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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:TIMEの質問-1)



  • ベストアンサー
  • go_urn
  • ベストアンサー率57% (938/1643)

masaqq さん、こんにちは! >たびたびお世話になります。あつかましくもまた質問させていただきます。  ●興味深い記事と、有効なご質問で、こちらのボケかけた脳の活性化に役立たせていただいています。いつも与太話ばかりで恐縮ですが、時々当たることもあればと思い、恥を顧みず書かして頂いております。 >We have some questions post our investigation. We wanted Indian input and help." postの意味がいろいろありわかりません。  ●『ジーニアス』を引いてもでていませんが、ここは前置詞で after の意味で使っています。捜査の後で幾つか分からないことがあるので、インドにも協力してほしい、ということです。  パキスタン人の英語なので、英語圏では一般には使わないでしょうが、意味は分かります。 >the organizers were and remain clients and creations of the ISI creationというのはその組織によって鍛えられたという意味と思いますが、clients?となぜ並列されているのか今ひとつ状況がわかりません。  ● clients は、ISI からサービスを受ける人たちです。つまりテロリストで、ISI に金などを払って、その諜報機関から情報や武器を入手する人たちです。  creations はご指摘のように、ISIが作りだしてテロ組織に送り込んでいる人材ということです。  テロ組織と ISI が、持ちつ持たれつの関係で、共謀しているとこのインド人は主張しているのです。 >また、なぜwereとremainに分けているのでしょう?areとかhave beenとはどう違うのでしょうか?  ● It was, is, and will be the same. などと時制を並列させるのは英語でよくやります。「過去も~であったし、今も~である」= were and remain ~です。have been と現在完了でやりますと、軸足は現在に置かれ、過去の影が薄くなるきらいがあります。過去と現在とどっちもと両方にアクセントを置きたいときは、この形の方が有効なわけです。  以上、ご参考になれば幸いです!



go_urn様 ありがとうございます。ほとんどgo_urn様の回答を読みたくて質問させていただいているようなものですが・・・今回も非常によくわかりました! postについては、接頭辞の用法と文意からちょっとその意味も疑ったのですが、なるほどパキスタンの英語だったのですね。 clientでもありcreationでもあるという意味も合点がいきました。 were and remainの感じもよくわかりました。 重ね重ね、ありがとうございました!お時間ありましたらまたよろしくお願いいたします!


  • 次の文を上手に訳したいのですが・・・

    どの文章も上手な訳ができません 訳が得意な方お教えください What a trip!! We had a wonderful time in Japan and our dream holiday sadly ended back at Heathrow in the pouring rain. We had experienced first class Japanese hospitality and even had the wonderful opportunity to stay in a Ryokan in Atami. The visit to Head Office was very interesting -to listen to the history of Yamatake Company, to see the ink sticks being made and actually making and using the ink. To have the chance to see our colleagues and to learn from our parent company how it developed and achieved 100 years of trading. We were not great artists when it came to the etegami drawing - it seemed difficult - we would rather have eaten the oranges and apples than drawn them. We have since enjoyed doing it and have mastered the technique in our own ways! The sights we saw in Nara and Kyoto, especially the geisha girls, will remain etched in our memories for a long time. We marvelled at the temples and the relaxing feeling of serenity in the gardens surrounding them. Our final destination of Tokyo and the trip up the tower was fantastic, followed by the meal with Tokyo office and lasting memories of Kareoke. We thank all Yamatake staff for making us so welcome and ensuring that our trip to Japan was so special and memorable. We look forward to Yamatake UK going from strength to strength and also achieving many years of trading.

  • 和訳の確認のお願いします。

    訳してみましたが、合っているかわからないので確認お願いします。 Into the night Desperate and broken The sound of a fight Father has spoken We were the kings and queens of promise We were the victims of ourselves Maybe the children of a lesser God Between Heaven and Hell Heaven and Hell Into your eyes Hopeless and taken We stole our new lives Through blood and pain In defense of our dreams In defense of our dreams The age of man is over A darkness comes and all These lessons that we learned here Have only just begun We are the Kings We are the Queens We are the Kings We are the Queens -------------------------------- 夜の中へ 絶望と破滅 戦いのざわめき 父は話した 俺たちは王様と女王の約束だと 俺たちは俺たち自身の犠牲者だと たぶん神の子たちだと 天国と地獄の間で 天国と地獄の お前の瞳の中へ 希望のないそして、掴めない 俺たちは新たな命を盗んだ 血統と痛みを通り越して 俺たちの夢を擁護して 俺たちの夢を擁護して 人の寿命は過ぎた 暗闇が来てそして、全てを包む 俺たちがここで学んだこれらの教えは まだ始まっていない 俺たちは王様 俺たちは女王 俺たちは王様 俺たちは女王

