• ベストアンサー

religious art の紹介


  • ベストアンサー

こんにちは。 ちょっと引っかかったのが、「仏教(寺院)」と「神社(神様を奉る)」は基本的に違うので、解釈の仕方が違います。 (よく仏壇の上に神棚置いちゃいけないとかいいますよね) なので適当に「金閣寺」を例に出しましたが、私は日本史にうといので、なにかもっと有名な寺で将軍に守られてきたようなものがあったら差し替えてください。 Japan is influenced by Buddhism deeply. Therefore, you can see everywhere architecture affected by Buddhism such as temple=JIIN. We boast to the world one of our famous architecture is The Kinkaku-ji. It is a erect a temple World Heritage site. The temple was probably erected in the 14th century. Several shoguns took over this temple and clashed Ōnin War. Also, it is well known as the three famous beauty spots of Japan. これでいかがでしょうか? お寺のところ以外は殆どなおしてません。 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%A5%9E%E7%A4%BE



回答ありがとうございました 大変参考になりました また是非よろしくお願いします!!


  • 以下の英文についてご教授お願いいたします 誇る

    Who is the gretest person in your country(that)you boast to the world? 上記の文ではboastするのは人(場所ではないので、Anime is a culture that Japan boasts to the world.)自動詞用法としてofが必要、つまり、Who is the gretest person in your country(that)you boast of to the world?とすべきではと考えるのですがどうなのでしょうか また、不快感を与える聞き方になるのでしょうか? 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    以下の文章の訳が分かりません。 PowerPC architecture consists of the following layers, and adherence to the PowerPC architecture can be measured in terms of which of the following levels of the architecture is implemented. For example, if a processor adheres to the virtual environment architecture, it is assumed that it meets the user instruction set architecture specification. 詳しい解説があればなおうれしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 文法が正しいか見てください。m(_ _)m

    ↓文章が2つあるのですが、両方確認して頂きたいです。 <The consumption tax>  Japanese consumption tax is 5%. Sweden is a country where a consumption tax is the 2nd highest country in the world, and 5 times of Japan. Iceland is a country where a consumption tax is the highest. It is 25.5%. There are three kinds of consumption taxes of Sweden. The highest tax rates of them are 25%. A publication and public traffic are 6% and food is the tax rates of 12%. But, Japan has not divided the consumption tax like Sweden.  The tax rates of Sweden are higher than Japan, so social welfare is substantial than Japan. <History of the tax>  Third, I’m going to talk about history of the tax. Japan was started the consumption tax in 1989. At first, it was 3%. Later, it changed 5% in 1997. Then, it is still 5%. But, it will go up in the future. Sweden was started the consumption tax in 1960. The consumption tax of Sweden changed 10 times in 30 years, and became 25% from 4.2%. Therefore, the consumption tax of Japan did not large change. But, the consumption tax of Sweden changed a lot.

  • Power PC 604について

    以下の英語の訳は分かるんですが、内容が分かりません。 エキサイトなどでの訳だけでは内容がわかりませんでした。 すいませんがよろしくお願いします。 PowerPC architecture consists of the following layers, and adherence to the PowerPC architecture can be measured in terms of which of the following levels of the architecture is implemented. For example, if a processor adheres to the virtual environment architecture, it is assumed that it meets the user instruction set architecture specification.

  • 英訳の修正をお願いします(メールの文です)

    There is an event of Valentine's Day in Japan today. (今日、日本ではバレンタインデーというイベントがあります。) Do you know Valentine's Day? (あなたはバレンタインデーを知っていますか?) The girl gives the cake to a favorite boy in Japan. (日本では女の子が好きな男の子にお菓子をあげます。)チョコだったらcakeをChocolateに変える Is such an event in Australia? (オーストラリアにこのようなイベントはありますか?) By the way, is it famous though heard that the cartoon of Japan is famous in Australia? (ところでオーストラリアでは、日本の漫画が有名だと聞いたのですが有名なんですか?)

  • 英語

    英語の比較級で The climate of Japan is hotter than that of Iceland. というものがありますが、ここで用いている that は it や one ではいけない理由を教えてください。宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語初心者ですが Spring has come.

    英語初心者ですが書きました、ご意見お願いします。 Spring has come. There is a Shinto shrine in front of my house. I heard a bush warbler singing in the trees in the morning. It was no good at singing two weeks ago. ケキョ ケキョ But it was good recently. ホーホケキョ I'm looking forward to hear that in the morning.  どのように間違っているか教えてください よろしく

  • 次の文の英訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m

    The grace of Cardiff's white-stoned Civic centre may come as a surprise to those brought up on the old image of the city. The collection of government and civic buildings has been rated along with Washington DC and NEW Delhi as one of the world's most elegant examples of civic architecture. The civic centre with the great dome of the City Hall is topped by a Welsh dragon. It is worth venturing in to see the "Heroes of Wales" statues in the Marble Hall.

  • 直訳してみた作文の添削をしてほしいのですが。

    作文を英語にしたんですが、当方中3のため当たっているか分かりません。 間違えてる所指摘お願いします。 There are lot of things enumerated as a reason.For example,tangle of interpersonal relationship, communication with person who doesn,t know. One might have the cause about it also in the animated cartoon of Japan. Japan is an animated cartoon country in world No.1.The animated cartoon of Japan advanceto foreign countries and become famous. 原文:増加していく理由として挙げられることは沢山ある。例えば、顔も知らない世界中の人とやりとりのできるパソコンや、人間関係のもつれ、その中のひとつに急激に発達した日本のアニメに原因があるのではないだろうか。日本は世界1位のアニメ大国で、海外へ次々と進出し、人気を上げている。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 The progressively critical,We may call it scientific,approach to brain study is shown in the juxtaposition of drawings spanning a period of less than half a century. The first is a famous and muchcopied drawing by the monk Gregor Reisch.