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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:哲学者ヒエロクレスに詳しい方、次の長文の訳があっているか教えてください。)



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  • tknaka
  • ベストアンサー率45% (225/491)

ヒエロクレス自身についてはそれほど詳しいわけではありませんが… Nothing is known about his life. のところが抜けていますね。その後も少し本文から訳がずれています。「彼の生涯については何も知られていません。アウルス・ゲッリウスは彼について自らの同時代人として言及しており、「真面目な聖職者」として描写しています。」 part of which は関係代名詞で続いています。fragment は未完の遺稿ではなく、原稿が部分的に見つかったということ。原稿は「自己認識について述べられており」となります。 哲学的云々の前に、英語として文法的に語彙的に厳密に読んでいかれることをお勧めします。上記に指摘した感じで、かなり粗雑な読み方をされているように思います。





  • 以前投稿した文の添削おねがいします。

    以前添削して、今回何とか様になった文章がかけました。部分的に自身がないので詳しい方がいましたら、一箇所でも構いません教えてください。分はかなり長いのですが、次の通りです。 「Hierocles, a Stoic philosopher, who lived in the 2nd century AD. ヒエロクレスはストア派の哲学者で、二世紀に生まれました。 Aulus Gellius mentions him as one of his contemporaries, and describes him as a     "grave and holy man". アリウスギリウスは同年代の一人として言及していて、彼を真面目で敬虔な人と表現しています。 Hierocles is famous for a book called Elements of Ethics, part of which was  discovered as a papyrus fragment at Hermopolis in 1901 ヒエロクレスは倫理の初歩と呼ばれる本が有名で、それは1901年にヘルモポリスでパピルスの断片で発見されました。 This 300 line fragment discusses self-perception, and argues that all birds, reptiles, and mammals from the moment of birth perceive themselves continuously and that self-perception is both the primary and the most basic faculty of animals. 彼の300ラインの断片は、自己認識について議論して、出生の瞬間からのすべての鳥、爬虫類、および哺乳動物が絶え間なく知覚して、自己認識とともに動物の第一的でそして、最も基本的な能力であると主張します。 The argument draws heavily on a Stoic concept known as self-ownership or oikeiosis which was based on the view that all animals behave in a self-preserving way and are not just aware of themselves, but are aware of themselves in relation of other animals. この論証は重大な自己所有権のオイケオイシスとして知られていてストア学派哲学者の概念はこのオケイオイシスを利用します。すべての動物が自己を保存する方法で作用して、ただ自分たちを意識しているというわけではないという意見に基づきました。 Hierocles's argument about self-perception was part of the groundwork for an entire theory of ethics. ヒエロクレスの自己認識についての主張は倫理の理論である全体の土台の一部分でした。 Some other fragments of Hierocles' book are preserved by Stobaeus. いくつかのヒエロクレスの書物の断片はストバイオスによって保存されました。 The most famous fragment describes Stoic cosmopolitanism through the use of concentric circles.    最も有名な断片は同心円の使用でストア学派哲学者の世界主義について説明しています。 Hierocles describes individuals as consisting of a series of circles: the first circle is the human mind, next comes the immediate family, followed by the extended family, and then the local community. ヒエロクレスは、個人が一連の円から成ると記述しています: 最初の円は人間の精神です。つぎにくるのは近親の家族、続いてくるのは広い意味の家族、次はその土地の共同体です。 Next comes the community of neighbouring towns, followed by your country, and finally the entire human race. 次に来るのは近隣の街の共同体です。続いてあなたの国そして最後は人間全体の円です。 Our task, according to Hierocles was to draw the circles in towards the centre, transferring people to the inner circles, making all human beings part of our concern. 私たちの仕事は、ヒエロクレスによると、中心に向かって円を導くことになっていました。人々を精神の円のほうに、作っている全ての人間は私たちにはなれて影響しあってます。」 という文なのですが、間違っている箇所があれば教えてください。お願いします。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Outside scientific circles, it is common to speak of the thoughts and feelings of pets and of wild animals. と言う英文を ”科学界の外部では、ペットや野生動物の考えや感情について話すことは一般的なことである。”と訳したのですが、あっていますか?特に、Outside scientific circles の訳が分からないのでアドバイスお願いします。

  • 次の長文の訳があっているかおしえてください。

    文は「Syrianus (Greek: Συριανdied c. 437) was a Greek Neoplatonist philosopher, and head of Plato's Academy inAthens, succeeding his teacher Plutarch of Athens in 431/432. He is important as the teacher of Proclus, and, like Plutarch and Proclus, as a commentator on Plato and Aristotle. His bestknown extant work is a commentary on the Metaphysics of Aristotle. He is said to have written also on the De Caelo and the De Interpretatione of Aristotle and on Plato's Timaeus.」という文で私の訳は 「シュリアス(ギリシャ人紀元前437年没)はギリシャ人の新プラトン主義の哲学者でアテナイのアカメディアの学頭でした。また、彼の紀元前431年から432年ごろの先生はアテナイのプルタコスでした。彼にとってプルタコスはかけがいの無い先生でした。そしてプルタコスとプロクロスの様なアリストテレスとプラトンの評論家になりました。彼の最も知られた功績はアリストテレスの形而上学の論評です。彼はアリストテレスの天界と命題論及びプラトンのティマイオスについても書いたと言われています。」 という文になりました。読んでみて変なところや直す箇所があればおしえてください。基本的にこれであってると思うのですがお願いします。

  • この文の構造と訳お願いします。

    My father had a strongidea that half the disobedience of little children arose from wan of employment, and that they had a very early perception of the difference between amusing themselves and doing something that savedtrouble to others.

