• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • duosonic
  • ベストアンサー率51% (585/1140)

こんにちは。前回ご質問では厳しいことを申し上げまして、すみませんでした。ご理解頂けたようで嬉しいです。学校の宿題を丸投げする質問者がいる上、ヤフー翻訳機をコピペして「訳してみました」というタチの悪いのもいます。まあそういうのは無視すれば良いのですが、初めてで知らなかったという方もおられますので、一応お教えするようにしているものです。 さて、とりあえず今回ご質問について回答いたします。 ・Please read this carefully - many potential questions are answered below. こちらを注意深くお読みください。以下に、想定される多くの疑問の答があります。 、、、この通りです。FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)となっているサイトが多いですね。 ・Every day, we pick 10 items to offer to you at a special discount price.  毎日、私どもは特別値引き価格でみなさんにご提供する10アイテムを精選します。 、、、この通りです。 ・You may view these products one at a time, and choose to either accept our special offer, or pass and view the next item. あなたは、続けざまに(? at a time をこう扱っていいのか?) これらの製品を見ることができ、そして、特売品を購入するか (われわれのオファーを受け入れるか?)、見送って次の製品を見るかを選ばなければなりません。→10アイテムがひとつずつ出てきて、そのどれかを選んだところでその回の選択行動は終了ということなのだと解釈しました。10個全部見た後で、3つめの製品が欲しくても、おそらく選択できないのでしょう。 、、、「one at a time ⇒ 一品ずつ」ですね。僕はこのサイトを拝見していませんが、文章から察するにご解釈の通りだと思いますよ。「どうしようかなぁ? う~ん、買っちゃえ!」という効果を狙っているんでしょう、実に面白い商法ですね。でもブラウザの戻るボタンで戻ったり、タブを別に開けて次の商品を見るということができないようになっているのでしょうか、逆に興味が湧きました。 ・You may view your special offers once per day. あなたは、一日につき一度だけ、「your special offers」を見ることができます。→offer するのは店側の行動だと思ってしまうので、なぜ「あなたのオファー」なのか理解できません。 、、、ご指摘の通り、本来なら our special offer to you と言いそうなところですが、「your special offers ⇒ 当店があなたのために特別に用意したオファー ⇒ あなたが得するオファー」と考えれば、意味は通じますよね。 ・From the time that you begin viewing your offers, you will have 60 minutes to choose one. あなたが your offers を見始めた時から、60分をあなたは商品を選択するための時間として所有します。→要するに、「制限時間は60分」ということですよね。 、、、その通りだと思いますよ。時間制限を設けることで、購入意欲をあおるのでしょう。それにしては60分も長いですけどね。 ・特に頭を悩ませているのが、「offer」をどう訳すべきか、また「Daily deal offers」をどう訳すか、です。 、、、オファーというのは要するに「この商品をこの価格で提供します。買う買わないの判断は任せます」という意味ですね。Daily は日替わり、deal とは買い得で、店側は: ・This is a deal you cannot refuse. 、、、なんて言いますね。 オファーするのは店側に限ったことではなく、例えば自動車のディーラーでは、店員がお客に: ・Make me an offer. 、、、と言ったりします。お客はこんな風に答えます: ・How about $20,000? また offer は、金銭と関係なく: ・May I offer you a couple of coffee? ・Let me offer you a ride to the station. 、、、といった場合にでも使えます。 ご参考までに。



たびたび丁寧な回答をありがとうございます。offer の解釈、納得が行きました。こういう「融通をきかす使い方」は、学校英語をうわっつらだけやっている私などにはなかなか難しいです。 ひとまず、前半部分に関しては、大意において重大な勘違いはしていないようで安心しました。


