There are many battles between justice and evil so I am excited very much. The hero encounters some new comrades and travels around the world with them. But the hero sometimes experiences the sorrow of parting so I am moved so deeply. It is also reason that I can love the characters in ONE PIECE. Each the personality of the hero and the comrades are very strong but all of them have the spirit "one for all, all for one." They have strong bonds of friendship. I am sometimes envious. ONE PIECE is one of the best comics for me and I can enjoy whenever I read it. I can't love ONE PIECE more. 最後にカッコイイ言葉でしめくくりたいのですが、これで大丈夫でしょうか? また、内容全般で、文を直したほうが良い個所を中心に、あればおしえていただけると嬉しいです。よろしくお願いします!!

  • 英語長文の添削お願いします。

    自分で余暇の過ごしかたについての英文を作成してみましのたで、長文で面倒くさいかもしれませんが、英語に詳しい方がいらっしゃいましたら添削をお願い致します。 英文で変な部分がございましたら、バシバシご指摘下さい。  My favorite leisure is to spend with my wife.  My leisure I spend with my wife change weather. When it’s fine, we make it a rule to go out sometimes. Since it is very tired with daily work, I would like to bask in sunlight and to reduce stress. There is the park that dog can enter in neighborhood. We have a toy poodle and go for a walk in the park with my dog. We spend to play to throw a ball with dog and play catch and eat a picnic lunch that my wife cooks early morning. If We become very sleepy, We can take a snap on the blanket or a park bench. Also, When it rains, as we can’t go out, we spend to watch movie on DVD. Because both me and my wife like American culture, we always watch Western movie. When we watch Western movie, we always watch not due into Japanese but English conversation with English title. Consequently, We can learn English with watching Western movie.  In this way, I spend with my wife at leisure. Because I can spend the special loved woman, I’m soothed the soul at leisure.

  • 添削よろしくお願いします

    自分で英作してみたおですが、まわりに添削してくれる人がいないので、添削をしてもらいたくて投稿しました。以下がそれです。      Candies and chewing gums are loved by a lot of people of the world. There are some differences between them and we often receive influence from the some differences. First, a candy melts on our tongue as time go. It is disappeared from in our mouth after a few minutes. On the other hand, chewing gums don't melt even if we continue to chew. When we finish chewing it, we must throw away. Another differences is that ingredient is different. Candies are made from suger. The taste is so sweet. In the meantime, gum is not food but it is ingredient of chewing gums. We should not swallow it. Finally, we can find a new distinction of them. It is how to eat. When we eat candy, we roll it over on our tongue. We can enjoy the taste during we lick it. In contrast, when we eat a stick of chewing gum, we chew it and we can enjoy the rubbery texture for a long time. When we eat candies or chewing gums, these differences affect the personal choice. 文法的な誤りや、内容が理解しにくく、こういう形にかえれば良いなどがあれば教えてもらいたいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • この英語の問題を教えてください。

    次の各文がほぼ同じ意味なるように()に適切な語を入れなさい。 1、I don’t know that student. That student is a ( ) to me. 2、May I ask a favor? May I ask a favor ( ) ( )? 3、We can be happy by singing. Singing ( ) ( ) happy. 4、The teacher made us a good exercise book The teacher made a good exercise book ( ) us. 5、My library ( ) a lot of English books. ( ) are a lot of English books in my library. 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 下の英語を日本語に訳してください。

    1. Neither Sue nor I could answer the question. 2. Can I have another piece of cake? 3. I can’t find the keys. 4. This a quiet place to read. 5. His face was wet sweat. 6. He was presented with a medal. 7. We collected samples of water from fifteen different rivers. 8. I have some plants in my room. 9. Apples are my favorite fruit. 10. The floor is made of wood. 11. The leaves have turned red. 12. There are many pretty flowers in the garden. 13. He has just started kindergarten. 14. There are three elementary schools in this town. 15. My father teaches English at the junior high school. 16. I went to a senior high school for boys. 17. After college, he became a high school teacher よろしくお願いします。.

  • 英語のエッセイの添削をお願いできませんか?

