• 締切済み



  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

(生年月日)に(場所)において (両親の名前)の間に生まれたとされる(名前)を捜索したところ、わが国の婚姻記録一覧の中に、該当者である可能性が非常に高い者が一人発見されたことををお知らせします。


  • most likelyを使った文

    most likely を使っていくつか文を作りました。 使う位置など合ってますでしょうか? 1 Where most likely did he find the book? 2 What most likely are they looking for? 3 How most likely has she got to the park? 4 Who most likely is the man in a black hat?

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします。

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になっていますので、 内容が分かれるかもしれません。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The stars in their courses indicate that your future partner was born on the 28th twenty-eighth day of the month or quite close to that time. Most likely born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius or Leo, and he is one year older than you. This is the most important relationship you will ever have. Soul mate love is a karmic love. The soul knows its own destiny and karma and these are reflected in the chart, things your subconscious mind cannot remember, but some deep part you does. This is why when you meet him all the old feelings will rise to the surface and mystify you with the intensity of the love you feel for someone who may be a total stranger

  • ニュース英語の翻訳

    Our business were late entering the recession and likely will be late to emerge than same other aspects of the economy, which speaks to the need to remain conservative in our approach to managing the business. 自分なりには、”われわれのビジネスは、景気後退の局面に入るのが遅かったので経済の中のいくつかの他の産業よりも不況から抜け出すことが遅れる可能性があり、事業運営に取り組むうえで慎重にならざるを得ない。”と訳すのですが、、、いまいち良い訳ではないと思います。 特に、”speaks to"をどう訳すべきなのか、良くわかりません。 アドバイスをお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Good day, I have the tub prepared to ship. However, the freight forwarder will most likely charge me to warehouse the tub until the sink arrives. I cannot afford to pay fees on top of the separate freight charges. At this point in time I do not have an exact date on the arrival of the sink. I will keep you updated as I receive more information. All the best,

  • 英文の邦訳をお願いします。

    Moreover, with so many bonds available, fund managers can replicate indices while maintaining some flexibility in the exact choice of assets. A bigger concern with bond indices is their weighting by volume: those who track them end up most exposed to the most indebted borrowers. 上記英文を御訳し願います。宜しくお願いします。

  • In France, most households have a c

    In France, most households have a camera, but a household with children is twice as likely to have at least one camera as a household in which there are no children .の文章について このas likely toのasとlikelyの品詞は何ですか? あと、このin whichって関係代名詞ですか?なぜinという前置詞のあとにwhichがくるんですか?

  • メタリカの翻訳お願いします。

    オライオンミュージックからのメールできたのですが。直訳だとわかりずらくて。 Get First In Line For 2013 Want the most up-to-date updates on 2013? Look no further than our Official Facebook and Twitter, where we’ll keep you in the loop about Metallica’s plans to make Orion’s second year even more epic than the first. Follow and be first in line for Orion Music + More 2013!

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Pearl Jam and Nine Inch Nails will headline the Voodoo Festival in New Orleans on November 1-3, 2013. How To Destroy Angels are also set to perform. Pearl Jam are expected to announce a fall North American tour soon. Mike McCready told Billboard.com, “New Orleans is one of the most musically and culturally rich cities in the world,” says Mike McCready of Pearl Jam. “We've played some of our most memorable shows there and can't wait to return this November.” ※ 『Pearl Jam』『Nine Inch Nails』『How To Destroy Angels』はバンド名です。

  • 英語 構造おしえてください

    Each of us can help in the most effective way possible to bring lasting peace and healing to the world and to any of our dear ones in need of aid. help とpossible、toの部分がどういう構造になっているのかがわかりません。 in the most effective wayでひと固まりですか? can help possible to ~で「to以下を可能にする手助けをすることができる」ということでしょうか? また、to any of~のto はhealing to any of~ですか? もしそうなら普通にhealing to the world and any of our~で問題ないと思ったのですが。。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳してください

    It helps to know the strengths and weakness of each type of visual object so that we can choose the type of graph that will best help us find what we're looking for, examine it in the way will most likely to lead to understanding, and, when necessary, communicate the information to others. (1)和訳してください (2)examine it in the way will most likely to lead to understanding の文法説明をお願いします。(itは何を指す?)