  • 海外のDVD販売サイトの文章を読みたいのですが。

    以下の英語を、どなたか訳していただけませんか。 海外のDVD通販サイトの、会員のみがログインできる特別なページのようなのですが、いろいろ細かい規約があるようです。規約を読んで、納得できるようなら活用したいのですが、どうにも足踏み状態です。 よろしくお願いいたします。 ------------------------------------------------- Please read this carefully - many potential questions are answered below. Every day, we pick 10 items to offer to you at a special discount price. You may view these products one at a time, and choose to either accept our special offer, or pass and view the next item. You may view your special offers once per day. From the time that you begin viewing your offers, you will have 60 minutes to choose one. The fine print: Only one daily deal offer may be redeemed per customer per day. Quantities are limited, offers good while supplies last. All daily deal offers expire 60 minutes after you view your first offer, individual offers expire when you pass on the offer, or 60 minutes after you viewed your first offer, whichever is earlier. Daily deal offers are only good for the products featured. Daily deal offers may not be applied to previous orders. Daily deal offers that have been accepted are excluded from any further coupon discounts. Daily deals are not excluded from taxes or our normal shipping costs. Accepted daily deal offers must remain in the shopping cart on the web site, they may not be saved for later purchase. When accepting a daily deal offer, it must be added to the shopping cart through the page displaying the offer by selecting "Buy now!" Orders must be completed through our online store.

  • 英文和訳

    英文和訳 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 旺文社の「English NavigatorII」という教科書からです。  For scientists like Janet Mullington, sleep is full of mysteries. If you live to be 80 years old, you'll have spent about 25 years sound asleep―but we don't know why we need to sleep so much. What goes on in our brains while we're sleeping? Why do we sometimes feel we haven't slept very well even though we slept as many hours as usual?  We've all heard of people who habe trouble sleeping, but there are also people Janet is studying. They may fall asleep at any time, even when they're eating or listening to someone talk. Janet is hoping that by keeping detailed records of their sleep, she can help parents to organize their sleep better. If they rest at scheduled times, they might not have as many as “sleep attacks.”  Keep a “sleep log” to figure out how much sleep you need and when you need it. Janet has created a special version of her lab's sleep log for you to try.  Lots of things could affect your sleep. This log will let you keep track of some of them: naps, meals, and snacks, and how you spend your after-school and evening time.  1.Copy the sleep chart you see on page 22(just the black lines). Make one chart for each day over a two-week period, so that you can cover two weekends. Staple the charts together.  2.Start your log on a Monday morning. Write in the date. Use the colors shown to chart how long you slept and the time it took you to get out of bed.  3.As the day goes on, use the other colors to fill in naps, meals, snacks and activities.  4.At bedtime, mark the time you got into bed. Don't watch the clock until you fall asleep, or you’ll have a hard time drifting off! Just take a guess the next morning at how long it took you to get to sleep.  5.On Tuesday morning, start your next chart. At the end of the day, go back to Monday's chart and note whether you felt rested on Tuesday. That's how you can tell whether Monday's pattern of activity led to a good night's sleep that night.

  • 和訳お願いします

    well Im'a go to bed be on at 11:30 your time 7:30 my time. Im'a find a way to do something special for you, I love you good night, or good afternoon. えーっと、僕は寝るよ。七時半に起きる、君はその時十一時半だね。I'm a find aからがわかりません。なのでお願いします。

  • 和訳してほしいです。英文

    ヤフーオークションに出品している商品に 以下のような質問が寄せられました。 何となくはわかるのですが 訳していただけないでしょうか。 I'm Mrs Bxxx Dxxxx from United Kingdom.i saw your item paste on YAHOO AUCTION Am interested in buying your item for my Friend, i will offering you $3,000:USDollar for each of the item plus shipment to my Friend in Nigeria via EMS SPEED POST .Let me know how many pieces you have for sale.i will be remitting your payment via Bank to Bank transfer into your account.Get back to me via your personal e-mail and please reply back in English.Reply back to (XXXXXXXXXXgmail.com)Hoping to read from you fast,Regards

  • この英文を和訳して頂けませんか。

    Dear Auctioneers, I am Mrs Jessica From Holland presently in Canada. am highly interested in purchasing your item placed on YAHOO AUCTION for my twins sons in the school in Nigeria as a Birthday ift. I will offer you $10,000:00USD for the price for 5 pics of this item + shipping through EMS each, and i will like to know how many pieces you have available for sale. Payment will be made through Band To Bank Transfer (Direct transfer to your bank account). I want you to reply me to my personal E-mail for further conversation Via(jessicacole_123th2009@hotmail.com) Thanks

  • 英文和訳お願いいたします;;

