• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本語を英語にしました。添削お願いします。)



  • ベストアンサー
  • kenjamin
  • ベストアンサー率41% (52/126)

大変頑張ってますね。できるだけ原文を生かし、少し加筆させて貰いました。 メッセージありがとうございます! (thank you for your message) すごく嬉しいです!ありがとうございます (I'm really happy.thank you!!) 私もあなたと、YFEに出会えて凄く嬉しいです。 (I'm very happy to have met you and your band YFE!) すぐ曲をチェックしました。 ( I linstned to your music immediately.) 凄くカッコイイ!パワーがあって、疾走感があって、セクシーでクール!! (I thought it was so cool,powerful, speedy and sexy.) はい、私も旅行が好きです (Yes, I like to travel too) 遠い所だと、ニュージーランドとイタリアに行った事があります (I have been to NZ and Italy) 行ってみたい所は、カナダ、アメリカ、イギリス、エジプト、ブラジル、アフリカ、イースター島・・・あー!全世界!! (I want to go to Canada, America, Europe, Egypt, Brazil, Africa, Easter island... all places in the the world !) あ!でもカナダに友達がいるので近いうちに必ずカナダに行こうと考えています。 ( I have a friend in Canada, and I am thinking about visiting there one of these days. ) あなたはコンサートで色んな場所に行ったりするんですか? (You visit various places for concerts, donn't you?) シンプルプランは知っていました。 (I knew Simple Plan!!) 彼らと一緒に日本に来ていたなんてビックリです! (I was quite surprised to know you were in Japan with them. ) また日本に来てください!それまでに全部歌を覚えて、ライブ楽しみにしています! (Please come again. I will remember all your songs beforehand, and I look forward to your next live show here.) 彼らのライブは何度かいったことがあります。 (I saw their concerts a few times. ) でも日本に住んでいたのは知りませんでした。 (However, I did not know they lived in Japan. ) 私も一番すきなのはHelenaです! (my favorite song is Helena too!! )



お礼が遅くなり、もうしわけございません。 大変詳しく、分かりやすく説明くださって本当にありがとうございます。参考にさせていただきます。 ありがとうございました。


  • 日本語にしてください。お願いします。( ´△`)

    Yes I have been to Huis Ten Bosch! It was 10 years ago haha. When are you going there? Your city is in the south of Japan right? I was surprised you know the restaurants in Tokyo when your city is so far away! haha!! Thank you for the advise about the restaurant!! Grolsch is a bit like Asahi I think. And Heineken is more like Sapporo beer. The bottle of Grolsch is very creative! It is very difficerent (if they have the big bottle still). The amount is 0,5 liters it looks like this: http://bier.blog.nl/files/2012/08/grolsch-beugelfles.jpg Sorry Japan lost from Greece :-( I was so happy if Japan win from Greece!! But it was equal :-( I think the Netherlands will have difficult matches in the quarter final. I hope they will succeed to play a good match! How is your weekend? What will you do? Thank you for your message!

  • 英語を日本語に訳して下さい!

    英語を日本語に訳していただけると助かります!「Yes it seem I have been confused with you two girls Aymui was my F.B. friend then I asked you but did not Know your name until now so thank you Ikumi and it is so nice to be able to have a little chat with you both and I must say thank for the English translation I really appreciate that xx」 お願いします!

  • 日本語に翻訳してくれていただけませんが

    I have passed the interview of NEC internship and will begin the job in 8.22. So I cannot take your(company) internship and feel realy sorry. That it, I want to refuse the offer and what to say is the most polite way?(In Japanese) Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

  • 日本語にして下さい!

    hi darling :DDD thank you for the message :)) im happy to read it :) yes, i watch the world cup. i had been supporting germany, japan, brazil. im so sad that japan lost and got eliminated early .. but i still support japan. for next asia cup and world cup and more :) i love japan so much :) i was in japan two times. in yokohama, tokyo and kamakura :)) i totally love japan, it was very awesome to be in japan. culture, people, food, language and more. and girls hehehe :DDD ^^ i felt like i was home :) i was not lonely or sad. i was super happy! i love japan forever ^^ i want to make japanese friends and if possible a girlfriend from japan too! since i was little boy, i always dreamed to live and work in japan someday >< i would be happy to talk with you more and to be with you someday :DDd ps: i drunk kumamoto sake お願いいたします(^-^)

  • 英語これであっていますか?

