• ベストアンサー


It's almost like manga are't comic books ar all but a visual chapter book or animated movie. で but の後ろにit's almost likeが省略されているのでしょうか?それとも、これで完結なのでしょうか?軽微な質問で申し訳ございませんが宜しくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー

この but は「しかし」とか,「~だが」という感じで文をつなぐものではありません。 not A but B で「A でなく,B」となっています。 A = comic books B = a visual chapter book or animated movie したがって,a visual chapter book or animated movie という名詞のかたまりで完結していいのです。 ar all でなく,at all ですね。






  • 英語の長文、日本語訳お願いします

    The format of comic pages, which is essentially the same throughout the world, follows the American convention of sequential illustrated panels with "speech balloons". But the tern "comic books" normally are not books but slim magazines of 30 or so color pages with one main story and several advertisements. They are the descendants of newspaper comic strips, which were first collected and issued in magazine format early in the twentieth century. In Japan, manga have developed in quite a different direction from America. Since the 1930s thick comic magazines have contained not one serialized story but many, and the most popular of them are later collected into book form. Today that trend continues, only on a larger scale.

  • 和訳ができず困っています!

    アニメ好きのペンパルにワンピースというアニメが好きかと聞かれた ので「登場人物が多すぎてよくわかりません。」と回答したのですが 下記の通り返事がありました。 >It's true it has a lot of characters, but it's so well >thought... and funny... But the manga! >The anime has some good moments, but nothing compared to >the manga. There is also a flashback I like to read as >it always makes me cry -.- each time it works... > That makes me think, what do you think in general. > Are manga better or do anime make a better job? I'm > only speaking about a manga who is adapted to an > anime. なんとなく分かるんですが細かいところを和訳しようとすると 分からない表現があります。 後半はどういう質問をされてるんでしょうか? ちなみにワンピースという作品は原作がありそれがアニメに なっています。 どうぞよろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳を教えてください

    In my japanese classroom almost no one enjoy manga -.- but I mean it's pretty clear that it's one of the many things that people like about your country. So is it because of the bad side that manga can have (hentai, violence) that adults don't really like it? It's funny because sometimes it's clearly exposed. Like in the Kyoto train station with the statues and pictures from Osamu Tezuka work. I don't know if I'm really clear... If not sorry. I guess what I'm trying to say is that manga opinion seems kinda contradictory in Japan. And in my opinion, Japanese people should be proud, but again.. I'm a fan, so I'm not gonna say otherwise right...? 日本語を勉強している子からのメールに書いてあった文章です。 (クラスメイトの中で漫画を読む子はいないけど)日本が好きなのは 日本の漫画が好きだからという理由の子がたくさんいるのは明白です。 大人は漫画の性的や暴力的な描写が嫌い? 矛盾してるよね、京都駅で手塚治虫のアトムの像があったりするのに。 よくわからないなあ。 I'm not gonna say というのは何を指しているんでしょうか??? So is it becauseからの文章が当てずっぽうです^^; なんとなく和訳はしてみたんですが全体の意味がいまいちつかめず困っています。 日本は漫画を文化の一部として全面にアピールしているのに一方では 漫画好きな人に対してシビアな目が向けられるのはなんか矛盾してる ということが言いたいのかなと思ったんですが。 (この前のメールでオタクのことについて聞かれたので) メールの一部を抜粋しているので意味がとれないかもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いします。 わかりにく文章で申し訳ありません…

  • 自然な口語表現

    箇条書きにさせて頂きます。 この店はすごくいいわけじゃないけど、なかなか味がある。 「this shop is not so good but very tasteful」 この店を気に入ったよ。 「i like here」 騒ぐんじゃなくて、落ち着いて話をするところ 「not talking noisy but in a quiet」 本店・二号店の言い方はどのようになるでしょうか? 「headquartersとsecond shop」でいいのでしょうか? 音楽聴きながら本を読むのが好きなんだ。 「i like reading book with listening music」 (例えば、毎日運動をしていると聞いて)その方が健康にいいよ。 「it's better for your health」 たくさんあって申し訳ないのですが、これらの英訳をチェックをして頂けないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • Whatever の解釈

