• ベストアンサー




everは、この場合、疑問詞を強調しているだけです。 よって、「「お客様は神様だ」というモットーは、一体どんなってしまったんだろう。今日では、お客様へのサービスというものがまるでなくなってしまった事業が多いように思える。」となります。





  • 訳のヘルプお願いします!!

    The dream of the race is that it may make itself better and wiser than it is,and every great philosopher or artist who has ever appeared among us has turned his face away from what man is toward whatever seems to him most godlike that man may become. 「競争の夢は、本当の競争よりもよかったり、賢かったりすることがあるかもしれない。そしてかつて存在した偉大な哲学者や芸術家達はみな、人間がなれるかもしれない最も神に近いと(自分にとって)思われるどんなものからも顔を背けてきた。」 としてみたのですが、最初の部分の意味が訳してみても、よくわかりません。 またfrom what man is toward whatever seems to him most godlike that man may become.の部分の構造がはっきりとはわからないのですが、教えていただけないでしょうか。 whatever seems godlikeでひとくくりなのはわかりました。大学入試の問題だったらしいです。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の構造がわかりません

    The two artists would never have become what they are today had they not from the first drawn nourishment from the German spirit and grown strong with it. 以上の英文の和訳がわかりません。 英語に詳しい方解説よろしくお願い致します。

  • 文のなかの”as to”の使い方

    BBCからの英文なのですが、 "Many Hondurans say there's a total lack of information as to what exactly has happened to their country and their President. " のなかの"as to what"の使い方がよくわかりません。 "as to"は必要なのでしょうか?それともなくてもいいのでしょうか? どなたか、文法ご存知の方にアドバイス頂ければたすかります。

  • 文頭にIn whatがくる英文の意味を教えてください。

    文頭にIn whatがくる英文の意味を教えてください。 In what now seems an almost magnetic attraction, these two seekers for survival found a relationship that even today can cut through the artificiality of technological stress. この英文の意味を教えてください。多少の日常英会話が話せるくらいで洋書の翻訳を頼まれ、四苦八苦しています。お恥ずかしながら・・・。

  • わからない英文があります

    これらの英文をどなたか日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? できれば解説もお願いします 1. Too many e-mail messages interfere with real work. We should become aware of the effect e-mail has on us and decide if we really want to spend so many hours on e-mail, instead of on more valuable activities. 2. Perhaps one of the reasons why so many are attracted to this statue after nearly 1300 years is that it gives people a sense of healing which is much needed in an age of uncertainty.

  • わたしの英文見てください。

    The U.S. education has progrresed with the U.S. history, ant the education has been influenced by the history. Also, the education has itsb own history. Many dramatical changes were made.In order to become a teacher, it is important to know his or her own made.In order to become a teacher, it is important to know his or her own country's historical aspects of edcation. もう一つ Many people think that schools today are worse than they were in the past, but this is not true. For example, in the past it was difficult topoor to go to school. 80-90percent ofstudents droped out by the 9th grade.Other example,the schools did not provide them textbooks, so each student brought a book from his or her textbooks, so each student brought a book from his or her house. African American were segregated. According to this essay, we cannot say that schools in the past were better than schools today. アメリカの大学の宿題の一部なんで、そんなにフォーマルな文でなくて大丈夫です。ただ、NATURAL英語にしたいです。お願いします。

  • 英文見てください

    どなたか英文の添削をお願いできないでしょうか。 私の英語の先生はいつもとてもわかりやすく教えてくれるけど、私が"AとBはどう違うの?"とか答えにくい質問ばかりするから困らせてしまってるかも。最近は質問に行くと、「今日の質問は何?」とか「さぁ今日も質問の時間だね」なんて先に言われるようになってしまった。 My English teacher always gives me complehensible explanations. However, I'm afraid that my questions like "what's the difference between A and B?" seem so hard to answer sometimes that he might have been bothered by them. Lately, when I go talk to him, he says, "Ok, so what do you want to ask today?" or "Here comes today's question time!" before I start to say something.

  • 英文の和訳と穴埋めお願いします。急いでいます。できれば今日中に答えても

    英文の和訳と穴埋めお願いします。急いでいます。できれば今日中に答えてもらえればうれしいです。 ★穴埋め★ 私があなたに電話したとき、何をしていたのですか? What ( (1) ) you ( (2) ) when I called you? ★和訳★ (1)The ship has already left the port of Kobe. (2)A:Have you ever talked with Mr. Harris in English? B:No,I never have. (3)We have known each other for a long time. (4)He has lost his glasses somewhere. (5)A:How long has Meg been practicing the piano? B:She has been practicing it since this morning.

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    Just three years ago and it seems like decades. What a sad day. Miss and think of you every day my friend. So many good adventures and so many good songs. Your memory is strong and you are always in all of our hearts.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    以下(1)(2)の英文を和訳してください。 大学の夏季休暇の課題で困っています。 以下、英文---------------------------- (1)There are few remarks more often on men's lips than that 'Human nature is always same,' or that 'Human nature never changes.' (2)No man, indeed, has ever understood a race of men not his own expect on the assumption that the constituents of human nature are the same everywhere and in all ages. *Human nature … 人情 *a race of men … 人類 *the constituents of human nature … 人情の構成要素