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工業英語 練習問題


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  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

現在では、過去では例外なく抗生物質に弱かった殆どの細菌は少なくともある種の抗生物質に抵抗力を持つに至り、時として沢山の多様な抗生物質にも抵抗力を持つ。 日本語としてはまだ充分こなれていませんが、、、、、





  • 次の英語の問題の答え合わせをお願いします。(※専門用語があります。)

    本文を読み,パラグラフの( )の中に1つ単語を埋めなさい。 パラグラフは次のURLに書いてあります。 http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail.php?qid=1028273415 【本文】   An epidemic occurs when a disease spreads through a population because its members have no natural immunity to it. Since people started living in cities about 10,000 years ago, our history is one of constant war between humans and diseases. Early cities had poor food and water supplies and poor sanitation systems, so diseases were common. Cholera used to kill many people in Europe but has now almost disappeared there because of improved sanitation. Cholera epidemics still cause many deaths in underdeveloped countries.  In the 14th century an epidemic known as the “Black Death” killed 40 million people in Europe. It arrived in Europe on fleas living on rats that came with traders from China. Europeans caused many epidemics as they settled new parts of the world. Spanish explorers introduced smallpox into South America in the 16th century, killing off half the Aztec population. Measles, introduced into Fiji in the 19th century, killed off 40 percent of the population.  A pandemic is an epidemic that occurs worldwide. An influenza pandemic at the end of the First World War caused 20 million deaths. Most experts believe that another influenza pandemic is inevitable at some time in the future. Some people feared that the outbreak of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) that arose in China in 2003 was that pandemic, but a major campaign to isolate infected people and those they had come into contact with was effective. By June 2003 the disease had been brought under control, although some cases were reported in 2004. During the SARS epidemic over 8,000 people were infected worldwide. Around 800 people died.  AIDS is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It emerged in the last decades of the 20th century and has a high death rate. A lot of research has been directed toward trying to find a cure and a vaccine, but neither has yet been developed. It is estimated that AIDS will have claimed 65 million lives by 2010.  Bacteria multiply rapidly. Some double their numbers every 20 minutes. Mutations cause some of the new bacteria to be different to the older ones. Some of the new bacteria may be resistant to antibiotics that are effective against the original ones. These new bacteria thrive while the antibiotic destroys the originals. So the antibiotic actually promotes the development of bacteria that are resistant to it.  Hospitals throughout the world are now having problems with “superbugs”, bacteria that are resistant to different types of antibiotics. Resistance to one type of antibiotic is not a problem, since others can be used. But multi-resistance, in which bacteria develop resistance to most or all antibiotics, is increasing. One particularly nasty bacterium, MRSA, infects more than 100,000 people in the U.S. each year and has spread to other countries. It is now one of the greatest dangers to patients undergoing surgery.   Doctors now accept that antibiotic resistance will always be with us. We need to develop new antibiotics faster than the bacteria can develop resistance to the older ones. Viruses also mutate, which is why we need to be vaccinated each year against new types of influenza. A frightening prospect is that some countries are developing new or modified diseases that could be used in warfare or by terrorists. Since they would be new diseases, populations would have no natural immunity to them.

  • 英語の問題お願いします!

    英語の問題お願いします! 空所に適当な語句をいれてください! 1.Harry as well as you () responsible for that accident. (1)are (2)do (3)does (4)is 2.Both my brother and my sister () studying abroad. (1)are (2)have (3)is (4) was 3.Some of the most remarkable scientists in history () not considered especially intelligent in their school days. (1)is (2)are (3)was (4)were 誤った箇所を指摘し正しい形になおしてください! 4.Most of the class members (1)[is] working (2)[people] and (3)[very] few of them ever (4)[miss]a class. 5.There (1)[has] been many (2)[cases] of (3)[the] flu in this area (4)[in recent] years. 以上の5問です! 見づらいかもしれませんがお願いします!

  • 英語の訳お願いします!

    Have you ever seen the fossils of dinosaurs in a museum?Some are gigantic and horrible and some are small and pretty.If dinosaurs ( (1)) today, the world would get into a total panic.Of course we know that they disappeard from the Earth about 65 million years ago.But wouldn`t you be surprised to hear that their descendants still exist today?Dinosaurs are reptiles that existed in ancient times.Today,reptiles can be found all over the world.For example,lizards,snakes,alligators and turtles are all reptiles.So, are these animals the direct descendants of dinosaurs?Some scientists say it`s actually birds that are the descendants of dinosaurs.This may seem unbelievable, because birds have feathers,wings and most of them can fly.These characteristics seem completely different from those of dinosaurs. But if you have seen the fossil of an ancient bird called the archaeopteryx , you may have noticed some similarities in form between the archaeopteryx and some dinosaurs.Recently,dinosaur fossils which share many properties with birds have been found(another/after/one). Some of them are said to have had feathers on thier body, In view of this evidence, more and more scientists have come to think that birds have evolved from dinosaurs of some kind. If dinosaurs hadn`t existed, there wouldn`t be any birds today. It`s a real surprise that two animals that look so different are so closely related to each other.