    以下の文章に関する質問です。 You can know that you feel a certain way, but to have a doctor tell you 'this is what it is', it can be quite frightening, and I kind of just dismissed it, I was like it's not true, whatever. whatever の解釈が分からないです。 3つの解釈を考えているのですが、意味を特定できないです。 1. whatever は譲歩節を導く代名詞で、節が本来続いているのが省略されて使われている、という理解で合っているのかわからないです。 I was like it's not true, whatever. 「わたしは『何があっても、それは正しくない』って感じでした。」 2. 単独で使われる代名詞で、無関心や投げやりな態度を暗示する。 I was like it's not true, whatever. 「わたしは『それは正しくない、どうでもいいわ』って感じでした。」 3 正確な言葉の意味や人・物の名前が不明なときに使われるwhatever。 I was like it's not true, whatever. 「わたしは『それは正しくない』とかそのような感じでした。」 解説宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文:本の名前パッと言えます?みたいな意味ですか?

    https://www.voicetube.com/videos/65649 According to recent study from the Pew Research Center. Almost 1 in 4 American has not read a book in the past year. That actually seems high to me. I bet it's even fewer than that. So to find out, this afternoon, We sent a team out to the street. To ask pedestrians to name a book. Any book. Could be The Bible. Could be "Fifty Shades of Gray." All we wanted to know is "Can you name a book?" And here is how that went. Can you name a book? Oh, yes. Uh -- Uh -- I don't read, but -- But -- What's it called? Can you name a book? Uh --No. Can you name a book? Um -- Uh -- I don't read books. Yeah, that's it. A book? "The Lion King." The movie? Yeah, the book. You read the book "The Lion King."? Yeah. Let me just think. Uh -- Hey, hold on, man. Hold on, let me think, hold on. Can we cut this out and do it again? Can you name a book? A book? Any book? Um -- "The Jungle Book." It's not a book, is it? It's a movie. "The Jungle Book." Sure. Is it? Both. Are you sure? No. Does -- Do magazines count? No, Those wouldn't be books. That's correct. I can name "Moby Dick." That's an artist. He wrote a book called "Horse.", I liked that book. Moby Dick was the author? Yes. The book was "horse"? Yes. That's what I said. What was the last book you read? Um -- Probably Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss, maybe. I haven't read a book for like 12 years. I'm drawing a blank. Geez. I need books. Sorry. I am totally blanking out on books. What do you do for a living? I was a librarian. All you have to do is pick up a book. Cause when you know how to read Adventures come to you. That's right. Thank you, Sha. According to recent study from the Pew Research Center. Almost 1 in 4 American has not read a book in the past year. That actually seems high to me. I bet it's even fewer than that. So to find out, this afternoon, We sent a team out to the street. To ask pedestrians to name a book. Any book. Could be The Bible. Could be "Fifty Shades of Gray." All we wanted to know is "Can you name a book?" And here is how that went. Can you name a book? Oh, yes. Uh -- Uh -- I don't read, but -- But -- What's it called? Can you name a book? Uh --No. Can you name a book? Um -- Uh -- I don't read books. Yeah, that's it. A book? "The Lion King." The movie? Yeah, the book. You read the book "The Lion King."? Yeah. Let me just think. Uh -- Hey, hold on, man. Hold on, let me think, hold on. Can we cut this out and do it again? Can you name a book? A book? Any book? Um -- "The Jungle Book." It's not a book, is it? It's a movie. "The Jungle Book." Sure. Is it? Both. Are you sure? No. Does -- Do magazines count? No, Those wouldn't be books. That's correct. I can name "Moby Dick." That's an artist. He wrote a book called "Horse.", I liked that book. Moby Dick was the author? Yes. The book was "horse"? Yes. That's what I said. What was the last book you read? Um -- Probably Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss, maybe. I haven't read a book for like 12 years. I'm drawing a blank. Geez. I need books. Sorry. I am totally blanking out on books. What do you do for a living? I was a librarian. All you have to do is pick up a book. Cause when you know how to read Adventures come to you. That's right. Thank you, Sha. According to recent study from the Pew Research Center. Almost 1 in 4 American has not read a book in the past year. That actually seems high to me. I bet it's even fewer than that. So to find out, this afternoon, We sent a team out to the street. To ask pedestrians to name a book. Any book. Could be The Bible. Could be "Fifty Shades of Gray." All we wanted to know is "Can you name a book?" And here is how that went. Can you name a book? Oh, yes. Uh -- Uh -- I don't read, but -- But -- What's it called? Can you name a book? Uh --No. Can you name a book? Um -- Uh

  • 訳を教えてください

    以下の会話文がよくわかりません。どういう意味でしょうか。 “I was like, I don’t know where I stand, but they make a solid case.” 以下のパラグラフの最後の行です。Ms. Walters-Beardenは、レビューを書いてお金をもらう仕事をしている女性です。 Ms. Walters-Bearden had the energy of youth and an upbeat attitude. “A lot of the books were trying to prove creationism,” she said. “I was like, I don’t know where I stand, but they make a solid case.” http://finance.yahoo.com/news/best-book-reviews-money-buy-131408538.html?page=all よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします! They transform you spiritually and are karma. They make you the person you are today, and the person you will be when you meet. Each persons karma (development of soul and character) goes at its own pace, it cannot always be measured in years or days. It’s like reading a book, each chapter; a chapter of your life, the meeting is on a certain page but some people read the book faster, some slower. In theory you can hasten the meeting, you could get to the page quicker if you work on your karma, if you become the person your destined to be sooner. Just by having this reading done your are already step closer to that time than before.

  • 訳お願いします。

    Sounds fair enough to me - I tend to do almost all fanart these days, so I can relate to how much time and effort that takes. If you're like me, you feel like you're not extending yourself enough by only doing fanart, and that's all part of the process of creativity taking a leap upwards. Thanks for all the cool art you did though, it's magnificent, but would you re consider closing this account? It may be fanart, but it's GOOD fanart. If you are going to do this and start a new page, that's good, and I'll most likely follow you there. よろしくお願いします。

  • 会話英文の質問です。(省略について)

    A:What's wrong? You look troubled. B:My sister helped me with my math homework,but no matter how hard I tried to do it, I simply could not get my head around it. A:Would you like me to show you? It's ready not that difficult. この文なのですが、 Would you like me to show you のあとにget my head around itが省略されていると習ったのですが、変な日本語になる気がします。 しかも、普通省略がある場合は、その文と同じ形が前にあり、 かつ、それを見つける痕跡が省略がある文に隠れているはずですよね? この文には、それが見当たらないのですが、私の目が節穴なのでしょうか? youではなく、your'sならyour math homeworkってことなんだなって思えるのですが。

  • 生後6ヶ月半の男の子を育てていますが、喃語が出ず声は「あうー」「えー」といった言葉ばかりです。トイレなどに一人で行っても何も気にせず遊んでいるようで、人見知りや場所見知りもほとんどありません。これらの行動は6ヶ月半では普通なのでしょうか?発達がゆっくりなのか心配です。
  • 目はよく合わせるし、あやすとよく笑うのですが、6ヶ月半の男の子の行動について心配しています。喃語が出ない代わりに声は「あうー」「えー」といった言葉ばかりで、一人で遊んでいるときもトイレなどに行っても何も気にしない様子です。人見知りや場所見知りもほとんどありません。これは普通の発達なのでしょうか?ご意見や経験談をお聞かせください。
  • 6ヶ月半の男の子を育てているのですが、喃語が出ない代わりに声は「あうー」「えー」といった言葉ばかりです。また、一人で遊んでいるときもトイレなどに行っても何も気にしない様子ですし、人見知りや場所見知りもほとんどありません。これらの行動は6ヶ月半では普通なのでしょうか?発達がゆっくりなのか不安です。どう思われますか?