• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • taichi_82
  • ベストアンサー率63% (76/120)

こんばんは (2行目) "is decreasing" のところを、"is being decreased" もしくは、"is being reduced" に変えてみたらどうでしょうか。 個人的な趣味で恐縮ですが、"is decreasing" だと自然減的な印象を受けてしまいますので、各種活動の成果として、喫煙場所が減らされてきているニュアンスを表わしたいためです。 The number of places to smoke is being reduced, and I think that it is good. ("However" のところを "and" に変えています) (3行目) 当分はたばこを吸わないつもりだ(将来的にまったく吸わないつもりではない) の意思表示と理解して良いでしょうか? もしたばこを吸える年齢になっても決して吸わないんだという意思を表わされたいのであれば、もう一工夫されたほうが良いと思います。


  • 添削おねがいできますか?

    問い 日本の喫煙状況について100字程度で答えよ。(以下の質問の答えも含めよ) 日本では男女共にタバコを吸うか?日本では禁煙運動が行われているか?禁煙運動についてどう思うか。 In Japan both men and women smoke but recently the number of women smoker are increasing. Anti-smoking campaign is often waged by citizen group. In my opinion, we have to promote this campaign in a large scale. This is because smoking is harmful for not only the smoker but also us, passive-smoker. Often someone who loves cigarette may insist that they do not make nuisance for others. However smoking passively is more possible to the lung cancer than the direct smoker. Also pregnant mothers who smoke almost kill their own child.

  • 自由英作文の添削お願いします。

    いつもお世話になっております。5回目の添削依頼です。よろしくお願いします<(_ _)> 問 あなたのタバコに関する意見を50語程度で述べなさい I think that smoking is banned in public space, such as working places and restaurants.It is because smoking prevents other people from staying healthy.According to a news I heard before, indirect smoking boosts the possibility of getting cancer. That's why I consider that people shouldn't smoke in public. スペルミス、文法ミス等ご指摘いただけるとありがたいです。 また、大変恐縮ながら、質問にも答えていただけると嬉しいです ・大学入試本番まであと4日ほどなのですが、やっておいたほうがよい英作のテーマ・型はありますか? それでは、よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 添削してください

    「私は<Other taxes>からもいくつかのオプションを選んだ。 (赤字を減らすためにどうすればいいか、という内容の問題で、「選んだ」というのはいくつか項目があり、どれなら犠牲にできるかなど考えて選んだ、ということです。) その中の一つが"Increase Cigarette and Alcohol Taxes"だ。もちろん、タバコを吸う人やお酒を飲む人からすると、タバコ税やアルコール税を上げられるのは辛いことだと思う。しかし特にタバコは、吸う人だけでなく周りの人にも被害が及ぶ。税金を上げることで少しでも意識が変わったり、吸い始める人を減らすことができることができるのではないかと思う。」 ** I picked up some option in other taxes. One of them is "Increase Cigarette and Alcohol Taxes". Of course, I think that it is painful for people who drinking and smoking to raise cigarette and alcohol taxes. However, in particular, tobacco is damaged not only smokers but also around people. I think that raising tax can change their mind and reduce the number of people who start smoking. 最後の文章なのですが、I think をIt seemsに置き換えられるでしょうか? (= It seems to raise tax can change their mind~) I think を使いすぎるのは良くないと聞いたもので…。 こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 100語自由英作文添削をお願いいたします。

    添削をお願いいたします。 志望は早稲田政経です。 文法的観点、論理的観点 ともにアドバイスをお待ちしております。 Q:[Smoking should be banned] my answer: I agree with this opinion. Smoking has a lot of negative aspects. First, when you smoke, the air around you becomes smoky and smells bad. The smoke and the smell annoy many people around you. Second, a lighted cigarette has a danger of injuring others, especially children, whose faces are as tall as your hand with a lighted cigarette. Third, cigarette is a sort of poison. The risk of smokers getting cancer is higher than that of nonsmokers. To sum up, there is too much harm for society to accept smoking today. 「whose faces are as tall as your hand with a lighted cigarette.」は子供の顔の高さとタバコを持つ手の高さが同じくらいだということが述べたかったのですが whose faces are at the level of your hand with a lighted cigarette.などのほうが適切でしょうか?

  • 英文の添削をしてください。

    There are several ways to keep good shape. To begin with, you need to quit smoking. Needless to say, cigarette has many toxic substances which disturb you keeping good shape. Next, you should eat healthy foods every meal. It will help you to be in good condition because of many vitamins. For example, vitamin C is an important one to keep one’s skin beauty. If your skin is so beautiful, it may bring your mind to be good shape! Furthermore, it is good for you to get enough sleep. Less sleeping is not good for your health, skin, and so on. Finally, I think it is most important to exercise daily. It helps you to alleviate stress, keep your metabolism good and burn your fat. I recommend you to do it because you can do it with joy. That’s all I want to say how the way to keep good shape is. もっとお洒落な言い回しができたらなぁ、と思い質問させていただきました。文法もたくさん間違えてしまっていると思います。。。(泣) どなたか添削していただけないでしょうか。 お願いします。

