• 締切済み




分かりにくい説明でしたね、ごめんなさい。 >共通構文でもないのに、目的語は省略されるのでしょうか。 enough to live on で「生計を立てるための十分なもの」を make するということで「文脈から、その代表的な money だと分かる」ので省略されている、ということですね。money とは決めつけられないものの「明示しなくても了解されるもの」ということでしょう。 >so hardを前に持ってくると、どうしてforが必要になるのですか。 あらためて考えて少し調べてみました。~ working many years では working と many years の「結びつきが強い」場合だから for は「要らない」。「長年働いた」+「とても一生懸命に」の構造。 so hard が前に出たときは many years とは離れた位置にくるので「いっしょけんめい働いた」それが「長年続いた」と言っているので for が必要という意味の解説がありました。 典拠は『現代英文法講義』安藤貞雄著開拓社刊(2005)p632.NB3です。もっともこの解説は、『英語の構造』中島丈雄著岩波書店刊(1980)から援用したものでした。





  • 英語の間違い

    1.Because Mr. Andrew has a job (1. that ) pays very well and has (2. lots ) of vacation time , he (3. has had ) many chances to travel abroad . As a result , he has (4. ever ) been to many countries. 2.In order (1. to get ) into a top-level university , it is important (2. to try ) hard at school and also (3. spending ) lots of time (4. studying ) at home . 3.Tom (1. has been ) living in Japan (2. since ) 2005 , and (3. since ) he enjoys it so much he says he will keep on living there (4. until ) five more years . 1、2、3の1~4のかっこは それぞれどれが違いますか? 分かる方教えてください(>_<)

  • 文法の解説

     「But nothing could be done」 「One of these is Japan, which has been trying for many years to become a member」 上の二つの文の構成について解説をお願いします。二つ目はhas been tryingの形式が理解しづらいです。

  • 完了形、過去完了形

    (参考書より) The deaf person said he had been struggling for many years but he had now come to terms with his disability. had been... had ... となっているのは、 "said"言った、のが過去だから、という認識 で、have been...have..では"said"と合わず不自然、 という認識で合っていますか? また、この文章から、The deaf person said を 省いて、「その耳の聞こえない人は、長年苦悶し続けた が、今では自分の障害が受け入れられる」という事実だけ 書きたい場合、"has"か"had"どっちでしょうか?? The deaf person has been struggling for many years but he has now come to terms with his disability. ↑ こんな文章? 

  • on disability

    I have been in a relationship for four years. My partner has fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. When we met, he had just found out. He was still active, working, and we had sex regularly. Fast forward: He is now on disability, not working at all, we rarely sleep together and he never leaves the house. I love him still, but I didn't realize how hard this would be. I know he has a lot to cope with, but it's hard on me as well. on disabilityはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、it's hard on meはit's hard for meとどう違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 高校受験用の英語のテストの解説をお願いします。

    The tower is very tall, so more than three years were needed to finish building it. The name“the Tokyo Sky Tree”was decided by many people in the summer of 2008. 上の文章を読んで、下の質問に3語以上で答えなさい。 How long was it needed to build the Tokyo Sky Tree? 私は It was needed more than three years. にしましたが、 正解が It needed more than three years. でした。 wasをつけたら、不正解ですか? 回答解説を読みましたが、よく解りません… どなたか、詳しい解説をお願いします。

  • We humans have been...

    We humans have been able to live on this planet for millions of years because there has been an enviroment that we could live in. このthat we could live inはcanでは駄目なのでしょうか。

  • 大学受験問題

    (1)City people appear always to be ( ) where they are going. ( )に当てはまるように {hurry, to, get} を使って答えなさい。 to は使わなくても良い。動詞の変形可。   (2)Treat people well and they will treat you ( ). 1. as so 2. similar way 3. so that 4. the same 5. too (3)We'll never know how great he might have been ( ) he lived. 1. could 2. had 3. has 4. so 5. whether という問題なのですが、できたら解説も一緒にお願いします(^_^)

  • 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    It seems churlish to say it when so many years of dedicated work have gone into DARE(※) , but it is hard to escape the conclusion that it is not truly comprehensive. ※=アメリカ地域語辞典 です

  • [英語]()に入るものを教えて下さい><

    1. Two years () since George came to Japan. (1) pass (2) are passed (3) have passed (4) are passing 2. I have no idea when she () next time. (1) had come (2) has come (3) came (4) will come 3. My grandfather () for three years. (1) was dead (2) has died (3) has been died (4) has been dead 4. I () waiting for him for thirty minutes when he appeared. (1) am (2) was (3) have been (4) had been 5. Don't call me at nine tonight, please. I () at that time. (1) was studying (2) studied (3) had studied (4) will be studying 6. Next time I () to the library, I'll get that book for you. (1) go (2) will go (3) had gone (4) will have gone 7. We'll be leaving as soon as everyone (). (1) had arrived (2) arrived (3) has arrived (4) will have arrived 8. My mother () at the hospital when she was young. (1) worked (2) has worked (3) has been working (4) is working

  • 大学受験、英作文の添削をお願いします…

    TOPIC:THE LOW BIRTH RATE IS NOT REALLY A PROBLE FOR JAPAN. Im against the opinion.There are many problems difficult to solve. For example,if this low birth rate continues,Japan will have too small population.Besides,Japan is aging society.In that case,the government cannot get sufficient tax,so it has to raise tax in order to keep current level of social security.Young people will have to lead hard living and not afford to have a child.That will lead to even lower birth rate.74 Low birth rate also has a effects on educational enthusiasm.If you have only one child,you will arguablly hope that he will have high academic background to get good paid job.So many people will make their child study hard from 10 years old or so.Average academic level will rise,and companies will requre much higher abilities.There will come much diffcult time to get a good job for the non-educated. 長くなりました。こんなにwill連発でいいのでしょうか??改善のしかたを教えてください。英文(の書き方や話のつなげかた)をまずひと通り暗記したほうが早いでしょうか。