• ベストアンサー


今日は。 友人の手紙の一部が意味がよくわかりません。教えてください。 I went out to the car boot with Michel and Jack on Sunday morning. The car boot market is held in a really large set of fields and for some reason Jack just pulls from when he gets there until we have walked it all. When he walks in the street he is brilliant. Just packed busy places. He really pulled my right arm and I must strained a muscle in my shoulder. All my right neck, shoulder and shoulder blade. The pain is killing me. です。特に car boot は何のことでしょうか?「トランク」かな、とも思ったりしましたが、違うみたいですし、、。Michelはご主人の名前、Jack は飼っている犬の名前です。後半部分はややわかります。混雑した通りを腕を(犬が)先導してくれたけど、引っ張ったので筋肉痛になった、という事かな? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • porquinha
  • ベストアンサー率35% (289/817)

検索したら、人のブログに行き当たりました。 イギリスでは蚤の市のことを、カーブートというそうです。 手紙の相手がイギリス人なら、大規模な蚤の市に行かれたのかな?と。



ご回答有難う御座いました。 イギリスでは「フリーマーケット」とは言わないんでしょうか? でも、お蔭様でよく理解できました。有難う御座いました。

その他の回答 (3)

  • sbsb3636
  • ベストアンサー率59% (188/314)

「私は日曜日の朝、Michel と Jackと一緒にフリーマーケットにでかけたの。 フリーマーケットは非常に広い野原で開かれていて、そしてなぜかJackはそこについてから私たちがフリーマーケットをまわり終わるまで、とにかく引っ張っぱったの。 彼(Jack)は、人がいっぱいですごく混雑した道を歩くときは輝いているのよ。 彼は本気で私の右腕をひっぱったのよ、だから私は肩の筋肉を緊張させなければならなかったの。 首の右側全体、肩、肩甲骨。 痛くて死にそうだわ。」 Jackは人で混雑したところを歩くのが好きなんでしょうか。 car boot はイギリス英語で、フリーマーケットのことでしょう。 日本のフリマは路上にビニールシートを敷いてしますが、イギリスでは駐車した車の上やまわりでするようです。 http://www.carbootjunction.com/




  • Agee
  • ベストアンサー率42% (414/964)

御想像通り「車のトランク」です。そこにがらくたや不要品を入れて持ち寄って売る催しは"car-boot sale"と呼ばれます。私の知人が主宰する催しでは"trunk sale"という言葉を使っています。



有難う御座いました。カーブートセールというんですね。日本の「Book Off」の衣類の中古品を見に行った事がありますが、「購入意欲」が湧くようなものは少ないですが、カーブートはもう少しましなのでしょうか?有難う御座いました。


車のトランクに積んだ商品を売るフリーマーケットみたいなものではないですか。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car_boot_sale





  • 意味を教えてください

    The basic point is that you've got to be before you can do, and do before you can have. You've got to be the right kind of person and do the right thing in order to have balanced success in all areas of life. Once we've reestablished the fact that good foundational qualities are the successful beginning of all car. この文のThe basic point is that you've got to be before you can do, and do before you can have. はどんな意味になるのでしょうか?教えてください、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    But after a while I begin to take brief glimpses,and at length I watch again with thirsty interest, like a child who tries to maintain his sulk when he is offered the bribe of candy. My parents are now having their picture taken in a photographer's booth along the boardwalk. The place is shadowed in the mauve light which is apparently necessary. The camera is set to the side on its tripod and looks like a Martian man. The photographer is instructing my parents in how to pose. My father has his arm over my mother's shoulder and both of them smile emphatically. The photographer brings my mother a bouquet of flowers to hold in her hand, but she holds it at the wrong angle. Then the photographer covers himself with the black cloth which drapes the camera and all that one sees of him is one protruding arm and his hand with which he holds tightly to the rubber ball which he squeezes when the picture is taken. But he is not satisfied with their appearance. He feels that sonehow there is something wrong in their pose. Again and again he comes out from his hiding place with new directions. Each suggestion merely makes matters worse. My father is becoming impatient.They try a seated pose.The photographer explains that he has his pride, he wants to make beautiful pictures, he is not merely interested in all of this for the money. My father says: "Hurry up, will you? We haven't got all night." But the photographer only scurries about apologetically, issuing new directions. The photographer charms me, and I approve of him with all my heart, for I know exactly how he feels, and as he criticizes each revised pose according to some obscure idea of rightness, I become quite hopeful. But then my father says angrily: "Come on, you've had enough time, we're not going to wait any longer." And the photographer, sighing unhappily, goes back into the black covering, and holds out his hand, saying: "One, two, three, Now!," and the picture is taken, with my father's smile turned to a grimace and my mother's bright and false. It takes a few minutes for the picture to be developed and as my parents sit in the curious light they become depressed.

  • どういう意味ですか?

    どういう意味ですか? よろしくお願いします。 My sister : "The order should be available in the course of our instincts. Courtesywill be the means of communicating more enjoyable with our brothers. Imposition is the internal path when tells us the good, the brotherhood makes us attract mates for the same fellowship. Criticism is fruitful field when exercised in our inner world. And the weighting grows and grows our friendship in all directions. The barely worthy of comment is that we do; in reference to the other, the guard brings us confidence that all strive for the best. As a spiritual apprentice, you must be prepared to face the difficulties that are associated with every genuine spiritual quest and was determined to persist in their efforts and will. You should try to anticipate the obstacles that inevitably find along the way and understand that the key to successful practice is never abandon his determination. " I wish a lot of light in his ways Tenzin Gyatso master and Joanna de Angelis

  • a car that is in my name

    I refuse to have him drive a car that is in my name when he has been smoking. https://slate.com/human-interest/2018/01/dear-prudence-my-teenage-son-only-wants-to-smoke-pot.html a car that is in my nameとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えてください

    "When a brahmin springs to light he is born above the world, the chief of all creatures, assigned to guard the treasury of duties, reigious and civil." ここの文にある、 spring light assigned treasury of duties の意味がわかりません! あと文章全体の意味も教えてほしいです><

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My nephew is recently engaged, and he and his fiancée are starting to discuss wedding plans. The bride and her family have no money for a reception. My brother and sister-in-law would like to help, but they feel like they should have a say in the planning, if they are underwriting the party. underwriting the partyとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳するとどういう意味ですか?

    ネットで翻訳したのですが、よく意味がわかりませんでした。 GOD IS IN HIS HEAVEN ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD どんな感じの意味かわかる方がいましたら教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    I've been married for four years. My husband is a good man. He's really good to me, but lately it feels like our marriage is in a rut. We don't have any children, so I feel that some our attention should be focused on "us," but he stays on his computer all day, and when he's not on his computer, he's got his nose in his phone. I'm all about letting him have his "you time," so I let him do his own thing, and I go and do my own things, but I would still like some "us" time every now and again. he's got his nose inはhe's caught up inと同意でしょぅか?あと、I'm all about はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 次の英文群 0.~3.は同じ意味になりますか。

    第0.群が元の文です。第2.群は、どの前置詞ならOKかをお教え下さい。 0. He is a slow driver. He is a big drinker. He is a good talker. 1. He is slow as a driver. He is big as a drinker. He is good as a talker. 2. He is slow in/at/of driving. He is big in/at/of drinking. He is good in/at/of talking. 3. When he drives, he is slow. When he drinks, he is big. When he talks, he is good.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    My father walks from street of trees, lawns and houses, once in a while coming to an avenue on which a street-car skates and gnaws, progressing slowly. The motorman, who has a handle-bar mustache, helps a young lady wearing a hat like a feathered bowl onto the car. He leisurely makes change and rings his bell as the passengers mount the car. It is obvi- ously Sunday, for everyone is wearing Sunday clothes and the street-car's noises emphasize the quiet of the holiday (Brooklyn is said to be the city of churches). The shops are closed and their shades drawn but for an occa- sional stationery store or drugstore with great green balls in the window. My father has chosen to take this long walk because he likes to walk and think. He thinks about himself in the future and so arrives at the place he is to visit in a mild state of exaltation. He pays no attention to the houses he is passing, in which the Sunday dinner is being eaten, nor to the many trees which line each street, now coming to their full green and the time when they will enclose the whole street in leafy shadow. An occasional car- riage passes, the horses' hooves falling like stones in the quiet afternoon, and once in a while an automobile, looking like an enormous upholstered sofa,puffs and passes.