• 締切済み


まずこの質問を見て頂きありがとうございます。 今回は題名通りの事で少し長いのですが英文の添削をお願いできませんか? かれこれ2年程英語に触れていない中で英文を書く事になったので正直不安なのです。 ちなみに内容は飲酒運転についてです。 “drunk driving”is to drive a car after drink. After this speach,I want you to think about this problem. I'm going to talk about two point “cause accident and kill”and“lose social status” ・First “cause accident and kill” Drunk driver may cause an accident. Because driver who can't right jugement when drink. and it may cause that murder person. For example, Three years ago, Three children lost their life by drunk-driving. ・Second“ lose social status” Besides, drunk driving have another bad possibilities. For example,It is that arrested by the police. Recently the police inspect the cars at many places.If you drink and drive, you will arrest by the police.and this news is spread quickly for family,company,and friend.Then your social status will be lost. Recently in Japan,policeman was laid off for drunk driving. Fortunately he was not murderd nobody .But drunk driving is a crime.and i knew this news two days ago. ・in conculusion ,i think we must stop drink when drive です。長いし文法も単語の用法も滅茶苦茶かもしれませんが宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数2


  • suikaemon
  • ベストアンサー率47% (9/19)

これはSpeechの原稿でしょうか。 それにしてもほんっとにめちゃくちゃですね。 直したらほとんど私の英語になってしまいました。 Drunk driving is to drive a car while you are still drunk. (でも私ならこういいますDrunk driving is to operate a vehicle while being intoxicated.) After this speech, I want you to think about this problem. (でも私ならこういいますAfter my speech, I would like for you to think about this problem.) I am going to talk about two points: traffic accidents and an influence on the driver’s reputation. (でも私ならこういいますI am going to talk about two possible consequences of drunk driving: traffic accidents and damage to the driver’s reputation) “social status”`を失うってのはちょっと変なんじゃないかな。 First of all, drunk drivers are inclined to cause accidents because consumption of alcohol often clouds their judgment. Sometimes, such traffic accidents result in loss of innocent lives. Indeed, three years ago, three children were killed in an accident that was caused by drunk driving. The other possible consequence of drunk driving is damage to the driver’s reputation. If you are caught for drunk driving, you may lose your license. Rumors may spread to people you know and you may lose their trust as well. Two days ago, I heard on the news that a Japanese policeman was laid off for drunk driving. Although he did not kill anybody, drunk driving is still a serious crime. In conclusion, I think we should all refrain from drinking alcohol when we need to drive later. FYI ちなみにアメリカでは飲酒運転のことをよくDUI (Driving under the influence)といいます


こんにちは。文法の他に、文頭では大文字、文中では小文字、という基本的なこともしっかり押さえていくといいと思います。 “drunk driving”is to drive a car after drink. drunk driving→Drunk driving after drink→after drinking. After this speach,I want you to think about this problem. speach→ speech I'm going to talk about two point “cause accident and kill”and“lose social status” two point → two points cause accident and kill →causing accident and killing lose social status →losing social status ・First “cause accident and kill” Drunk driver may cause an accident. Because driver who can't right jugement when drink. and it may cause that murder person. →The first point I would like to discuss is "causing accident and killing people". Drunk drivers may cause an accident because they can't make right a judgment after drinking. it may cause that murder person.→it may cause killing people. For example, Three years ago, Three children lost their life by drunk-driving. →For example, three years ago, three children lost their life by a drunk-driver. ・Second“ lose social status” Besides, drunk driving have another bad possibilities. →The second point is "losing social status", and it may be another bad possibility for drunk driving. For example,It is that arrested by the police. Recently the police inspect the cars at many places.If you drink and drive, you will arrest by the police.and this news is spread quickly for family,company,and friend.Then your social status will be lost. →Recently the police inspect cars in many places. If you drink and drive, you will be arrested by the police. Not only your family and friends but your company learn this incidents, and you may lose your social status. Recently in Japan,policeman was laid off for drunk driving. Fortunately he was not murderd nobody .But drunk driving is a crime.and i knew this news two days ago. Recentlyと two days ago と時を表す言葉が2つ出ているので、まとめると、 There was news two days ago that police man was laid off for drunk driving. Fortunately he didn't kill anybody, but drunk driving is a crime. ・in conculusion ,i think we must stop drink when drive →In conclusion ,I think we must stop drinking if we drive.