    英文和訳;よろしくお願いいたします。 英文わかりません; 下記よろしくお願いいたします。 www.LifeProof.com Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Dear LifeProof’ers, We have started to roll out your LifeProof purchase links today! We want to reserve your priority in the pre-order process according to those customers who have been waiting the longest. We will be sending out purchase links in that order on a rolling basis over the next five days. Once you have received your link you will have five days to finalize your order. So that you can continue your priority, be sure to activate this order as soon as possible as shipments will be processed in sequence with those who finalize their purchase. Let’s Go! Your LifeProof Team follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend Copyright © 2011 TreeFrog Developments Inc., All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you signed up for an exclusive chance to be among the first to order your LifeProof case. Our mailing address is: TreeFrog Developments Inc. 4875 Viewridge Ave. San Diego, California 92123 Add us to your address book unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences

  • 和訳を御願いします

    Hello my Dear special Good day greetings to you over there ... I just got free time here and I decided to check on you .... I hope you are enjoying yourself at your mothers relative home

  • 英文和訳

    英文和訳 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 旺文社の「English NavigatorII」という教科書からです。  For scientists like Janet Mullington, sleep is full of mysteries. If you live to be 80 years old, you'll have spent about 25 years sound asleep―but we don't know why we need to sleep so much. What goes on in our brains while we're sleeping? Why do we sometimes feel we haven't slept very well even though we slept as many hours as usual?  We've all heard of people who habe trouble sleeping, but there are also people Janet is studying. They may fall asleep at any time, even when they're eating or listening to someone talk. Janet is hoping that by keeping detailed records of their sleep, she can help parents to organize their sleep better. If they rest at scheduled times, they might not have as many as “sleep attacks.”  Keep a “sleep log” to figure out how much sleep you need and when you need it. Janet has created a special version of her lab's sleep log for you to try.  Lots of things could affect your sleep. This log will let you keep track of some of them: naps, meals, and snacks, and how you spend your after-school and evening time.  1.Copy the sleep chart you see on page 22(just the black lines). Make one chart for each day over a two-week period, so that you can cover two weekends. Staple the charts together.  2.Start your log on a Monday morning. Write in the date. Use the colors shown to chart how long you slept and the time it took you to get out of bed.  3.As the day goes on, use the other colors to fill in naps, meals, snacks and activities.  4.At bedtime, mark the time you got into bed. Don't watch the clock until you fall asleep, or you’ll have a hard time drifting off! Just take a guess the next morning at how long it took you to get to sleep.  5.On Tuesday morning, start your next chart. At the end of the day, go back to Monday's chart and note whether you felt rested on Tuesday. That's how you can tell whether Monday's pattern of activity led to a good night's sleep that night.

  • 英文和訳

    和訳の間違いと空欄の部分を教えてください。 If you're a singer, sing. (歌手なら歌ってください。) If you're an accountant, manage money. (会計士なら、お金を管理してください。) Be proud of your talents and skills. (才能をスキルを誇ってください。) Learn to say "no." (Noということを学んでください。) Set limits on your time. (時間制限を決めてください。) Saying "no" is not being selfish. (“いいえ”ということは利己的ではありません) It can keep you from feeling angry for saying "yes" to things you don't want to do. () Take steps to move to ward what you want. () Make a phone call. (電話をかけてください。) Rewrite your resume. (レジメを書き直してください。) Arrange your closet. (物置を配置してください。) Take the first small step. (最初の小さいステップをとってください。) Don't wait until you feel like doing it. (それをしたいという気持ちを抑えないでください。) Just do it. (少しだけそれをしてください。) Create balance in your life. (人生においてバランスを造ってください。) Do you need to work fewer hours? (より少ない時間働く必要がありますか。) In-crease family time? () Maybe you need more social life. (たぶん、より社会的な人生が必要です。) Look at small ways to make changes. (変化を起こす小さい方法を見てください。) Give yourself a few minutes alone each day. () Take time to find your true spirit. (真実の心を見つけるのに時間をかけてください。)

  • 英文和訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の中盤となりますので、内容が中途半端だと思いますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 They transform you spiritually and are karma. They make you the person you are today, and the person you will be when you meet. Each persons karma (development of soul and character) goes at its own pace, it cannot always be measured in years or days. It’s like reading a book, each chapter; a chapter of your life, the meeting is on a certain page but some people read the book faster, some slower. In theory you can hasten the meeting, you could get to the page quicker if you work on your karma, if you become the person your destined to be sooner. Just by having this reading done your are already step closer to that time than before.