  • 英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。

    まず問題文の意味が分かりません。問題文の意味と選択肢の英文の意味を教えてください。 Here are some useful expressions you can use at different stages of a presentation. Group the expressions according to their use. A: This evening, I intend to show you.... B: I'd like to finish today with... C: Let me just run through what we'll be covering over the next hour. D: I'll return to this issuein just a few minutes. E: And finally,... F: Let's movea on now to... G: I'd like to change focus at this point Beginning… Changing topic… Summing up…

  • 英語の問題で分らないのがあるので教えてください。

    (1)空所に入れるのに最も適切な語句を(1)~(4)から一つ選んでください。 A number of parents ( ) about their children smoking cigarettes. (1)are worried (2)has worry (3)have worry (4)is worried   (2)英文の{ }には誤っている箇所がそれぞれ一つずつあります。それを指摘した上で、正しい形に直してください。 ・Most of the class members {is} working {people} and {very} few of them ever {miss} a class. ・There {has} been many {class} of {the} flu in this area {in recent} years. ・A change that {is likely} {to take place} {in you} {enable} you to have a different point of view. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語問題

    以下の英文訳をお願いします。 かなり困ってます><よろしくお願いします。 This is the right way to treat this patient! But listen, Doc, I'm telling you It's not working. Are you criticizing my treatment plan? Graves' disease (Basedow's disease) This disease occurs most frequently in relatively young women. Some of the most typical symptoms include bulging eyeballs, goiter (enlarged thyroid gland), palpitations, increased level of excitation, excessive sweating, hair loss, and increased appetite. It can be treated with medications, but in serious cases the greater part of the thyroid gland must be exised surgically. Th-th-thyoidectomy? That's dangerous. Best avoided. Or what? Are you telling me you can do it?

  • お願いします

    Today about six billion people live on the earth and they use about 7000 different languages. some languages have many speakers. chinese is one such language. ↑の英文を訳してください!!

  • 以下の英文の修飾関係について質問です

    以下の英文の修飾関係について質問です in some countries, you can choose from about forty different channels ; some show only a single type of program--news,sports,or movies ; most show different kinds of programs and give the viewer a wide range of entertainment to choose from 質問:上記英文の2つのセミコロン以降の文(some~ most~)はそれぞれforty different channelsを修飾しているのですか?

  • 英語の間違いについて

    少し長いのですが・・・ First, I am going to talk about friends. Many people have views. (たくさんの人がそれぞれの考え方を持っている) And it is not similar. (それは似ていない) If I had live in a big city, I could meet people who have some views. I have friends when I was high school student. Some friends of mine goes to college. But others don't go to college. This is because they have a dream. A friend of mine wants to be dancer. She don't go to college, but go to dance school. Thus, I can meet many people because I live in a big city. So I can make many friends. They and I have different views. Therefore, I like talk people. I suppose that we can meet many people in a big city than a small town. もし、間違いやアドバイスなどあれば教えてください。

  • 英語の質問です!

    Have you ever seen the fossils of dinosaurs in a museum?Some are gigantic and horrible and some are small and pretty.If dinosaurs ( (1)) today, the world would get into a total panic.Of course we know that they disappeard from the Earth about 65 million years ago.But wouldn`t you be surprised to hear that their descendants still exist today?Dinosaurs are reptiles that existed in ancient times.Today,reptiles can be found all over the world.For example,lizards,snakes,alligators and turtles are all reptiles.So, are these animals the direct descendants of dinosaurs?Some scientists say it`s actually birds that are the descendants of dinosaurs.This may seem unbelievable, because birds have feathers,wings and most of them can fly.These characteristics seem completely different from those of dinosaurs. But if you have seen the fossil of an ancient bird called the archaeopteryx , you may have noticed some similarities in form between the archaeopteryx and some dinosaurs.Recently,dinosaur fossils which share many properties with birds have been found(another/after/one). Some of them are said to have had feathers on thier body, In view of this evidence, more and more scientists have come to think that birds have evolved from dinosaurs of some kind. If dinosaurs hadn`t existed, there wouldn`t be any birds today. It`s a real surprise that two animals that look so different are so closely related to each other. 1空所(1)に入れる語として適切なものを選べ。 アexisted イhave existed ウexist エwill exist 2These characteristics とは何か。日本語で3つ書きなさい。 3(another/after/one).の語を正しく並べ換えなさい。 4If dinosaurs hadn`t existed, there wouldn`t be any birds today. を和訳しなさい。 5When did dinosaurs disappear from the Earth? 6次のa~eについて本文に合うものには○、合わないものには×を書きなさい。 a.All of the dinosaurs were gigantic. b.Reptiles didn‘t disappear from the Earth. c.There are no dinosaur fossils which share properties with birds. d.Some dinosaurs probably had feathers on their body. e.Some scientists think dinosaurs are the direct descendants of birds.