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    In particular, his model accurately describes how energy in the form of radiation can be propagated through space as vibrating electric and magnetic fields. この英文を和訳してほしいです。

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    A fourth quantum number―the spin quantum number―describes the behavior of a specific electron and completes the description of electrons in atoms. この英文を和訳しいてほしいです。

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    The Japanese confectioner Kazuki, for example makes a chocolate-dipped cookies sold in Europe , through a joint venture with Kraf Foods of the U.S , as the Mikado,and elsewhere as Pocky. Mikio Kasama ,head of the golbal business division at Kazuki,said Mikado sales brought in \15 billion ,or $160 million , a year and that Mikado sales in Europe were growing at an anuual rate of about 10 percent.

  • 長文の訳お願いします

    ユダヤ教の食についてのタブーがなぜ厳しいのかとという長文です、途中までは やったので残り半分ほど訳せる方お願いします Among the ancient and influential religions of the world, there is none as strict as Judaism for classifying foods as fir or unfit to eat. Foods which meet these standards are considered kosher-that is, fit or proper. For example, any animal which has cloven hooves and chews its cud is kosher. It is forbidden to eat pig, camel or rabbit because they lack one of these two qualifications. Only fish with fins and scales may be eaten, which means that octopus, squid, shrimp, crab, and catfish are forbidden by dietary laws. Chicken and turkey may be eaten. There is a special law that forbids eating meat, including poultry, and milk products together. Utensils used for meat may not be used for diary produced and vice versa. There is also a ritual method of killing animals that may be eaten. Animals that die of disease or that are found dead may not be eaten. A variety of rules must be observed in the slaughterhouse. A slaughterer has special qualifications and training, and may only use a very sharp knife in order to minimize the animal's suffering. Following the slaughter, the meat must be rinsed in water to remove all traces of blood. To eat a rare steak with traces of blood is out of the question. Orthodox Jewish butchers do not keep hindquarters of meat in their shops. The hindquarters are sold to nonkosher butchers because Jews are forbidden to eat the sciatic nerve and the surrounding blood vessels. Nowadays, while many Jews condnue to refrain from eating pork and other traditionally forbidden foods, they will enjoy trying just about anything else. Why does the Old Testament go into dietary laws in such detail? ltls only a guess, but when the ancient Hebrews left their Egyptian bondage to wander for years in the desert, suffering all sorts of hardships, these strict rules were vital to promoting both hygiene and a sense of solidarity among the people. If your plane arrives in Israel on a Friday evening and you want a meal, you're out of luck. The Jewisll day of rest begins at sunset on Friday and runs until sunset on Saturday. During that time, restaurants are closed. You have to go to the Palestinian section for a meal. The Arabs follow Islam, and their day of rest ends on Friday. And, of course, the Christian day of rest is a day later than that of the Jews, on Sunday

  • 英文の訳が分かりません

    英文の訳が分かりません。 in representing the coffee-house these literary materials , more than anything else, established and confirmed the place of coffee in modern urban life. It is in the nature of satire to exaggerate what it describes, to heighten foolishness and vice, and to portray its material in the most colourful language. The coffee-house satires can nevertheless be considered not only as works of literature but also as historical evidence: these low and crude satires are not a simple criticism of coffee-house life, but part of their conversation, one voice in the ongoing discussion of the social life of the city. この英文をできれば全訳していただけると嬉しいです。

  • 長文の訳をお願いします

    Go to just about any seashore in Japan-Tokyo Bay, Osaka Bay, Nagoya Bay, Hakata Bay, or other places-and have a good look at posts or jetties in the sea. You'll notice blackish, oval shells about 5 cm long clinging to the sides. They are called mussels. Lovers of Italian food are delighted to see them piled on top of a plate of spaghetti in a restaurant. Mussels originally come from a broad area of sea ranging from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean. They arrived in Japan on the bottoms of ships sailing back and forth between that part of the world and Japan. They were first spotted in Japan in Kobe Harbor in 1935, and quickly spread throughout the archipelago. The fame of these shellfish has spread beyond Italy. In France, mussels (or moules in French) are deep-fried like potatoes and called moules frites, they've become a favorite fastfood for ordinary people. In fact, moules frites are even more popular in Belgium than they are in France. They are practically synonymous with Belgian cuisine. That is why the best mussel restaurants in Paris and Brussels almost always recommend Belgian beer to accompany the dish. In Japan, the igai(called nitarigai in some provinces) is a relative of the mussel family. It lives in deeper water than mussels, and can grow three times larger. In ancient times, the shells were collected as a type of tax by the central government. Today, too, they have considerable value. The shell of a European mussel appears slightly more purplish than an igai, and so the former is sometimes called murasakigai. Mussels are such a popular food item in Europe that they are farmed in France and Italy. Strange to say, they seem to pass unnoticed in Japan despite their abundance in the sea. It is a great mistake to think that Japanese mussels are not the "real thing" and European mussels are. It's a pity that only some marine specialists and gourmets appreciate the flavor and delicacy of Japanese mussels. Mussels are hated in Hiroshima and other oyster farming areas. They attach themselves to the shells of the oysters and eat the plankton meant for the oysters. This prevents the growth of the oysters. Oyster farmers pry the mussels off the oyster shells and ship them to market, but there is little demand for them. In Japan, these mussels are a luxury few can afford. In Japan, people who fish from sea walls and jetties frequently use mussels as bait. The poor mussels are collected in handfuls, and then stomped on to crush the shells. Japanese waters have recently become clean again, but there are still obvious pockets of pollution. Probably no one who saw a mussel in a polluted area would wish to eat it. However, there are still plenty of tasty and clean mussels in Japanese Waters. If you ask at a first-class restaurant in Japan whether the mussels they served were caught in Japan or in Europe, shouldn't they answer with pride, "They are from Mie Prefecture," or "They are from lwate Prefecture"?