飲酒運転とはお酒を飲んだ後、車を運転することです。 スピーチの後、皆さんにはこの問題について考えて頂きたい。 私は、「事故や死亡の原因」と「社会的地位の喪失」の2点について話したいと思います。 まずはじめの「事故や死亡の原因」です。 飲酒運転は事故の原因となりうる。お酒を飲んだとき正しい判断ができない運転手とお酒は、殺人者となりうる。 例えば、3年前、3人の子供が飲酒運転によって命を落としている。 第2に、「社会的地位の喪失」について 加えて、飲酒運転はもう一つ悪しき可能性を有している。 例えば、警察に捕まったとする。最近、警察ではあちらこちらで車を 観察している。もしお酒を飲んで運転したら、警察に捕まり、 この知らせはすぐに家族や会社、友人へと広まるだろう。 そうしたら社会的地位は失われるでしょう。 日本では最近、警察官が飲酒運転で解雇された。幸い誰も死んではいない。 しかし、飲酒運転は犯罪であり、このニュースを私は2日後にしった。 結論として 乗るなら飲むな をしなければいけないと思う。


  • 英語の添削をお願いします

    食べものと健康、社会的地位ということばを用いて自由に論じろという問題です 文法の指摘、10/10で評価願います I think food is important for health. But Social status may cause a variety of problems. One reason is that Social status deprive a lot of poor people of an oppotunity to have food. Social status varies from country to country. if you live in a developing country , an oppotunity to have food will decrease . Another reason is that by social status you lose an oppotunity to have food and cause disease because if you can't get nutrition by eating food, you may lack nutrition. therefore, I think a lot of developed countries should help developing countries to solve social status problems.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    「Social statusとHealthを関連させて食について論じなさい」 字数指定はありませんが、過去の問題から推測すると少なくとも100字は必要だと思います。 点数を25点満点でつけて頂きたいです。 よろしくお願いします。  (1)It is important to consider both social status and Health. This is why there are many food problems such as unbalanced nutrition, eating without measure, and food shortage yet to be resolved.  (2)There are, for example, my friends who eat many instsnt foods almost everyday. One of my friends had had a serious stomachache for three monthes. This desease was due to overeating instant foods. It is true that the instant foods are low expense, but they lack in nutrition.  (3)Arother example is overeating and foodshortage. Former and later are related with each other. I have watched a very fat people and small, poor children who are not able to eat enough foods on TV. I often think the part of which people who eat to excess eat should be given to poor people.  (4)There are other many problems yet be resolved. We shoud take food problems like above exampleks into considering .

  • 英作文

    英作文の問題です。 私の作文を採点してくださいm 1, 次の質問に対する答えを、 理由を含めて英語で書きなさい。 ただし英文は15語以上とし、 2文になっても良い。 I like English because it is used by many people and many country. I think English interesting. 2,あなたの将来の夢について 3文以上の英文で書きなさい。 I want to be a police. I like helping people.and police is loved by many people. So I want to be a police. お願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします!

