• ベストアンサー


以下の部分がわかりません。 I see some things I have to tell you. I was taking my dog for our country walk the other Sunday morning. Drinving down this major duel carriage way because it was early at 7:00 am ish there was hardly anyone around. Following a car and coach they came to a sudden halt. There was only a man lying dead on the road. He had jumped off the bridge. Did not know this at the time. They had stopped and phoned the police; who miles further on I saw racing to the scene. On the way back the road North and South were closed, while the police were doing their reports by the looks of it. Still waiting to hear what actually happened. They said in the newspaper the next day it seems he comitted suicide. So sad he was only 30 years old. まず、1) 7:00 のあとの ish、2) following a car and coach の主語はthey となると具体的には誰(自殺をした人?)、でも自殺したのは一人なのでthey がよくわからない 3)道で死んで?横たわってる人がいて、橋から飛び降りた人がいる? (この2人はa car and coachを追跡していた人達?)4)とまってけいさつに電話したのは誰? すみませんよくわからなくて質問だらけです。 通して和訳していただけたらありがたいです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数5
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

>遠い昔、学校で英語の授業に、動名詞で主語が無いときは、主節の主語が主語だと習った覚えがあります。 文法的には「動名詞」ではなくて、「分詞構文」と呼びます。 おっしゃるとおり、分詞の意味上の主語は、主文の主語と一致させるのが原則です。 http://homepage1.nifty.com/Mercury/ohoyamak/suggesting.html 分詞の意味上の主語が主文の主語と異なる場合は、分詞の前に主語を加えます。 これを、独立分詞構文といいます。 (動名詞として「~すること」の意味で使う場合は“your driving”(あなたが運転すること、あなたの運転)のように所有格を加えるばあもありますが、独立分詞構文の場合は、所有格は使わないようです) http://www.englishcafe.jp/english3rd/ad25.html しかし、主文と分詞の主語を一致させるというルールは必ずしも100%守られているわけはありません。 特に、“Generally speaking"とか“Judging from ~”のような慣用句については、文法上も正しい言い方とされています。 分詞の主語を書かなくても文脈で推測できる場合には、そのまま分詞だけで済ませてしまうこともけっこうあります。 慣用句的な表現でない場合は、厳密に言うと文法的には間違いですが、最初に上げたURLの解説にもあるように「Nativeでもけっこうやっている」ことです。 (Nativeにとっても「間違えやすいところ」だということで、Nativeがやっているから正しいというわけではないようです。) http://www.englishcafe.jp/answer/anb-3c.html

その他の回答 (4)


>その前の文、Driving down this major duel carriage way の訳ももしよかったら教えてください。 前半のご質問はNo.3の回答者様の仰るとおりですので,省略しますね。 それで Driving . . . . は分詞構文で,接続詞を使って書き直すと When I was driving down this major duel carriage way となります。このWhen I was driving ... wayとbecause it was early at 7:00 am ishという2つの副詞節が主節のthere was hardly anyone aroundを修飾しています。 訳は前の回答に大雑把なものですが,つけたので,そちらを参考にして下さい。


こういう解釈で,いいでしょうか。 1) 7:00 のあとの ish ish は,きっちりとではなく,だいたい…曖昧にするときに会話ではよく使います。How old are you? Well, I'm ... thirtyish.(30歳くらいね) 2) following a car and coach の主語は I です。この前のdriving の主語も I です。 they は私の車の前を走っていた車に乗っていた人達。 3)道で死んで?横たわってる人が一人いました。橋から飛び降りた人です。自殺した人。 a car and coachの後に行ったのは,この I です。 4)とまってけいさつに電話したのは,この I の前を走っていた a car and coach に乗っていた人達。 試訳 あなたにお話することがいくつか出てきたよ。この間の日曜日の朝,愛犬を田舎の方まで散歩に連れて行くところだったんだ。この二車線の自動車道を運転していたんだよ。朝7時頃だったから,あたりにはほとんど誰もいなかったんだよ。車とバスの後について行ったらね,突然止まってね。路上に男の人が死んで倒れていたんだ。橋から飛び降りたんだって。その時は分からなかったけどね。 前の車の人達が止まって,警察に電話したんだ。警察が現場に急行するところがずっと先まで見えたよ。帰り道,道路は南北とも閉鎖されてね,状況からみて,警察が現場検証して報告書作っていたんだろうね。実際のところ,何があったのか聞こうと思って待っていたんだけどね。その翌日の新聞によると,どうもその男は自殺したらしいんだ。まだ30歳だったっていうから,本当に可哀想だよね。



回答有難う。 No.2の方へのお礼でも書きましたが、動名詞で始まっている従属節がある場合、主語は主節と同じと思っていたので、よく理解できませんでした。主語が異なる場合でも、このように主語を省略できるのですか? それから、その前の文、Driving down this major duel carriage way の訳ももしよかったら教えてください。

  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

1) 7:00 のあとの ish http://eow.alc.co.jp/-ish/UTF-8/ 2) following a car and coach の主語はthey となると具体的には誰(自殺をした人?)、でも自殺したのは一人なのでthey がよくわからない following a car and coach の主語はtheyではなく、I(つまり友人の方)でしょう。 ちなみに、theyは a car and coachに乗っていた人たちのことだと思います。 3)道で死んで?横たわってる人がいて、橋から飛び降りた人がいる? (この2人はa car and coachを追跡していた人達?) 4)とまってけいさつに電話したのは誰? 早朝のすいた道をa car and coachの後ろについて走っていたら、橋から飛び下りて路上に死んでいる人に出くわした。 警察に電話したのは、上にも書いたように、おそらく、前を走っていたa car and coachに乗っていた人でしょう。(多分、先頭を走っていた車の人が第一発見者として警察に連絡したのではないでしょうか)



ご回答有難う御座いました。 2)について、遠い昔、学校で英語の授業に、動名詞で主語が無いときは、主節の主語が主語だと習った覚えがあります。違う主語の場合は動名詞の前に所有格をつける(この場合は My following ... となるのでしょうか、と、習った気がします) とすると、they が主語になると思い、文の意味を取りかねていました。このように、主語が異なる場合でも、動名詞で始まる事はよくありますか?

  • mapponew
  • ベストアンサー率22% (309/1373)

私は、私があなたに言わなければならないという若干のことを見ます。私は、この前の日曜日の朝、私の犬を我々の地方の歩き方と考えていました。この主な決闘車道の下でDrinvingそれが午前7時00分に早かった、のような、誰もほとんどいませんでした。車とコーチの後で、彼らは突然に停止しました。道で死んでいていている男性だけが、いました。彼は、橋からとびました。その時にこれを知りませんでした。 彼らは、警察を止めて、電話をかけました;マイルは載って誰を進めます。そして、私は場面にレースを見ました。警察がそれの表情によって彼らのレポートをする間、後ろに途中で、道南北は閉められました。実際に起こったことを聞くために待って静まってください。彼らは、その翌日、新聞で、彼が自殺をcomittedしたようであると言いました。彼がわずか30才であったように悲しい


  • 友人の手紙の意味を教えてください。

    今日は。 友人の手紙の一部が意味がよくわかりません。教えてください。 I went out to the car boot with Michel and Jack on Sunday morning. The car boot market is held in a really large set of fields and for some reason Jack just pulls from when he gets there until we have walked it all. When he walks in the street he is brilliant. Just packed busy places. He really pulled my right arm and I must strained a muscle in my shoulder. All my right neck, shoulder and shoulder blade. The pain is killing me. です。特に car boot は何のことでしょうか?「トランク」かな、とも思ったりしましたが、違うみたいですし、、。Michelはご主人の名前、Jack は飼っている犬の名前です。後半部分はややわかります。混雑した通りを腕を(犬が)先導してくれたけど、引っ張ったので筋肉痛になった、という事かな? よろしくお願いします。

  • (手紙の一部の)英語を教えてください。

    友人(女性)から、その夫の借金について書いてある手紙を受領しました(数日前にもその前の手紙の内容について質問しましたが)、今回はその続きとなりますが、再度あまり意味がよくわかりません。今回は下記の英語についてお尋ねです。最初の段落は前半はわかりますが、それ以降、最後まで明確にはつかめません。先回の手紙では、再抵当をして、、、などと書いてあり、夫とその借金に激怒しているようでしたが、今回はこの最後の段落は、自分の退職金で返すという意味かなと捕らえているのですが、借金をあきらめて受け入れたのか、そうでいいですか?教えてください。 I was not sure if I had told you about the debt he has got us in. Well it is a large amount that has just kept building up because of him being out of work and not being able to pay it. I did not know about it for ages then he had to tell me. I had a terrible time keeping them at bay for a while and offering only small amounts to keep them quiet. So the only thing was to used some of the equity I had on the house and remortgage the house to clear them up. If not we would of lost the house eventually I reckon. Debt can be very stressful. It looks like it is going through and I will then be able to pay them off. I will be able to pay the monthly payments. Only thing I will now have to work into my retirement to pay it off and not as before paid up by then.

  • 至急…英字新聞の一部訳して頂けますか。

    4,000 officers search for suspect who fled during questioning About 4,000 police officers continued the hunt Wednesday for an alleged rapist who escaped from the prosecutor’s office in Kawasaki the previous day. Yuta Sugimoto, 20 of Tama Ward in Kawasaki, has been placed on the national wanted list. He was arrested Monday on suspicion, along with another man, of violently robbing a woman in the city’s Asao Ward after having confined her for a couple of hours in a car on Jan.2. They allegedly took \150,000 in cash from the woman. Sugimoto was arrested on suspicion of robbery, confinement and sexual assault. According to the Kanagawa Prefectural Police, Sugimoto bolted from an interrogation room on the sixth floor of the Kawasaki branch of the Yokohama District Prosecutor’s Office at around 2:15 p.m. Tuesday. Police said a witness saw Sugimoto with his friend in Kawasaki on Wednesday. Other media reports said he is likely to be using a white motor scooter provided by his friend. Police have tightened security at schools in Kawasaki, where pupils arrived Wednesday morning in groups. Police and teachers were alerting children at Miyamae Elementary School adjacent to the prosecutor’s office who arrived at school before 8 a.m. Police found the sweatshirt Sugimoto was wearing during the interrogation Tuesday in garden of a house about 100 meters from the prosecutors’ office. They speculate that Sugimoto changed clothes while on the run. “I’m really worried and I try to make sure all the doors and windows are locked more than usual,” said a man in his 40s, who took his two sons to school before heading to work. “I don’t want (the kids) to go outside in the evening.” Meanwhile, a woman in her 20s who dropped her daughter off to a nearby kindergarten expressed anxiety, saying: ”How long is this uncertainty going to last?” The police carried out the manhunt using about 900 patrol cars, helicopters and boats. Police described Sugimoto as an unemployed man about 167 cm tall and weighing about 64 kg. During questioning, he was wearing a white sweatshirt and navy blue sweatpants. Sugimoto fled in his socks, leaving behind his sandals in the interrogation room, police said. Sugimoto reportedly removed a rope tied around his waist, pushed aside a senior officer in his 50s attending the interrogation and fled in the direction of the Tama River. Police said the rope had been loosened by the officer for a toilet break and speculated it might have been retied too loosely. According to the police, Sugimoto claimed the rope was too loose and made his move when the senior officer stood behind him to check. He was meeting a lawyer when he escaped.

  • 英文の添削をお願いします。

    学校で新聞記事の一部をフィクションで作ってこいと言われたのですが、、、    POLICE OFFICERS SAVED 20 PEOPLE'S LIVES By [my name] New York , USA -2012,September 10th at 12:00. Tom Smith and Mike Anderson,the brave police officers saved 20 people's lives. A terrorist group made a bomb and put it a bus under the chair. On the bus, no one knew what happened. Only the 2 police officers knew the truth. A man called Mike about the bomb but didn't tell his name. They evacuated the people and found the bomb. When they found it, It was only 10 minutes left. They didn't have enough time to drive the bus anywhere. Then Tom made a big decision , he wanted to prevent the bomb exploding. Whwn we had an interview with Tom smith, he said that "I was a soldier before,I know how to do it but the most important thing is I am a police officer. It's my duty to save people's lives!" We should be proud of our police officers and they always protecy us. かなり幼稚な文だと思うのですが、お願いします。