    英語のエッセイの添削をお願いできませんか? 長文になるのですが、よろしくお願いします; もしもっとこうしたほうが良い文になるなどのアドバイスもいただけたら幸いです。 No other sports is harder than distance running. Distance running troubles me the most. I usually giving up on easily and tend to find a route to escape when I encounter with difficult problem. So I run away from distance running, too. The reason I hated it before, was ultimately the main source of my encouragement and to change my mind. Firstly, what do you associate with winter? It is New Year holiday? It is a snowball fight? No, in my case it is a distance running. Because of there are they in winter, I get scared when winter comes. And I am impelled to run away. It’s a bad habit of myself. I understand that, but I would not challenge it. The opposite of my feeling, winter has rolled round. The people around me are pleased with the coming winter. If it had not been for meeting, I could dance with joy like they. Then the real winter come. I started getting ready for the meeting. Secondly, I thought about doing something for meeting. I try to pretend I have a stomachace. For example, I eat breakfast my fill, and I ate food as soon as race at full speed. Also I hung a lot of paper doll in my room window. I did many stupid things, but all my plans miscarried. I decided to do a dishonest thing. However, I escape from meeting after all. It wasn’t weight off my mind. Finally, I learned an important thing my experience “Not only escape but also challenge” I have noticed running away is not way to go. But I have successfully parted with old myself. Thanks of distance running. My father often said me “There’s nothing I can’t do once I’ve put my mind to it”. I can see it now. When If I could come back in the past, I would want to scold me at that time. どうかよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 旅プレゼン(英語)NO3

    旅のプレゼンをするのですが、アドバイス& 添削をお願いします。 Day 3 We went Yosemite National Park CA again. I think it’s big park. They can’t watch a day. We watched “ big tree” aun Yosemite full. And then we return to Santa monica. However, came back there midd night. I was very very tired.but Thank you for your driving. Day 4 I’ve wanted to go the J. Paul Getty Museum. I took big blue bus at St,transfer to talk the No bus and took Tram. I took part in the guide tour in pavilion. This museum is what Paul Getty who was the king known oil manage it. There are a lot of café and garden, it’s very nice! I love museum. I went to The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, LACMA,too. I went out for dinner with my friend who like in down town. She is very cute. I want to talk more with her. Day 5 I visited to watch Hollywood sign in Hollywood. I took one station by subway. So,I went to Universal studio. I was surprised because there are a lot of moves studios. I took part in studio tour. I enjoyed a lot of attractions. The Special Effets attraction is how the special effects for Universal’s biggest movies were made! The Mummy the ride is rollercoaster. Back draft,Terminator,Back to the future, Shrek and Water world are the same as Japan. I felt uneasy because I had go to home late.But it was Ok. There were a lot of people in the bus more than I thought it.

  • 英語の質問です

    アメリカに住んでる知り合いに「一週間くらい家に泊まらせてください。それと、そちらの地域の観光地をネットで調べたんですが、特に見つけられませんでした。なのでおすすめの観光地を教えてください」 とメールしたら下記のように返ってきたんですが、(1)(2)(3)(4)の文がいまいち理解できません。 There are not a lots of places around Little Rock to visit. Little Rock is not a big city. It does not have national parks. You can ask Shota where he went last time. I can bring you some places he went. There is a Clinton Library in Little Rock. There is a limestone cave 3 hrs away from my home. There is a city called Dallas 5.5 hours away from my home. There is a roller coaster park you can ride if you like riding roller coaster.We need to stay there at lease one night in hotel though. There is a water park in a city 1 hr away from us. It has all kinds of water roller coasters. It depends what you want to do. It is impossible if you want to see those famous places in a week. (1)『I have not gone to those places yet except Disney.』 (2)『I want to wait for Alex a little bit older.』 (3)『It is ok if you want to have some fun.』 (4)『I can take few days off to go with you.』 (1)「私はディズニーを除いた上記の場所に行ったことが無い」 (2)「アレックスがもうちょっと育つまで待ちたい」←何を待ちたいのか分かりません (3)「もしあなたが楽しみたいのならokです?」 (4)「あなたのために数日休みを取ることができる」 僕とこの知り合いの関係や、他の事情を解してないと答えづらいかと思いますが、よろしくお願いします。