    Thank you for your mail.We have been skiing in Nagano and we went to fishing at the sea,but I could not catch any fish. The weather is lovely sunnyday in Japan.The temperature is warmer than Dunedin.My brothers and ppparents are liking your christmas presents. ここまでで間違っていたりしていたら教えてもらえると助かります。

  • 添削してください。(日本語から英語に)お願いします。

    【なんとなく英語で書きたい気分.部屋が汚かったので計画したとおり掃除をした.冷や汗をかいた.母が部屋に入ってきたとき,幾つかの財布の整理をしてた.中学校の時私は友達にコンドームを1つもらったことがあり財布の中に入れてたままにして部屋になおしてあった.それをすっかり忘れていて[何か入ってるわぁ]と思い,その財布の中身を出したらコンドームがでてきて焦った.母に見られてないかな~すごい恥ずかしかった.片付け中にカナダの思い出がでてきて懐かしく感じた.友達からの手紙に笑った.「今度家に遊びにいかしてね!え?いいの?やった~!!」と書いてあった.私の片付けは終わらなかったがやっと途中まで終わった.今日は暇.昨日何人かにメールを送ったのに返事がこない.みんな忙しいのか?そうか私は嫌われているのか?彼氏にメール送ったのに彼氏からも返事来ない.わ~ん!あっ!カナダに留学中の友達に手紙を書いた.ちゃんと届いたらいいな!】【i have a kind of feeling that writting inEnglish.my room was messy, so i cleaned up my room as my yesterday plan.today i was in a cold weat.when my mother came in to my room,i was tidy upsome wallets.when i was junior high school, i had gotten a condom from friend and i put it in my wallet and leave in this in my room.now i didn't remember this things.at the moment i thought "there is something in the wallet"and took out something,it was a condom.(?)then,i was still cleaning up my room, i found the memories of canada(?).i was laughed by a friend's letter.it was written like this"can i go to your house next day? oh really? is it ok? (?)"あと書きたいんですが字数が・・・

  • 日本語に訳してください。

    英語が得意な方よろしくお願いします。 Thank you for you order, Sorry about that we still have not receive about your reply, please take a photo of the damage print and send it to us, it could help us to follow your case. If we have not receive the reply form you then we have to ship the package of #56585256 first, hope you could understand. Thank you and looking for your reply

  • 日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか?

    長文になりますが、おおまかで構わないので日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。 ………………………… In summer in the year before last, I received a mail from a person. I felt almost was make-up story but various thinks about you were written in it. I understood the contents and replied my promise not to relate with you. However, harassment to me started by your friends, staffs of (店名) and your friends I had never related and it has been continuing until now although it becomes not so often as before. Even some of my friends were harassed only because being with me. (店名) is your working place and a place for your friends to gather. I guess they hope me not to relate with you. Because I had been told about you sometimes, I had a complicated feeling when I received your message via facebook. I thought that I would select my human relation and it would be possible for me to be a friend with you but I can not be free from the wavering of my decision to relate with you as a friend if I visit (店名). I have to keep promise with your friends.... I do not know why your friends still stick to me. Because I have no relation with you now. I also have no relation with anyone who might have close relation with you. I do not know you have any engagement to such continuous sticking to me but I think it is a matter of mind of these people not of yours or mine. I am thankful to you for calling me your friend. However, considering my current position, I think that it would be difficult to be your friend. If you have good human relation now, I think that there would be no reason for you to keep on staying as my friend beyond it. What do you think about it? Please do not misunderstand. I do not take you into my confidence to hurt you. I want to tell you only why I have avoided you. If we have fate, we might be able to relate as ordinary friend.

  • 英文の添削お願いします。

    アメリカのスケーターに渡すメッセージの英文添削お願いします。 Welcome to Japan. Yours dance make me happy. あなた達のダンスにしたいんですが複数系もYoursで良いですか? I hope for your future success. ※これからも楽しみしてます、と言いたいのですが、これで伝わりますか? Congratulations on your engagement. I wish you have a happy life with○○. ※○○の所は名前です。 I have been your fan since Olympic. Congratulations on Olympic and DWTS winning. ※DWTSは固有名詞です I admire you because you are pretty and beauty. Thank you for coming to Japan. あと、宛名はDear○○で名前だけでは失礼なんでしょうか? 郵送じゃなくて会場で受け付けに渡すのですがミス、 ミスターは付けるのが一般的ですか? 初めての質問なので失礼な事があったらすみません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語を日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか?

    英語を日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? 外国の企業からメールが届いたのですが、 あなたの会社は何の法律ですか??? どうゆう意味でしょうか? Hi there. we’re A who just called you and left a message. We’re making documents for foreign equity to my customer , So I have a few question. I’d like to know what applicable low on your company was incorporated. Are they incorporation and registration procedure in California? Please, give us reply. Thank you. Bset regards, そして、下の文章も届きました。 Thank you for your reply. I already read 10-K Form, but I can not find it. Let me make sure, is incorporated under the laws of the state of California, right? どなたか、日本語訳にできるかた、お願いします。