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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:訳が分からない!!)



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  • purunu
  • ベストアンサー率42% (518/1214)

全訳依頼は削除対象ですので、構造の把握まで。 Many ecologists assume either A or B. A=(that以下のこと、すなわち)  rates of gene flow are sufficiently high that populations across a species'range will respond similarly to the same environmental conditionsということ。  B=(that以下のこと、すなわち) rates of migration enable indivisuals to track changing abiotic factors ということ。  ここでAの内容を理解するには、high の次のthat を so that と捕らえること、つまり、gene flow がかなり高いので、populations が respond するだろう、ということ。


  • 訳をお願いします(>_<)

    この学術記事?を訳して頂けないでしょうか? お願いいたします On July 30th, 2004, a Scottish newspaper produced a report that shocked the country. Hundreds of thousands of seabirds, they reported, had failed to breed and the species was disappearing. The cause of these deaths, scientists believed, must have been global warming. In the last twenty years, the temperature of the North Sea has increased by 2℃. This has caused the plankton in the area to move north in search of cold water. As a result, new generations of sand eels, which feed on the plankton, cannot hind food. Because of this, there has been a decrease in the sand eel population, sand eels, in turn, are the main food of many seabirds. Their near-disappearance has caused widespread starvation among the birds, who are now failing to breed. Food Chain: Plankton→Sand ells →Seabirds Scotland’s 2000 study reported that many kinds of seabirds have produced almost no young. For example, the 6,800 pairs of seagulls on the Shetland Islands would normally produce hundreds of chicks, but they had almost none at all. Recent studies estimate that about 1,150 bird species, or 12% of all birds, are in danger of disappearing. This number has increased by almost 400 since 1994, and another 600 to 900 could soon be added. What is happening? Global warming is a threat to carefully balanced ecosystem, not only in Scotland, but all over the world. Species have adapted to certain climatic conditions, which are now changing. As summer temperatures slowly increase and winters become drier, plants and animals may either move north to cooler areas, or die out . With the increase in temperature, species that pupate or hibernate may emerge early to find that the plants that they feed on have not changed their own calendars. The result will be that animals find it more difficult, or even impossible, to find food. One example of this was in 1989. The early emergences of Edith’s checkerspot butterflies in California caused the death of the entire local butterfly population. The butterflies must have hatched early from their pupae because the flowers they needed had not yet begun to bloom, the butterflies starved. Losing an entire population like this may have had several consequences. For one thing, birds and other creatures must have looked for butterflies to eat, but never found them. Doesn’t this remind you of the chain of events set off in Scotland’s sea?

  • 日本語訳をお願いします

    (1) Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species-man-acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world. (2) In this now universal contamination of the environment, chemicals are the sinister and little-recognized partners of radiation in changing the very nature of the world - the very nature of its life. (3) Similarly, chemicals sprayed on croplands or forests or gardens lie long in soil, entering into living organisms, passing from one to another in a chain of poisoning and death.  ______  英語が苦手で,,,一応自分でも訳してはいるのですがグチャグチャになってしまいます(泣)  よろしくお願いします。

  • populationsの訳について。

    いつも学術論文ばっかり読んでいるので、専門以外の英文を読もうと英語の本を買いました。ですが、イントロ部分で、すでにつまずいてしまいました。 What is not always clear is whether this is "spin" is in terms of individual health or directed towards the health of populations. populationの訳と、またシビレルような全体文の訳ができましたら、回答を宜しくお願いします。 ちなみに本のタイトルは、The functional foods revolution.です

  • a generation later 訳

    The virus or bacteria would then die out completely, only to be followed by a new infection of the population half a generation or a generation later, with equally high mortality rates. 同様に高い致死率を伴って、ある世代の半分の人口が新しく感染することによってのみ、ウィルスやバクテリアが完全に死滅する。 よく文意がわかりません。 A generation later, 後の世代で良いのでしょうか。

  • 英語の訳を教えてください。

    大学の授業で Scientific Americanの訳をしているのですが どのように訳したら良いか 悩んでいる部分があり、 質問させていただきます。 タイトル:Boring Beetles サブタイトル:Wormholes in art trace species through time 本文中で分からない文章 By matching the hole dimensions to the time and locations in which these prints were fashioned, the scientist, Blair Hedges, has been able to paint an historic record of woodboring beetles distribution across Europe patterns that had previously been unknown. After these wormlike larvae transform into adult beetles, they burrow out of the wood, creating the holes that have textured so many woodblock prints. Hedge’s print-based method could help examine wood-boring species’ distribution and historical ranges throughout the world, thus indicating changes in local population and arrival times of invasive species. 意訳は見つけることができ、 なんとなく意味は分かるのですが 直訳に近い形で訳した時に どのようになるのかを知りたくて質問しました。 回答お願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    'It's natural for species to become extinct over millions of years,' says Dr.Lovejoy.'What's unnatural is that humans are speeding up the process many times over.' People are doing this in four main ways: destroying wildlife habitats, overhunting, introducing new species that endanger native wildlife, and polluting the environment. These activities affect all species in one way or another. 'All life is interconnected,' cautions Dr.Lovejoy.Is there time to prevent disaster? Just barely, say scientists.Worldwide action will be difficult and costly.But scientists agree that action must be taken - quickly. The clock is ticking…

  • 訳で・・・

    地球温暖化についての文なんですが、 when a substance is damaging to the environment, the usual response is to control either discharge or spread of the substance. の2行目のis to は、可能、義務、予定、運命、意図、目的のどれで訳せばいいのでしょうか?あと、全体的な訳もお願いします。

  • これらの英文の訳をお願いします。

    1. Each country must accept the responsibility for the well-being of its citizens and for the equal treatment of its minorities. 2. If you come across unfamiliar words, you should look them up in the dictionary. 3. In this area, seals are a protected species, but you will find their meat on the menu in local restaurant. 4. Due to the failure of the communication system, none of us was able to broadcast the fast pictures of the disaster. 5. Continuing to release greenhouse gases at current rates would yield much more severe consequences during this century than that we saw in the previous one.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Huge number of unknown plants and animalsare also in danger.The earth, according to various estimates, supports between 5 million and 80 million species. Of these, scientists have found and named only about 1.5 million. 'Species,' says Dr.Lovejoy, 'are disappearing before we have a chance to learn how they might benefit the rest of the planet.' Thousands of kind of tropical plants could help feed a growing world population. About four out of every ten prescription medicines come from ingredients found in plants. Some animals also provide medicines.

  • 訳と説明をお願いします

    ◆ゲームについての話 (1)Online gaming shows us that one of the first things we will do with any new technology is learn how to play games with it. Online gamingがshowsするのはthat以下の内容だということはわかるのですが、that以下の内容がイマイチわかりません。 ◇以下は結婚式の話です (2)Is it at Disneyland with you dressed as Mickey Mouse? ミッキーの格好してるってことでしょうか?コスプレ…? (3)In the United States, it has become fashionable for bride and groom to write personal vows to each other, either in place of, or in addition to, the usual religious vows. either in place ofの意味と、どこに係るのかがわかりません。in addition toはthe usual religious vowsに加えて、ということでしょうか。 (4)Personal vows give people the chance to express their feelings of love-in their own words- to the person they will be spending their lives with. -はたぶんダッシュだと思います。 それぞれの訳と、疑問点にお答えいただければ幸いです。よろしくお願いします。