    英語でスピーチをする予定があり、原稿を作ったのですが、文法や自然な表現に自信がないので、長文ですが添削をお願いします!^^ Are you happy? Of course there are many happy, enjoyable things. Sports, movies, shopping, and so forth. However, there are also many unhappy, depressive things. Do you surely think you are really happy? Today, the world is facing many serious problems. Discrimination, poverty, war, and so forth. However, we Japanese don’t have such serious problems. We were born in blessed, rich land, Japan. We can eat, buy what we want, and …..live. Then, what are the problems? Big one of the problems Japan facing is a problem of stress. I also suffer from the stress. “One pair of half pants is called pajamas”. “I’m called a Yankee because my hair is gold.” I’ll move on my topic. There are many stress. Human relationships, anxiety, a sense of inferiority, the number of stress is limitless. Because of these stress, many people cannot imagine bright future, only suffer from stress. If we suffer from stress, we cannot concentrate enjoyable things, and enjoy our lives. Stress has influence on not only our mind, but also our body. You can imagine depression as mental disease, difficult breathing, circulatory system and digestive system. To know these effects, perhaps you know how serious stress is. By the way, have you think of any solutions for stress? As I said before, there are many kind of stress, and those causes are also different. But I declare one cause of stress is broadcasting. This linkage is seemed unrealistic. However, media make us imagine there are full of sad accidents, crimes, disease and so on. We live in dark world. Why do we believe that? This is because we watch a number of news, broadcasting sad and dark things. Our brains believe the world we live is dark, not bright unconsciously. Of course there are not only dark ones, but also bright ones, but media focus on dark ones more easily, than bright ones. As I take one example, news about bullying. This news is broadcasted many times, and gathers much attention. That’s why our brains believe the world is full of sadness, hopeless. And we easily feel depression and suffer from stress. Then, how can we save ourselves? How can we release stress? Which way is the best way to solve the problem? Excluding the cause of stress? Or Changing society itself creating stress? Banning broadcasting dark news? All of them are not seemed effective way to solve it. Do we have to endure stress or deceive ourselves? We don’t suffer from stress. I’m OK. I’m OK. I’m happy No way. I refuse to do that. All we have to do is to deceive our brains. We have two simple choices to do. 1st is to look into just bright future. If we do that, our brains recognize only bright future without thinking and we think in a positive way. However, this way is not a perfect way. Some really suffer from stress and cannot look into bright future. Then, I will introduce 2nd way. 2nd is to appreciate 3 things every day and write down them. For example, I live with my aunt and she takes care of me. Now, I write down three things. 1st, “my aunt cooks a meal for me.” Thank to that, I keep my health and eat delicious food. 2nd, “every morning, my aunt sends me to the station.” That’s why I can save my time in the morning and sleep more. 3rd, “on my birthday, my aunt give me 1000 yen.” 1000 yen is not a little money!! To continue this, your brains will believe there are full of many happy, bright, fine things. We live in a happy world. Some of you think why this is beneficial for you? Yes. I’ll explain it. By getting this thought, positive way to look into your future, you suffer from less and less stress, and are released from stress. This is totally enough. And, the effect is not only reducing stress. Please don’t be surprised. By released from stress, your brains work well as 30%. You will not have trouble to studying. You will be able to get degree more easily. Good! If you got this thought, your future would be bright. I hope you will get bright future.

  • 英作文の添削を

    課題で、"A Part-time Job for Me"というタイトルの英作文をしました。 文法的な間違いや、不自然な表現がなく、ちゃんと意味が通るかどうか不安なので、添削をしていただきたいと思い、投稿しました。 よろしくお願いします。 I don’t work part-time now.   Because I’m very busy with study now and I cannot find an offer of a part-time job that condition conforms to me, nearby my house. However, it is not that I don't work at all.  My relative sometimes asks me to mow the grass of the field and vacancy.  And she asks me help with the final income tax return at the end of the year.  Another relative, cannot use computer, sometimes asks me to make documents with a Microsoft Office Word.  The member of a municipal assembly of the acquaintance’s husband of my father asks me to create his Website.  The reward of these work is more expensive than the wage of the general part-time job.  However, there are few incomes because there is little work. I will want to do work of distributing mails at the post office in next winter vacation if I work part-time.  I've ever done this work when I was a tenth grader, and this work was pleasant.  And there is a post office near my house.  I can go there by bicycle in about thirty minutes. It is not suitable to deliver mails for me.  When I worked once to deliver mails by bicycle, I took time very much to finish work because I cannot ride a motor bicycle.  So I delivered it by bicycle.  But I ran slow by bicycle.  And I wasn’t good to learn the route very much.   Therefore the vice-postmaster changed my work into distributing mails.  This work was easier than delivering mails.  It was worm in post office and I was able to have confectionery, oranges, juice and for a break.  But my wage was higher than the other part-time worker because the wage of the postman was applied even after work changed because at first I was adopted as the postman that is higher wage than worker of distributing mails.  So I was able to work easily and get much money.

