• ベストアンサー

The Bear Who Let It AloneのMoralの解説


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

Moral は ”You might as well fall flat on your face as lean over too far backward.”  直訳すれば 「あまり後ろに背を曲げると、うつぶせに倒れるのと変わらない」 (要するにこれは熊がアルコール依存症の時も、徹底的な禁酒主義者になった時も、まわりに及ぼす危害は同じと言う話ですから)  意訳すれば 「過ぎたるは及ばざるがごとし」ってことでしょうかね。これどこの宿題ですか。





  • let alone 「~は言うまでもなく」

    He cannot walk, let alone run.(彼は走ることはもちろん、歩くこともできない) なぜ let alone で「~はもちろん、~は言うまでもなく」という意味になるのですか?

  • let alone の意味は?

    let alone の意味は? let alone の意味は、~はもちろん、~は言うまでもなく、ですが どうして、こういう日本語訳が付けられたのですか? let と alone からは、考えにくい意味になってます。 丸覚えすれば済むのですが、ちょっと気になりました。 教えて下さい m(_ _)m

  • The Seal Who Became FamousのMoralの解説

    The Seal Who Became Famous A SEAL who lay basking on large, smooth rock said to himself: all I ever do is swim. None of the other seals can swim any better than I can, he reflected, but, on the other hand, they can all swim just as well. The more he pondered the monotony and uniformity of his life, the more deoressed he became. That night he swam away and joined a circus. Within two years the seal had become a great balancer. He could balance lamps, billiard cues, medicine balls, hassocks, taborets, dollar cigars, and anything else you gave him. When he read in a book a reference to the Great Seal of the United States, he thought it meant him. In the winter of his third year as a performer he went back to the large, smooth rock to visit his friends and family. He gave them the Big Town stuff right away: the latest slang, liquor in a golden flask, zippers, a gardenis in his lapel. He blanced for them everything there was on the rock to balance, which was not much. When he had run through his repertory, he asked the other seals if they could do what he had done and they all said no. "O.K.," he said. " Let is see you do something I can not do." Since the only thing they could do was swim, they all plunged off the rock into the sea. The circus seal plunged right after them, pair of seventeen-dollar shoes, that he began to founder at once. Since he hadn't been in swimming for three years, he had forgot what to do with his fippers and tail, and he went down for the third time before the other seals could reach him. They gave him a simple but dignified funeral. Moral:Whom God has equpped with fippers should not mon-key arround with zippers. The Seal Who Became FamousのMoralの解説をしないといけないのですが、 良く分らないのです・・・文章の意味は大体分ったんですが・・・ 宜しくお願いします。

  • Who made 'Let it go!'レリゴー

    「アナと雪の女王、Frozen」のレリゴー の作詞者、Who is the poet making ' Let it go!' について教えて。 And tell me a little bit about the poet, please!

  • The Seal Who Became FamousのMoralの解説

    The Seal Who Became Famous A SEAL who lay basking on large, smooth rock said to himself: all I ever do is swim. None of the other seals can swim any better than I can, he reflected, but, on the other hand, they can all swim just as well. The more he pondered the monotony and uniformity of his life, the more deoressed he became. That night he swam away and joined a circus. Within two years the seal had become a great balancer. He could balance lamps, billiard cues, medicine balls, hassocks, taborets, dollar cigars, and anything else you gave him. When he read in a book a reference to the Great Seal of the United States, he thought it meant him. In the winter of his third year as a performer he went back to the large, smooth rock to visit his friends and family. He gave them the Big Town stuff right away: the latest slang, liquor in a golden flask, zippers, a gardenis in his lapel. He blanced for them everything there was on the rock to balance, which was not much. When he had run through his repertory, he asked the other seals if they could do what he had done and they all said no. "O.K.," he said. " Let is see you do something I can not do." Since the only thing they could do was swim, they all plunged off the rock into the sea. The circus seal plunged right after them, pair of seventeen-dollar shoes, that he began to founder at once. Since he hadn't been in swimming for three years, he had forgot what to do with his fippers and tail, and he went down for the third time before the other seals could reach him. They gave him a simple but dignified funeral. Moral:Whom God has equpped with fippers should not mon-key arround with zippers. The Seal Who Became FamousのMoralの解説をしないといけないのですが、 良く分らないのです・・・助けて下さい。 宜しくお願いします。


    LET IT BEってどういう意味ですか?

  • Let alone be my friend

    ケンカをした相手から、謝りのメールが来ました。 I've been busy out here, but thinking of you. Wondering if you're even gonig to talk to me again, let alone be my friend. 最後のlet alone be my friend の意味がよく分かりません。 どなたか教えて下さい。

  • let it out and let it in とは

    ビートルズの Hey, Jude の歌詞の中にある、let it out and let it in とはどう言う意味でしょうか。ある本には"何でも出し、何でも受け入れるんだ"とありますが、どう考えても変です。 詩全体をこの場で書くのはまずいようですので、The Beatles のこの歌をご存知の方、ぜひともこの一行の真相をお教えください。

  • let it beって?

    バカでごめんなさい let it be の意味を教えてください。 また、この歌の歌詞の内容って 大まかに言ってどんな感じですか?

  • let it be me

    twitterでフォローしてきた人をフォローしたのですが、いきなり『let it be me』というダイレクトメッセージ が届きました。前後の文脈によって意味が変わると思うので『let it be me』だけで 使うとしたらどんな意味になるのでしょうか? 因みに私は男性で、相手は女性です。