• ベストアンサー




  • ベストアンサー

稚拙な英文ですが…、一応通じる…はず(汗)           I was afraid of love you more now. if I love you more, I hope you divorce your wife and live with me. I don't rush to conclusion. but I wanna ask you "Can I monopolize your love?" I wanna talk to you, and exchange E-mail everyday. If i can't, i become aneasy so much. I'm lonly. please give me your time to communicate with me. I want to be good couplewith you. my hope isn't so difficult, is it? こんなトコですかね。

その他の回答 (5)

  • ForrestG
  • ベストアンサー率62% (139/223)

I was afraid of falling in even more love with you. Because once that happens, I will want every part of you. I will want you to get divorced, I will want you to live with me. I don't mean to jump to a conclusion right now, but I just want you to be my "official" boyfriend. I want to text you every day, and not hearing from you drives me crazy. I want to see you on your off days, and I want to see you at least twice a week. I hate feeling alone. I still don't know much of you. I don't know your work hours, holidays, or when I can contact you. As long as I don't feel anxious, I think I can continue with the relationship with you. Do you think you can do what I want you to? I don't think I'm asking too much.  ※文中、「毎日メールしたい」のメールとは携帯メールのことと解釈して text という訳語を用いました。PC のメールなら該当箇所を email と変えて下さい。 …とまぁ、一応訳してはみましたが、正直この文面を送ることはお勧めしません。 (奥さんと?)別居中とは言っても、既婚男性に奥さん以外の女性がこういうメールを送る意味は分かっておられますよね。それは「不倫」です。質問者様の心情はどうあれ、相手の離婚が成立しない限り、そもそも「ちゃんとした彼氏」にはなり得ません。 その意味で、ご質問の文は日本語の時点ですでに矛盾しており、また失礼ながらかなり思い詰めた、「怖い」文面になっています。これを読んで質問者様の側に男性の心が傾くとは到底思えません。 また、交際相手に勤務時間も休みの日も連絡可能時間も教えないというのは、ふつうに考えて「教えたくない」としか思えません。 さらに、今の関係が続いたとしても、今後また別のトラブルが持ち上がることは十分に予想できます。その度ごとに「うまく伝えられないから」とこちらを頼るのも一つの手ですが、段々と質問しにくいような生々しい内容になっていくこともまた、想像に難くありません 以上をふまえた上で、それでも上記訳文を送りたいのであれば、お互い大人ですのでこれ以上は何も言いません。ただ、その結果についてはご自身が責任を負って下さいますようお願いいたします。 不倫とは本来忍ぶ恋であり、それに伴うリスクは当人達が負うべきものですので。

  • dorian337
  • ベストアンサー率51% (158/305)

I don't want to love you more than I should. If I did, I would want you to be all mine; I would want you to get a divorce; I would want you to come and live with me. I'm not asking you to do all these things right now. I just want you to be officially my boyfriend. I get anxious when I don't get an e-mail from you. I don't even know what your work hours are, when I can contact you, or when I get to see you. I wouldn't have to worry about these things if you just told me. If I don't have to worry, I think I can keep seeing you. I'm not asking you too much, am I?


ついでに、今度は原文を短くしてみました。 「 すきなの。あなたのことが、どうしようもないくらい、すきなの。 すべてが、ほしいの。あなたの。 あいたい。あいたいの。もっと、あいたいの。 どうかわたしをふあんにさせないで ・・・むずかしいこと、おねがいしているわけじゃ、ないんだけど、な。 」 これくらいなら、途中でイヤにならずに訳せると思いますがいかがでしょ。


Googleくんに訳して頂きました。 http://translate.google.co.jp/translate_t# 「 I'm afraid that you would like more. Is because I want all of you. IDZURE I will live with me and I want to be divorced. Of course now I do not hurry to a conclusion, I just want a boyfriend right for you. I messed-up is the stone of fear来NAKATTARA mail daily mail. My days off of work a week you will meet two times meet. I who always needs. I'm still not familiar to you. The holiday from what time until what time you work, and when I do not know the time to contact. I even fear, IKEMASU you continue to be much more involved. I wish that you are? I hope it is a difficult thing I do not think so. 」


「 I'm kinda scared being love with you, mooooree than now, u know, huh!? ya! 'cause, boy, I DO want to get everythin' of you, everything 'ncluding your life, your body, ... everything!! I DO wish you throw your wife away, i mean DIVORCE, ... then we live toghether, you know what I mean? you know, i don't force you to make answer TOUT DE SUITE (haha!), but I want you to be my STEDY, that's all i want... ... ... i wanna send you mails everyday, and if you don't reply me, you make me sick, insane ... I do WANT ALL YOUR HOLIDAY, and 2 days in a week ain't enough for me ... YEAAAAH!! if you are so scared to read this, i insist that is because you don't know me well, hey,,,... I am just a sweat kitten !!! I don't know you well yet, so I have no idea about your work schedule... even when I can contact to you... all I wish, you know, is TO BE STABLE psycologically... that make us a GOOD couple forever, you know ... COULD you DO all i said now for me? for me? I think that is verry simple thing, thanks. 」 そんな長い文章を送る前に、きちんと推敲して、簡潔かつ要領を得た文章にしたほうがいいですよ、と言うのは簡単ですが、まあそれでは芸がないので、試しにイケテル風に訳してみようかと思ったら、こりゃ大変だ。 もう少し質問の方法を変えたほうが、回答が一杯来るとおもいますよ。 自分で訳してみて、これで良いかな?と質問するとか。 ・・・ここまで書いて、そもそも意思疎通もできない相手と上手くいくんかいな、と思ったが。