  • 英作文添削

    大学受験浪人生です よろしければ添削お願いいたします あなたは日本のどこかの大都市がオリンピックを招待すべきだと思いますか、思いませんか。 またそれはなぜですか。 あなたの考えを80語以上の英語でまとめよ I agree that somewhere city should invite Olympics. This is because I think that Olympics improve economics in many ways. For example, some people will want to watch Olympics directly so people will visit the city where Olympics are held and they will live in the city for a while. While they are living in the city, they will buy a lot of goods at the city and consequently, it will make economics improve. That is why I agree that somewhere city should invite Olympics.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    前回に引き続き、英作文の添削をお願い致します 文法や段落構成の仕方など、なんでもご指摘いただけると嬉しいです 構成を3段落以上にすること 150字以上 序論・本論・結論が明確であること テーマ:医学部6年間の学生生活における期待と不安について書きなさい It is expected that medical students are required for acquiring all kinds of knowledge about human and establishing the faithful relationships with other students, teachers, and patients during the school day at medical college. Considering about this, I am looking forward to acquiring various kinds of knowledge about human. If I got to know first-aid, I would be able to help people around me at emergency. I think this is the first step for becoming a doctor. In addition, making best friends is my dream. Years ago, a doctor did all cures for a patient by himself or herself. However, these days team work is needed and it is not over mentioned whether a patient can recover from illness is up to doctor’s team work. On the other hand, I worry about that I can keep up with the speeds of lessons at college. High leveled subjects need not only memorizing, but also understanding. I also think just memorizing for exams dose not make sense at practice. Needless to say, I should study hard at college, when I cannot understand something, it is important to ask other students or teachers. It is not just because I get to understand the subject, but this lead to make good relationships with them. (210words)

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    『現在夢中になっていること、一生懸命やりたいこと』をテーマの英作です。 私は中学、高校とテニスをしていて、そのことについてを書きました。 自信のないところは和訳を付けておきます。 As you know,I belong to tennis club. I have started regulation tennis(硬式テニス)since I entered the high school. And, when I was a junior high school student, I played soft tennis in the club. I'm so crazy about tennis. This winter, we had many practice games. I found my weak points through them. One of them is about my mind. I tend to be weakhearted in the game.(私はゲーム中、弱気になりがちなのです。) Such time, there is a phrase which I remember.(そんな時、思い出す言葉があります) "Even though you lose the skills, don't lose the spirit."(技術で負けても、精神では負けるな) It is my junior high school teacher's. I want to be good at playing tennis so I'll practice hard keeping this phrase to myself.(私はもっとテニスが上手くなりたいので、この言葉を胸に、一生懸命練習したいです。) 添削お願い致します。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    早起きは苦手という人が多いようだ。私も夜更かしは平気だが、早起きはとてもつらい。 ただ、所用で早く起きる日は気分が一新する。頬を打つ朝の大気は優しく快い。 一日がことさら長く、充実した時間をすごした実感がある。よし、明日からはと心に 決めるのだが、翌朝になるとその決心は鈍ってしまう。 It seems that many people are not good at waking up early.This is true of me very much, while I don't mind staying up late. However, I feel fresh in waking up early for some reasons. The air which awake me is comfortable. When I do it, I feel the day to be longer than usual and realize I spent full time in it. I heartily decide to do so from tomorrow, but I always lose the decision next morning. 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削お願いします!

    英作文の添削をお願いします! About global warming One of the problem which is caused by grobal warming is sea level rise. This is a serious problem because the influence by sea level rise is predicted that Marshall Islands sinks in 80% of a country. One of the way to stop this is to discourage the use of cars. For example, limiting the use of private cars in big city such as Tokyo and Osaka,where public transportation is readily available, may be the first step. 自分は大学受験生です。私が受ける大学で自由英作文が課されるのですが回りに添削してくれる人がいないので困ってます。どんな些細なことでもいいので意見を下さればありがたいです。