  • 添削してください

    またタバコの煙に含まれるダイオキシン濃度により環境汚染を汚染したり、タバコの製造に大量の木材が伐採されている。これは環境問題にかけている金額にも関わってくるのではないかと思う。このことに関して色々な意見があるが、実際に採用する価値はあるように思える。 Furthermore, pollution of the environment is caused by dioxin contained in cigarette smoke, and a large amount of woods is cut down to manufacture tobaccos. I think that this will also be related to the amount of money on environmental problem. There are various opinions about this, but it seems to be worth adopting it in fact. * cigaretteを使ったりtobaccoを使ったりしていますが、統一したほうがいいでしょうか? こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英検2級、英作文の添削

    最近英検2級の勉強を始めたのですが、英作文の書き方が全然わからず、添削できる知り合いが周りにいなくて悩んでいます。19年度第二回の問題を書いたのですが、添削していただきたいです。大学卒業してからかなりブランクがあるので、おそらくめちゃくちゃです。暴言にならない程度にお願いします。 PS:文章が若干脱線気味ですが、文法とかを見てほしいです。 <Question> Today, some young people do not start working for large companies. Do you think number of these people increase the future? Why Japanese young people don’t want to work for large companies? One of the reason, Japanese Companies often occur Suicide of Employees. This is because Young employees were blamed by their boss. They feel much stress and anxious about their fail. Another reason, Japanese Companies income don’t increase. But their working time is increasing every year. And they cannot have a rest. So, Some Japanese young worker think “We are too much spending time to work, but our income isn’t increase. It is no worth for work for large companies”. It is my opinion. This is because young people don't want to work large companies. What should we do protect increase young people like that? This is problem not only our income but also our mental and work environment. I think we must hear everyone’s opinion and realize it as possible as we can. What is important for work? I think it is not income, with Employees’ Satisfaction. So we can protect increase the people who don’t want to work large companies.

  • 英作の添削

    添削をお願いします。 特に, for which they are exposed to second hand smoke inevitably. の部分は通じるでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。 歩きタバコは公共の場所では全面的に禁止することに賛成である。 確かに、喫煙者にはタバコを吸う権利があるが、しかし同時に、責任が伴う。 喫煙者は非喫煙者に配慮しなければならない。 また今日では、健康意識の高まりと共に、タバコが心理的にいやだという人が多い。 また、間接喫煙が周囲の人間に与える生理学的影響もよく知られている。 しかし、都市部では人口が増え、人と人の距離が短くなる。 そして彼らはどうしてもタバコの煙にさらされることになる。 上記の理由から私は禁止すべきだと考える。 I agree with an idea that smoking while walking should be banned completely in public places. To be sure,smokers have the right to smoke,but at the same time,it carries responsibility with it. they must have consideration for non-smokers. these days with the rise in the awareness of health,there are an increasing number of people who dislike smoking psychologically. In addition,it is also well known that second hand smoke have a physical effect on those around smokers. However,in the city the larger the population becomes,the more closely people stand to one another,for which they are exposed to second hand smoke inevitably. For the reason I have stated above,I think that it should be banned.

  • 英語討論「公共の場での喫煙は禁止すべきか」の添削お願いしますl。

    「公共の場での喫煙は禁止すべきか」というテーマで英語討論をすることになりました。私なりの考えを英文でまとめてみました。英語の討論をあまりしたことがないのですが、このような表現でよいのか自身がありません。よきアドバイスをおねがいします。 Smoking should be banned in public places; for or against? I support a bun about smoking in public places such as eating and drinking places , department stores, hospitals, theaters, assembly halls , and so on….. For reason, the first, the harmful effects of tobacco on health are well known. I read on the web that every year about 5 million people around the world die from tobacco-related illnesses. Moreover evidence about the risks of passive smoking is clear, I’ve hard that second-hand smoking in the workplace causes many deaths each year. I have a child so I worried when I go with my son to stores or restaurant, if there is a person who is smoking around us. The second reason is that a ban would encourage more smokers to quit. My husband smokes every day, but I want him to quit smoking for my son, me and himself. I think ,however , It’s difficult for him to quit… The third, the health-promotion law in Japan aims to prevent passive smoking in public places. Now, many eating places have smoking or non-smoking seats, but I think for preventing passive smoking, smoking places should be covered tightly. More aggressive methods are required.

  • 添削お願いします

     こんにちは。現在英語を学習しているものです。 年齢確認のIDカードがないと自動販売機でタバコを 買えないようにするシステムが将来的に採用される ようですが、その記事に対し、反対論を書いたのですが 文法的におかしい箇所があったらご指摘お願いします。 自分では入念に確認をしましたが、まだ未熟なため 語彙の選択や構文などもひどく間違えているかも しれませんので、些細なことでもかまいませんので 何かお気づきになったら教えてください。 I disagree to this article. This is because it is impossible to prevent people underage buying cigarettes from vending machine. People underage still can buy it if they borrow a card from people who is legal age to smoke or if they buy it from elder people. There are two ways that have to do to avoid people underage from buying a cigarette.  Firstly they must reject all the vending machines in Japan, so that underage smokers can not buy it from the machine anymore. Secondly, they have to strengthen the laws to make sure that no shop clerk will sell cigarettes to someone who are underage to smoke. Someone who does not follow this rule should be fined.。。。結論へとつづきます。。  少々長い文ではありますが、少しでもいい英語に 直したいのでお願いします 。