  • 英文添削をお願いします。moter

    I got injured in a traffic accident when I was riding my motorcycle on the way home. A reckless driver driving behaind me hit my motorcycle ,trying overtaking reclessly and I fell off the motorcycle.Right after I lifted myself up off the ground, the driver pulled his car over the side of the road about a few meters ahead of me ,got off his car and came close to me saying "it was your fault,not mine." I replied with anger "You know that this road is a no-passing zone ,and all you need is apologize to me first,isn't it?" But he repeated a contradictory excuse, and what is worse,he didn't so much as call an ambulance.Neverthless .I was seriously injured all over the body. After received treatment for my injuries at the hospital, I got a call from him and he showed his apollogy on the accident, but I'l lnever forgive him because he should have had to do it at the accident site and I won't accept his apology just on the phone. 宜しくお願いします。 Nevethelessの用法で、にも拘らずと入れたのですが、「私が体中怪我をしているのにもかかわらず、救急車を呼びもしなかった。」と表現したかったのですが。 また、「彼の謝罪は遅すぎたし、~」と表すのにもっと慣用的な表現があれば教えて頂きたく思います。

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 On October Second ‘10 I had a holiday and went to car dealer. First, I went to Toyota to see Estima. As soon as I went there, I did test-drive one. It was comfortable, but it wasn’t more comfortable Alfard and Velfire. When all of salesman find I decided to buy a car, they surve me with the greatest survice. After Toyota, I went to Honda. But there was not a car I wanted. When I was about to leave the shop, the salesman tried to prevent me from leaving there by this way and that. When I was feeling an awkward situation, my mobile phone rang at a good timing. It called from Toyota and told me to leave my bag. I left there at once and came back Toyota to receive it. As soon as I arrived at there, the salesman brought my bag to me. I felt I was lucky, as I left the shop. If I left it another place, it wouldn’t come back me.

  • 英文のおかしい所を直してください!

    I went to a driving school and an ion on Saturday. In the morning, I ran on the street by car. It was very fun. I went to an ion with a friend in the afternoon. I was very glad to be able to do shopping. 宜しくお願いします!!

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17 , 2155 , she wrote , “Today tommy found a real book..” It was a very old book. Margie's grandfather had heard about books like it When he was a little boy. He once said his grandfather had told them that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages , which were yellow. It was very funny to read the word. They stood still, instead of moving the way they were supposed to - on a screen , you know. And then , when they turned back to the page before , it had the same words on it. It was just the same as it had been when they read it the first time. “Oh,” said Tommy. “What a waste!” When you're through with the book , you just throw it away , I guess. Our television screen must have had a million books on it , and it's good for many more. “Same with mine ,” said Margie. She was 11 and hadn't seen as many telebooks as Tommy had. He was 13. She said , “Where did you find it?” “In my house.” He pointed without looking , because he was busy reading. “In the attic.” “What's it about?” “School.”

  • 速単の一部です

    速単の一部です When I knocked on a door , if someone told me to go away but their hands were open and they showed their palms , I knew it was safe to keep trying. No matter how negative they may have sounded, their open hands showed me that they weren't aggressive. 後半のnegativeの後のtheyは、何を指しているんですか?

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    翻訳機はなしで^^; Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2155, she wrote, 'Today Tommy found a real book." It was a very old book. Margie's grandfather had heard about books like it when he was a little boy. He once said his grandfather had told them that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages, which were yellow. It was very funny to read the words. They stood still, instead of moving the way they were supposed to - on a screen, you know. And then, when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it. It was just the same as it had been when they read it the first time. "Oh," said Tommy. "What a waste! When you're through with the book, you just throw it away, I guess. Our television screen must have had a million books on it, and it's good for many more. I wouldn't throw it away." "Same with mine," said Margie. She was 11 and hadn't seen as many telebooks as Tommy had. He was 13. She said, 'Where did you find it?' "In my house." He pointed without looking, because he was busy reading. "In the attic." "What's it about?" "School."