  • reciprocateの意味

    We are having a struggle in our family, and I'm unsure how to handle it. Three years ago, our adult nephew, Connor, underwent hormone therapy, counseling and transgender surgery. She is now our niece Cathy. The transformation was successful, and Cathy is happier than we've ever seen her. We loved Connor, and nothing has changed in our relationship with Cathy. She has visited us numerous times, and we have reciprocated. ここでのreciprocatedの具体的な意味について教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • ほんまに困っています。

    英語の問題で、ほんとに困っています。間違い探しみたいなんですが、何が間違っているのか全然わかりません。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 Q次の英文のうち、誤っている箇所を1つ選びなさい。また、なぜまちがっているのか教えていただけたら幸いです。 1.Turning to the right, you will see a very old building was built in 1785. (1)Turning to (2)the right (3)will see a very old (4)was built in 1785. 2.Most of the people attended the recent seminar on effective teaching were high school teachers. (1)Most of the people (2)attended (3)on effective teaching   (4)were high school teachers. 3.There are many things those we would throw away, if we were not afraid that others might pick them up. (1)those we would throw   (2)away, if we   (3)were not afraid that others   (4)might pick them up. 4.The days have long gone how we fed our families from our own gardens. (1)The days   (2)have long gone   (3)how we fed our families   (4)from our own gardens

  • よろしくお願いします

    A few years ago I got into an office romance. We were both single and in our mid-20s. It was alcohol- soaked and sex-filled and a hell of a lot of fun. About six months into it I realized this woman and I had virtually nothing in common aside from our penchant for work, sex, and booze. Then we found out we were expecting. We're still together (although no longer working in the same office), we have an amazing daughter, and are both loving and committed parents. The problem is that aside from our daughter, we still have next to nothing in common. I wasn't as happy as I could be, but I accepted this. I wasn't as happy as I could beはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    I felt like we were really dragging the brand through the mud, I did not want to end up like a classic rock band. Even though we were ‘classic’ we lasted where other bands had not. I wanted us to still be relevant, and to remain relevant you have to remain creatively relevant. To do that, you have to still make records. So I felt like we needed to take some time off and make a record. I was under the impression that was how everyone felt, because after having a few conversations with guys in the band, I felt we were all in that same place and same mode. Then nothing ever happened, we didn't get together and start working on music. So it goes on and on.”

  • 以下の英文の意味を教えてください。

    The books we read in our adolescent years, I suspect, have a stronger influence on our attitude toward life, and a larger share in forming our tastes and preferences than those acquaintance we make earlier or later.

  • Singapore private

    Singapore private investigator BEST PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS SINGAPORE Resilient Investigations offers private investigation services throughout Singapore. We pride ourselves on being professional, discreet and affordable. Resilient Investigations has a background division that specializes in locating individuals that don’t want to be found. We have developed techniques over the years which enable us to take on the most complex and difficult cases. Our Services ======= Matrimonial Investigations General Investigation Locate a person Surveillance of a Person Insurance Fraud Investigation Commercial Investigation Digital Forensics Services Litigation Support Investigation Anti-Spy Smartphone Detection Our team includes doormen, bodyguards, and parking lot patrol officers with more than 15 years of combined experience. Read more : https://resilientinvestigations.com/top-asia-investigator

  • 英文のメールを日本語訳して頂けますか

    以下の内容を日本語訳お願いします。 Sir,I must tell you the truth since these year we have not been able to ship cites animals to our clients due to delay in recieving document from authourities so my company is making another arrangement in other West African Countries were we can get permits for shippment, Please we are realy sorry for the delay in obtaining cites permit for your shippment but we promise that as soon as our Company finished all arrangement we get permit for your shippment We still want to thank you for your patients and understanding towards these first transaction 以上です。

  • よろしくお願いします

    Although my husband and I have been married for 13 years, we only recently bought our first home. We previously lived in a small apartment. We are planning to have our first housewarming party once we have fully unpacked and the house is ready for company. Would it be OK to register for things we'd like to have and include the information in our invitations? Or is it best to keep a "private" registration and inform only those who ask what we need? register for things we'd like to haveとkeep a "private" registrationは何のことを話しているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします